The Queen And The Freak

C89 Chapter 89 - Blair: The Killer

C89 Chapter 89 - Blair: The Killer

0*Blair Claudette Cavanaugh's POV*    




"Aw, how romantic! No, please, don't stop! Just continue! Don't worry. We won't mind it!"    


Hearing the taunting voices of some of the vampires and werewolves who surround us, I gritted my teeth as they seem to like looking for some trouble. But I can only give them lessons that they need to learn for being disrespectful and simply being annoying.    


"What do you want from us?" Pryce asked them sternly while she stood beside me, and I noticed that some of them were behind us. There are about seven of them here— three vampires, and the rest are werewolves. Are they some sort of a clique?    


"Nothing much. Just want to witness something amazing and get---" answered a smirking topless guy that seemed to be fresh from his wolf form, and I didn't let him finish as I asked, "Who the hell are you?"    


"You didn't just cut me off, Miss. Please tell me you didn't." He replied, sounding a bit pissed off, and I looked at each of his pals. They are all boys. Children compared to my actual age.    


"Well, if you ain't dumb, you know it. Now, why don't you all just go and leave us alone if you don't have any plans on telling who you all are and what you want from us?" I answered, which made some of them snicker, and he seemed offended and about to counter. Then I felt my mate hold my right hand, and she whispered, "Let's just go."    


"You don't know who you are talking to and what you put yourselves in, ladies. And now that you have stepped in our territory, you can't leave without---" He warned with a tone that sounds like he wants us to fear him. And as a good bad girl just as I am, I cut him off again as I replied, "Oh, yes, we don't know you and any member of your boy band, and I guess you all don't know us either. Now, why not let us just pretend that we have not met in this PUBLIC cemetery and move on with life? Life could be short, you know?"    


I emphasized the place where we are, and another one of them spoke. He's a vampire. "Who the fuck do you think you are to talk like that? You must be new here and haven't been familiar with who these people are before you. And for your little knowledge, we are the Feared Seven. Everyone around Transylvania fears us even just hearing the name, and that means both supernatural beings and humans. And you should be, too."    


I felt my mate nudged my side as I was about to let out a laugh that I have been holding for a little while, and I think I should just laugh at it later. But seriously, though, I am trying my best not to insult anyone or show savagery. I just want them to leave us the fudge alone. I still have a lot of things to tell my girl about my grave that has been here for more than two hundred years, and these kids here ruined our intimate and emotional moments. I hate them so damn much!    


I tried to think of something good to say, and I thankfully found a few. "Okay. It's nice to meet you all then. Well, here, umm... We are actually just visitors here in this area, and if you are planning on recruiting new vampy peeps for your squad, we certainly are sorry, but we aren't interested. Because we got a lot of things to do, been through a lot with life since last week, and the world is changing a bit quick, and we need to adjust quicker, and---"    


"You talk too much! And who do you think you are---" A vampire behind us snarled and moved with his superspeed. He was about to hold Pryce's neck, but my reflexes are quicker than the speed of light, and I just thought of making him motionless.    


"An inch closer from my girlfriend's skin, and you will find seven of your teeth inside your pockets," I warned in a bit of anger, and I turned to look him in the eyes. And quickly, the fear went visible in the look on his face as he can't move a muscle and even breathe.    


The rest of them were about to attack us, but there are things under the ground where they stood that started to move which made them wonder. Skeleton hands began showing and held some of the legs near them. Some of the ridiculous kids screeched in panic and have shifted in their wolf forms to fight the skeletons that have just come out of their graves. It's a spell I learned from my cousin way back then, which is giving life to things and follow my commands.    


When I noticed the breathless unmoved vampire that was about to rudely hold my bewildered mate earlier, I made him slowly levitate until he was far enough from us, and I undid the paralysis spell on him.    


"What is happening, Blair? Are you the one doing this?" Pryce asked me, feeling so amazed watching the Feared Seven fighting my army of skeletons that keeps going back to their form once defeated. Now, that is what we call Afraid Seven.    


I just winked at my mate in response, while my smile can't be erased from my face, not until I saw one of the vampires about to learn his lesson. He is about to shoot us with a crossbow, but I don't think he knows how witchcraft works. I don't even know if they know that I am one hella witch, too, not just a vampire. The courageous vampire aimed his weapon at us, but my silly mind never runs out of something foolish to think of. I thought of a make-believe spell, and it immediately made his deadly weapon into a cute pink umbrella. That sure looks good on him.    


"She is a witch!" Someone yelled while trying to break a poor skull, yet another army skeleton gripped both his ears and made him growl and has turned into a way bigger form— it's his beast wolf form. Nice. They are furious.    


"Blair, let's just go now. Come on. Leave the lads alone." Pryce muttered and held my right shoulder, and I am always obedient when it comes to her requests— a bit.    


"Alright. Listen, you guys! You should have just left us alone when we told you. We are sorry if you have to fight those adorable bony friends of ours. I just want you to learn a lesson from this. Never treat outsiders rudely, and never ever look down on other beings. Cut the shit out in scaring anyone else. You wouldn't want to meet The Killer that executes nasty monsters all around Romania, aren't you?" I agreed with my girl and announced to everyone around that is busy shaking off the skeletons that held them down to the ground. It's seven versus seventy, by the way.    


We turned our heads to the vampire who spoke, "The Killer was just a tale used to scare people. It isn't real at all."    


It made my eyebrows meet in disagreement, and about to correct him, but I had thought that it is better that they knew about my other identity just like that—a tale. Honestly, I have never been so glad to hear about it.    


"Okay. But still, remember what I told you. Why? Because there are things that you need to witness first before you would believe that it is real. Don't go far enough to get there, alright?" I told them a piece of advice before I undo my spell to make the skeletons go back where they came from.    


When they were finally free, I saw one was about to attack us again, but this time my mate held my hand.    


I looked around us and found that we are back at the park, where we had been earlier when we arrived. Thankfully, no one is around to see us.    


"Crazy kids," I mumbled, and Pryce just went to look at me with an eyebrow raised while her arms crossed on her chest. Oh, this is her signature bitch-mode-on pose. And, truly, it's a bit alarming.    


"What? I didn't hurt anyone, did I? They are about to harass us... You. And I can't let that happen even if you could just easily kick their asses." I reasoned out and defended myself, and she just let out a breath.    


"I know, Blair. And thank you for that. I was just... I almost freaked out in fright when something near my feet came out of the ground. That was insanely good, by the way. You are such a freak as always." She replied and now wearing a bright smile, and I let out a hysterical laugh. Damn, I can finally laugh at it!    


I may be so bad for doing it, but it's on a different level. And I am not sorry about it.    


When we have composed ourselves from our laughter... my laughter, I mean, we went to sit down on the bench near us. We need to plan what we should do and where we should go next.    


"Do you want to check the abandoned mine now, Cupcake? Let's try to see if we can still get lots of diamonds and gems there, so we can return home to get the tools and containers that we need." I asked her, and she nodded her head in reply, "Yeah, sure! And that we could also have more time exploring this amazing place of yours. I'm just so excited to visit your father's castle."    


When she reminded me of the adventures that we are about to take on in visiting here, I also felt her excitement. I am excited, too, because I have never been to the vampires' castle but once in my life. I never returned there for the reason that is hard to explain at that time. Also, I bet Dad would be surprised, but maybe he's at Mom's.    


Then we finally teleported to the place in the woods, which I clearly remember is the spot where I buried the evidence that there was a cave mine present here before. We could just simply teleport again down to where there is an air pocket way down deeper than the bedrock of the earth's crust that the miners can never reach.    


When I felt Pryce hold my left arm, I looked at her and saw that she was looking around us anxiously.    


"Are you sensing what I feel, Blair?" She asked me curiously, and I nodded my head and said, "Yeah. Werewolves. A lot of them."    


She turned to look at me while worry was clearly written on her face. She can feel them like I do. Well, some of these creatures have strong auras, and it must be a pack of them.    


"Does it mean bad? Trouble?" My anxious mate asked me, and I took a deep breath.    


"It depends," I answered unsurely, and I do feel worried about it, too.    


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