The Queen And The Freak

C28 Chapter 28 - Marvy

C28 Chapter 28 - Marvy

0*Blair’s Point of View*    




Thank goodness! I have escaped from that place.    


Whew! I almost ended up double dead. But no, I guess she will never kill me. Not yet. Though she really looks so funny with her expression, she's like... pffft... no, I don't want to laugh again.    


I am currently here at the rooftop just to kill time after running away from the classroom with the raging Pryce. I might as well skip my morning classes. I'll just attend my afternoon classes later. And maybe her madness will fade a bit.    


I'm just thinking about our dinner later. What clothes should I wear? Should I wear a formal dress? Casual? Sunday's? Business attire? Or just simple clothes?    


Hmmm, well, I just knew one thing. I should wear clothes.    


I think I will just spend my time sleeping, so I could erase her from my mind temporarily, and to stop this nervousness I'm feeling about this dinner. I'm just... Well, it's my first time to be on a date (well, it's just dinner with her friend). Who thought that it's a date? Well, obviously, me. Fudge, I should really socialize to be aware of everything about the world.    


Well, honestly, I love this kind of life. It's fantastic and so real. And meeting Pryce Winsley made it so much greater. She's a girl that can make me smile even if I'm just thinking about her. And she makes me joyous whenever I see her, talk to her, and get near her. Though at first, I hated her but just a little.    


And right now, I still don't have a clue what my feelings are for her, and I don't know what she feels for me. Because the only thing that goes in my mind is that I'm a freak, an outcast of the world, a trouble maker, and a criminal. Mhmm.    


I have nothing to be proud of. I don't have my real parents to tell me that they care for me, to say to me that I should do good things, and parents that will be proud of my existence. I guess I'm not as lucky as most of the teenagers out there. But I'm fortunate enough that I have Marge and the old couple I lived with when I was alone.    


Well, enough of the drama. I'll just sleep, and later, I'll go down to the canteen to buy something to eat for lunch.    






Damn, if I was in my vampire form, it could have broken my eardrums.    


Well, I guess no more Pryce, I mean, no more classes this afternoon. So, I'm free to prepare for tonight's date.    


As I was about to turn right to go to my locker, suddenly, I felt something cold touch my skin.    




"Fudge it, Dumbo!" I exclaimed as the cold drink splashed on me, on my chest.    


"Now, my clothes turned red," I muttered a little calmly and tried not to be pissed off.    


My white shirt is now red. Then I sharply looked at the culprit.    


She's pale, terrified, and shaking. She wears glasses and has curly shoulder-length hair, but she doesn't look bad at all, though she looked familiar.    


And I raised an eyebrow at her.    


"I... ah... um, am… I'm so so sorry, Blair, it's just, it's, I..." She stammered, and I just listened. Can't she talk straight? And why does everybody know my name again?    


"Come back here, Jennings!!!" Someone shouted behind her.    


"Sheezzz..." The culprit let out while looking so worried and uneasy.    


"Here you are, and you're gonna pay for what you have done to me." The girl that has been shouting turned out to be Andrea, and she has been chasing this girl.    


I wonder what she has done to Drea. This blonde told me that she could be mean and a bully to a lot of students here. But she said that it's just to keep a strong appearance to everybody because the real Andrea Montgomery is lonely. She has fake friends, neglectful parents, but she is loving and being loved by her schoolmate slash enemy and the school's head cheerleader, Leanne Jordan.    


"Hi, Blair! And, oh, what happened to you?" She greeted me and asked.    


The culprit seemed to be double nervous now.    


"Well, I just received a cold drink treatment." I shrugged and looked at the girl.    


"Oh! Hahahaha! Don't worry, Blair, you look great with red." Drea laughed at me, and I just laughed as well.    


"Yeah! She bumped into me." I said, and then it's Drea's turn to look at the girl.    


"You! Jennings!" Drea pointed to the girl.    


"No, it was… she was chasing me, and with that, I... ah have bumped into you, Blair. I'm so sorry." The girl reasoned out and pointed to Drea.    


"So, you are saying that it's my freaking fault, huh?" Drea argued and emphasized herself.    


"No, but you are running after me, so that makes---" The girl retorted but was cut off by the mad closeted lesbian.    


"What? Is it my fault?" Drea asked.    


"Um, maybe?" The curly-haired girl answered but unsurely.    


"Oh, is that so? Because the last time I remembered is that you stepped on my foot, and you just ran away without apologizing." Drea said.    


"But you are about to make---" replied the girl, but I cut them off because students are about to gather around us. "Will both of you stop?" I halted them.    


Well, being the victim here, I need to do something about these two girls. And thankfully, they stopped arguing.    


"As it was the two of you who ruined my clothes, you are going to pay for this. But not with money." I spoke, and I have to think of a good plan since we don't have class.    


"No, it's only her, Blair," Drea let out and pointed to the girl.    


"No, it's you, Andrea." The girl countered.    


"It's you," Drea said.    


"No, you." The girl retorted, and I just sighed in frustration.    


"You!" Drea insisted. And I'm so tired of this bullsh*t.    


"Enough! Both of you, come with me." I asserted with authority, even though I don't have one.    


I began walking to where my locker is to change into my P.E shirt because I'm soaking wet. And the two are just following behind me.    


"What the hell, Blair?" Drea exclaimed as she turned her back from me and also the girl.    



"What is it?" I asked her.    


And as I looked at my surroundings, the students stopped in their tracks and stared at me with wide eyes.    


"You're freaking stripping," Drea told me.    


Then it came to my mind that I'm changing into my P.E. shirt in front of my locker… in the hallway.    


And I just laughed.    


"Well, you can look, but you can't touch, people."    


Then I slipped inside my shirt.    


"What did you just do?" Drea asked me in disbelief.    


"What's wrong with changing clothes?" I replied and locked my locker door.    


"You just changed clothes in front of everybody." The girl butted in.    


"Well, both of you turned around your backs. So... that doesn't make everybody." I reasoned out, and that's true. There were also some that didn't look my way.    


"You should've changed at the restroom or in the changing room at the gym," Drea suggested, but it's too late.    


"And how far are those places from here? Probably, thirty meters from the ladies' room and a hundred meters from the changing room at the gym. And it's so fudging cold… and sticky." I defended myself. Yep, it's so far, and I'm hungry.    


"Then that was quite a show," Drea uttered, and the girl just shrugged her shoulders.    


"Where are we going anyway, Blair?" The girl curiously asked me as they followed behind.    


"Parking lot and to the mall," I told them, and they looked at me in skepticism.    


"What? I have to buy something, and I don't know how to choose proper clothes. I just need your little help, and that will serve as your payment for ruining my shirt." I explained to them with a wide smile.    


"Okay, that's fine with me, because I have nowhere to go yet." Drea replied, and the girl just nodded her head.    


"Umm, hey, can I know your name?" I finally asked the girl. And Drea looked at the girl, too, as we were here at the parking lot.    


"Oh, yeah... I'm sorry for not introducing myself. My name's Marvy Jennings." Marvy said.    


Wait, that name is familiar as well as her face.    


I nodded my head in response, and she noticed that I'm making a hazy face.    


"My twin brother is Marcus Jennings, the reason that you made Jake Brandon suspended for a week." She continued, and I have remembered now.    


"Ah, yes! You are the one that took pictures of me?" I asked her. Yeah, those three pictures in a box that Marcus gave me last Wednesday.    


"What pictures?" She asked me.    


"Um, you're the school's photographer, aren't you?" I asked, and she nodded her head.    


"Well, yes. But what pictures are you talking about?" She asked me again.    


"The one that your twin brother gave me last Wednesday. There are three of them." I told her.    


"That egghead boy… He stole it from my school files. He should pay for it... And, oh, I'm so sorry that I took pictures of you without your consent." She blurted out and apologized.    


"That's fine. I guess it is what you do. But don't worry, I like it. It's good." I noted, and she smiled.    


"Thanks!" She replied and let out a bright smile.    


"Oh, damn! I forgot that I didn't drive my baby today," I uttered as I remembered that I had just teleported this morning from Marge's house because I was late.    


"We can't use my car because it can only fit two people. The driver and a passenger." Drea said and looked at Marvy.    


"Fine. We can use my car." Marvy spoke, and her car is just as cool as Drea's. Hmmm, rich kids.    


Then we drove to the mall to go shopping for clothes.    


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