The Queen And The Freak

C49 Chapter 49 - Future

C49 Chapter 49 - Future

0*Blair’s Point of View*    




"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE'S GOING TO DIE!" I yelled as I heard what the witches' seer had said.    


She predicted that Pryce would be killed by the werewolves' leader, Damien. And I don't want to accept that. I would never.    


We went here to know why the werewolves wanted to kill Pryce and what they wanted from her. And this is what greeted me.    


My fangs grew on their own, even though I didn't wish to be a vampire while my hands fired up, and it slowly ran to my arms and then throughout my whole body.    


I looked at the seer, and she seemed like she saw a ghost. She's scared. No, she was terrified.    


"Claude, calm down! I'm sure there's something we can do about it." My mom uttered to calm me down and tried to touch me, but her hands got burned. And she just healed it instantly.    


"Cassandra!" She called out to my cousin, who is outside the seer's house.    


And I stared at myself, and everything was on fire. My breathing is really fast, and I keep on trying to stop it, but I don't know how to. I can't control it, even if I try to wish to be a human.    


"Holy goat! Blairie! You're all on fire!!" Sander yelled in surprise and panicked.    


"I know! I can see it! Do something, Sander! Fudge it!" I told her and cursed. If this doesn't stop, sooner or later, this small house will burn.    


Then someone splashed a bucket of water on me. And it was the seer.    


The fire was slowed down, but it wasn't really killed. I closed my eyes and tried to feel something, but there's nothing until something cold surrounded my whole body.    


I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't. What's this? Is this ice?    


"Alright, I guess it stopped already." I heard my cousin uttering while panting.    


Can she make the water into ice? Wow, well, she's doing better in her training.    


"She probably can't breathe, Cassandra." Mom said worriedly.    


"Yeah, right, Auntie. But I don't know how to unfreeze it. Damn, Blairie? Can you hear me? Did I kill her? No, no, no! Geez! Blair! Talk to me! Are you okay?" Sander let out and called me. Fudge, I thought she's doing great.    


And since I am a vampire now, I might as well use my super strength to break this ice. It's kinda thick, you know, and it's cold.    


The ice broke into pieces, and as I looked at my family, they were ready to freeze me again.    


I looked at myself, and my clothes were partially burned while pieces of ice were scattered on the floor.    


Then I felt something warm.    


It was my mom and Sander. They hugged me.    


"Are you alright, Claude?" Mom asked with full of concern in her voice.    


"Sorry, Blairie. But I have to do it." My cousin apologized, and I nodded my head.    


"I'm fine, and thank you," I uttered coldly.    


"You cannot control your power. You hold too much of it. I have seen this." The seer spoke behind me like she's trembling.    


"It just came out earlier. And..." I cannot continue what I want to say, as I remembered Pryce's future. No, she shouldn't die. It can't be!    


"You hold too much, and it could cause you to hurt people you love." She said, and that made me confused and worried at the same time.    


"What do you mean I could hurt people I love?" I asked her curiously. Yes, I have killed a lot, but I can't hurt people, especially those I love.    


"I should not tell you the rest of it. You can now go, Your Highnesses." She told us and motioned us to go out of her house.    




"Mom, I don't understand! Why would the werewolves kill Pryce? Like she's just a human. She has nothing to do with the wolves." I complained as we arrived at the palace.    


I teleported them and Sander's over the balcony puking like fudge. I already held her head, but it's not working on her at all.    


"Maybe there's something that we haven't known about Pryce yet." The queen stated while in deep thoughts.    


"I don't know, but I can't sense anything from her. She's plainly human." I replied, and that's true. She's not a werewolf or something supernatural.    


"Yeah, me too, Auntie. She is just a human." My cousin joined in our conversation while wiping her lips with her scarf. Eww!    


"You can sense too, Sander?" I asked her in disbelief because she didn't even sense that time we first met that I was a part vampire, she kept on saying that I'm a witch.    


"Yes, of course." She answered defensively.    


"Then why didn't you know that I was a vamp back then?" I asked her, curiously. Well, I just have to make sure.    


"Well, I just pretended to be oblivious. But I knew you were a hybrid." She proudly answered.    


"Okay. But, Mom, is there any possibility that we could change the future?" I asked the queen, who is still in deep thoughts.    


I will really lose myself if ever something bad happens to Pryce.    


I turned my gaze to my cousin, and she went quiet, and I know she will also be affected. They have been best friends forever.    


Then something came to me. The moment if I will lose Pryce, I will also lose full control. And that may be the reason I could hurt the people I love.    


"I still don't know, Claude. Because the future is the future. And I never heard of something that didn't come true. The seer had already predicted a lot of events in the past centuries, and it all happened." My mom answered, frustrated. She also has known Pryce because of Sander. And she knew how special she was to me.    


"Claude!! Blairie!!" The last thing I heard from them as I teleported back to the seer's house.    


"Just as I predicted." She muttered while her back was facing me.    


"When will it happen?" I asked, but I am afraid to know the answer. Can I accept it? I know I can't, but I need to know so that I can prepare.    


"You already knew too much, Your Highness." She replied, and I formed my hands into fists to control my madness.    



"I need to know!" I said angrily, and I gritted my teeth. I need to control my emotions, or else I could burn this place totally this time.    


"Please, I need to know," I begged her and a bit calmer now.    


"You're just adding the possibility of it to happen, Princess." She asserted and turned to look at me.    


"But..." I attempted to speak, but she cut me off.    


"You can now leave." She ended, and I took a deep breath before teleported somewhere that I didn't think of—Pryce's balcony.    


It's almost morning, and I am still wide awake.    


I sighed and looked at the sky to see that the sun is about to rise since the sky is slightly pink and orange.    


Then I teleported near her bed, where she sleeps soundly. Her heartbeat is steady, and her breathing is normal.    


I wish I could change that future. I will give everything, and I will do everything to stop it.    


And I suddenly felt my chest tightened, and I heard something drop on the floor that came from my eyes.    


Tears? I'm shedding tears.    


I thought vampires are heartless and cold, and they can't feel anything? I was wrong. But that's what I thought before I met this BITCH. Yes, she's Beautiful, Intelligent, Talented, Clumsy, and Hot. She's my everything. And she's even the reason I found my mom. Cassandra's her best friend, who turned out to be my annoying and yet concerned cousin.    


I wiped my tears away and smiled lightly.    


"You know what? You made me into someone who I didn't expect me to be." I whispered and leaned in to kiss her lips.    


As I parted the kiss, I looked at her. And her eyes slowly opened, which made me startled.    


Then I immediately turned into a human so that she wouldn't notice my red eyes and skin.    


"Oh, my Cinderella! You're awake. I mean, Snow White." I stammered since she caught me this time, and it's already morning.    


"You mean... Sleeping Beauty?" She asked me with a husky morning voice, and a smile slowly crept on her pretty face.    


Why is she not surprised or something? Maybe she still thinks that she's dreaming. Yeah, good point.    


Now, let me put you back to sleep and wake up again by the time I leave your room.    


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