The Queen And The Freak

C50 Chapter 50 - Successfully Failed

C50 Chapter 50 - Successfully Failed

0*Pryce’s Point of View*    




"Answer the damn phone, Cassie!" I cursed out as I dialed her number again. I need someone to talk to right now.    


I have just woken up from this very weird nightmare, and it really felt so f*cking real. That yesterday, I was kidnapped, and they wanted to kill me. Then someone came to rescue me and killed all those bad people and burned the place. And the last thing I remembered was Blair kissing me. Well, that's another story, but she did. Like, it's your sweet dreams always, Pryce. Shut it, brain, because this time, it seems so real.    


My worries went away as I remembered that Blair loves me. Yes, she really said that. No, I heard it.    


I redialed Cassandra's number, and still, no one answered. I will just leave her a voice message.    


"Hey, Cassie, never mind. I'll just call you some other time." I spoke to the phone and then threw it on my bed.    


I just woke up, and why am I feeling so great? Like, I'm so alive. Well, maybe because of your kissing dream again with Blair. Nope, not at all. Deny if you can, Pryce. Just shut it, brain, okay? Fine.    


I better prepare for school now so that I'd be early and will be seeing her again. Well, maybe we could finally say something about ourselves today. I am ready to talk to her. Or maybe… we could step up into something… closer. We will skip the 'being friends' part. Damn, I am so excited to see her, and maybe I could finally kiss her. Mhmm. I am mad no more and afraid no more. She will be mine in no time. That's for sure.    


I stepped inside the bathroom, and then the shock came over me as I looked at myself in the mirror and saw that I'm still wearing the clothes that I wore yesterday.    


What actually happened last night?    


Confusion rushed to my system since I don't really remember anything that happened.    


Maybe I was exhausted last night, and I didn't even change my clothes. But I always sleep in my underwear. Now, that's weird.    


No, I shouldn't overthink about what happened yesterday and focus on today. Yes, focus on Blair in talking to her, and ask her something I have been dying to ask her. Yes. I know she will say yes.    




"Good morning, Mrs. Baker!" I greeted my cook as she served our breakfast while I sat with some of my housemates in the dining hall.    


I always eat together with them. Well, I don't really want to treat them like servants. They're like family to me because they have been serving our family since I was so young. But I still prefer to live alone. It's just that Dad forced me to have company in this big house so that there'll be someone that can make sure that I'm safe.    


"Good morning, little one! Hey, everyone, breakfast is served!" She greeted back and called the others in the house.    


Now, I just remembered, I went home last night a little late, and I ate dinner so late, and I slept in my clothes. Though it never happened before, which is so damn weird.    


After breakfast, I finally drove to school, and what's even weird is that I saw my Tuesday car is parked at the wrong spot in my underground parking space.    


Well, I need to stop thinking about yesterday and focus on today.    


I have arrived at school, and it's still so early. I might as well go to my favorite place—the rooftop. And maybe Cassie will pick up the phone this time.    






*Blair’s Point of View*    




Fudge it! How could I forget to change her clothes? But I wouldn't do it even if I remembered. Well, yeah, no.    


Wait, her car is still at the school. Damn!    


Then I quickly teleported to the academy's parking space inside Pryce's car. And as I sensed that no one's around, I teleported back to her mansion together with her car. Well, the car made it in her parking space under the ground.    


But damn! Her place is so cool. And what's even cooler? She got a whole collection of cool cars in different colors. I told you, she changes cars every day. It's just so wow.    


As I can hear her in her bathroom, I made a spell for the people inside her mansion to remember that she went home yesterday just fine, and made her remember that she got home late, ate dinner late, and forgot to change clothes or strip last night.    


What strip am I even thinking? Well, she sleeps with her underwear only, always every night. Yeah, that's right. But I never got the intention to do something crazy, okay?    


Now, I can go home peacefully and prepare myself for school.    


"Mom, Sander! What are you doing here?" I asked them as I saw them sitting on my bed. They're waiting for me to get home.    


And I sighed deeply as I remembered about it.    


"Claude, Honey. I'm so sorry..." Mom began, but I cut her off.    


"Mom, let's forget it for now. Please." I begged with sadness in my voice.    


She nodded and went quiet. Then I turned to look at my cousin, and she seemed like she'd been crying her eyes out.    


I sat next to them, and they hugged me.    


I held my cousin's hand tighter and kissed her head. She's just so soft right now, knowing what will happen in the near future.    


She parted and looked me straight in the eyes.    


"Blair, what should we do?" She asked worriedly while wiping her tears away.    


I just sighed and turned back into my human form.    


"I need to figure some things out. I need to keep an eye on her for now. And I will make her safe." I replied, and they nodded, trying not to get into it again.    


"I need to prepare for school," I let out, and they both stood up from my bed.    


I hugged my mom, and she kissed my forehead.    


"I know how hard it is to lose someone you love. But we'll do everything we can, Claude." She whispered, and then I saw a tear escaping from her left eye. I just nodded my head lightly and didn't say a word.    


"Take care of yourself too, Blairie." My cousin said and turned to leave my room.    


"Claude, tell us if you need anything. Okay?" My mom added, and concern is written on her face.    


I smiled at her in response, and then she left my room.    





I did everything in a flash after they had left, then I headed out for school.    


And as I arrived at the parking space, I parked my bike near Pryce's car.    


I turned into a vampire for a moment just to check if anything unusual was happening within the academy's premises. And everything seemed normal.    


"Hey, Blair! So, how did it go yesterday?" Lee and Drea greeted me as I put my things in my locker.    


Drea's got a big smile, and her girlfriend's like crossing her fingers. I guess there's something wrong with these people.    


"Uh, well... Everything is fine. But… I uh... you know." I replied, and how am I gonna tell them that I failed to ask her out? I just knew that they would laugh their heads up.    


"Oh... it's okay, Blair. You know life is not always fair, but as long as there's life, there's always hope. Just try again, and this time make sure of it because you've got a bigger chance. I believe in you." Drea said like an actual counselor, but with a big grin on her face while Leanne got a look as she loses on some game.    


Are these people betting on me? I need to know who wins because I guess Lee lost this time. And where the fudge is Marve?    


"Yeah, maybe you can try again tomorrow, Blair," Lee uttered, and Drea elbowed her girlfriend on her side.    


"Alright, maybe she'll say yes next time I---" I didn't finish talking when Marve joined in the conversation behind me.    


"Huh? She said 'no', Blair? Damnit, you should've added sweet words if you will ask a girl out on a date. Like, making it romantic and cheesy and full of love, and---" The girls shut her up by raising a hand near her face.    


Haha, said a person who never got into a relationship with anybody her whole life, too.    


"Shhh! Blair hasn't asked her yet, Marve." Drea spoke with a big smile, and both of them looked at Lee. Hmmm. These girls...    


"She hasn't asked her out?" Marve asked and laughed.    


Alright, thanks for the nice words and the support. Then Marvy stopped laughing when she noticed that no one was laughing with her.    


"Well, anyway, you should come with me later to the shop so that we'll choose what kind of clothing you will wear. If it is a dress, a tux, or just your usual clothes." She uttered to change the topic.    


"Alright, but it should be just quick," I replied while locking up my locker door.    


I should go and check out if Pryce is already in the classroom.    




"Umm, Miss President, hi! Did Pryce already get in here?" I asked Abigail, the president of the student council.    


It's just that Pryce is not here yet. She's supposed to be in here during this time. The class is about to start.    


"Nope, she hasn't, Blair." She answered, and I stormed out of the room.    


I need to know where she is. So, I turned into a vampire to find her aura, and there she is on the rooftop.    


And I finally rushed to the stairs leading to the rooftop and went to find that the door was open.    


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