The Queen And The Freak

C46 Chapter 46 - The Punisher

C46 Chapter 46 - The Punisher

0*Blair’s Point of View*    




"Clean the ladies' restroom for one week. Every. After. Class."    


My eyes widened in complete shock when she said it right in my face.    


Alright, that's only my punishment for being a good student. Yes, I am good. Good enough to be sent here in the Principal's Office, for I don't know how many times already. Twice? Or nine times? I guess the latter.    


"But---" I tried to protest, but she cut me off immediately.    


"No buts, and you are going to start... Now." The queen asserted, and with that, my eyeballs jumped out of my eye sockets.    


The principal is just watching and listening to our conversation, amusingly. Fudge this!    


"Isn't it so unfair that I just saved some girl's face and broke some boy's nose instead? He tried to hurt the girl." I insisted, hopeless as heck, but I still did something that is against the academy's policies.    


"It's not just that case. You have been here for doing something against the rule for ten times already. And what's in the student handbook says about that?" She stated and asked me about the fudging policies that we have to follow that I already forgot.    


I let out a deep sigh and "Well, uh..." I am trying to remember that thing, but I can't retrieve it. I must have deleted it from my long-term memory storage.    


"That's right—suspension or school service. And I choose... School service for you as your punishment." Pryce declared.    


And now, she's treating me like a real b*tch. Well, ever since, I guess.    


I opened my mouth and got nothing to say. That's all true. Alright, fine.    


But I tried to beg using my most powerful puppy dog face. Maybe she'll change her mind—even just a bit. Even just make it just two days or even less. Mhmm. Please?    


"So, start as you leave this office before you can go home. Make sure that it's clean and tidy," she spoke with a b*tch voice.    


And I sighed. It doesn't work. I should fix it.    


"Yes, Ma'am," I agreed while still hoping for some exemption. But I have nothing against the school policies and especially against her. She's the queen of the academy, of course. I will just abide.    


Then I stood up and walked to the door to start my task.    


Well, this is totally exciting, don't you think? Because I am very, very, very excited about all this. One week? Can I have more? Fudge!    


I walked my way to the girl's restroom, and as I expected. It is a damn restroom.    


Fudge this sh*t! Why do I have to do this? Answer your question, Blair.    




I keep on sighing and sighing because why does she have to do this to me? This is horrendous. She could have just chosen the suspension. That is totally and absolutely fine with me. Mhmm. Call me lazy, but you would prefer it, too, over a damn school service that is cleaning girls' sh*t for a whole damn week.    


I picked up the mop and some bleach at the corner of this petrifying place.    


How do I start with cleaning this fudging damn freaking room?    


And what my brilliant mind contributed? I have just thought of the most fantastic idea that I could think of.    


I am a freaking witch. Yeah, a witch. I could make these things work on their own. What a great idea, Blair. You're not that pea-brained after all.    


In the past weeks, I have learned many witch skills, spells, controlling things, and giving life to things like these cleaning tools. But, I still failed to find my gift. Maybe I don't have it. Then that would make me the weakest witch in history. Well, a lot of thanks to my ever-serious mentor, my dearest cousin, Cassandra. Yep, another pea-brained creature.    


As I am about to start my spell, I heard someone sobbing at the far end inside here.    


Wait a damn minute. Should I be scared? No way, I'm brave. A vampire slash witch is brave. Of course! A ghost can't scare me. Nothing can frighten me. Well, except her, and you know who I'm talking about.    


I am alone here, right? It's almost dark now, and what would a student do in here this time?    


"Uh, hello? Is anyone here?" I asked, but there's no response.    


Then I noticed that the farthest cubicle is closed, so I guess there's somebody in there. There should be somebody there or else... No, I won't run away. I will teleport.    


"I am about to lock the main door of the restroom! I suggest that you should go home already. It's getting late." I yelled just to make the person get out of the cubicle. But still, no response. Mhmm. I'll count to ten.    


I sighed and took out the keys to my bike and new house. Alright, just my keys from my pocket and shook them. And I hope this will scare the kid. Or whatever is in there.    


"Alright, I'm gonna lock the door now," I uttered as I slowly walked to the main door.    


Then the slamming of the cubicle door echoed inside the room and made my vampire consciousness almost jump out of my body.    


"Nobody locks a restroom, dumb b*tch!" The girl fumed, and I hugged the mop to my chest.    


Okay, I guess it's a student. Of course, I'm in school.    


"Well, I'm just trying to scare you so that you will come out," I replied, and as she heard me, she looked at me, and her eyes widened.    


I guess she’s shocked or surprised? Hey, I'm not a ghost or something.    


"Oh, um... Blair, it's you. What are you doing here?" She asked, and she seemed calmer now.    


And I got my eyebrows met because why does everybody know me, and I don't know everybody? Do they have superpowers too?    


I think she got the idea that I don't know who she is.    


"Oh, sorry. I'm Lauren Thomas from the ninth grade," she stated and offered me a hand to shake.    


"Okay. Umm, I'm Blair Cavanaugh. Nice to meet you." I introduced myself and shook her hand.    


She seemed shy or what? I don't know. It's just that her face is turning pink. Is she sick? Well, she just cried, so maybe she's sick.    


"Uh, what are you doing here? Is that your punishment?" She curiously asked as she looked at the mop in my hold.    


Wow, why do they know what I'm doing? I am starting to believe that they have superpowers too. But no, I'm not gonna ask her that.    


"Yeah, how about you? What are you doing here? It's getting late." I asked her while just trying to finish the conversation so that she would go, and I must start cleaning this fudging place.    



"You know what, Blair, you're the first one this school year that has reached the limit of the school policies about detention. It's a record, actually," she stated, and I just nodded my head slowly.    


Well, should I be proud of it? Maybe yes. I'm not that bad for no reason. I just sleep while the teacher is discussing someone, sometimes I skip classes, not making assignments, and punch stupid people, yeah. I'm not that bad.    


I didn't say anything, and she answered my question earlier.    


"And to answer your question. I was crying in there *points the cubicle* because I just broke up with my boyfriend. He cheated. I saw him making out with my b*tch classmate, and I thought I was in love with him but, I realized that maybe it's not true love yet. There will be time for it to come to me." She explained, and I am listening to her intently while trying to relate but can't.    


Then what she asked me made me realize that I am a human, too.    


"Have you ever been in love, Blair?" My jaw dropped to the floor with that question.    


"Uh, well. Um..." I don't know what to answer.    


I never expected that one to come. Am I?    


"Alright, can I ask you this question instead? Do you and that school photographer have a thing? Well, you're always together, and the couple, Leanne and Andrea." She asked, and again my eyes widened.    


"You mean... Marvy? *laughs out* *Then cleared my throat* Okay, sorry. Nope, that little girl is my friend, and she's straight, well, 90%, I guess." I answered her question.    


You just don't know. I got only one girl in my mind and my heart, and you know who. Do I love her? Mhmm.    


"Alright, just as I knew it. So, is it Miss Winsley?" She replied and asked again.    


Fudge it, can they read what is in my mind? Wow!    


"Uh, well. Umm... By the way, who's your ex-boyfriend?" I asked her instead of answering the question. Yeah, it's such a nice idea I got here.    


"Oh, so... It's her." She uttered instead of answering my question.    


Damn it! How can I escape from here? But I guess there's nowhere to run.    


I just sighed and nodded my head, yes. Okay, you got me.    


"Well, I can't lie about it," I confessed with a smile.    


And then she screamed, like, what the fudge? What's wrong with her? What happened?    


"Oh, my gosh! I knew it, I knew it, I knew it!" She raged, and she looked so happy. And how did she know it? I tell you, people, they have superpowers, too.    


I just stared at her amusingly. This kid is so... Something.    


"I'm so sorry. I'm just so happy because we've been shipping both of you since the beginning of class. It's just like, oh my gosh! Like seriously, finally! Miss Winsley found her match." She rattled and stopped when I looked at her weirdly. Like, who wouldn't?    


"Well, seriously, Blair. You both are so great together," she stated that made my face heated up. I don't know, is that what they called blushing?    




After ten years, the girl left. She must have noticed that I was in a hurry to finish my task of cleaning this fudging place.    


Damn it, should I stop saying 'fudge' too? I'm cursing a lot, you noticed?    


Then finally, I can perform my spell in making these cleaning tools work on their own. I touched them one by one and whispered to them to clean this place for me.    


Finally, I smiled at my work while sitting on the counter near the sink. This punishment is totally so damn easy as a piece of pie, or is it a cake? I don't know that quote. But both taste amazing.    


"Hey, Mop! Can you wash yourself after cleaning?" I told the mop who's busy mopping the floor. And it did not nod its head. It doesn't have one.    


I just like being a witch. Fudge, I could do so many things. I like being a vampire, too, since I can teleport and won't grow old. Well, vampires, werewolves, and witches grow old but very, very, very slowly, especially when we will turn eighteen. It's actually an incredibly fascinating thing about being supernatural.    


As I am enjoying watching the busy tools cleaning, the main door opened and revealed an angel without wings. Don't get me wrong. She's the girl of my dreams. The queen, who else?    


Fudge, she will see the tools!    


"STOP!!!!" I belted.    


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