The Queen And The Freak

C35 Chapter 35 - Party Is Fun

C35 Chapter 35 - Party Is Fun

0*Blair’s Point of View*    




Being cured while you're a human sucks so bad. It hurts like a fudging hell. But it left me no choice. I have to endure this. I can heal my wounds fast if I turn into a vampire, but in case they'll suspect me of being supernatural, I shouldn’t. They will surely freak out. So, I stayed as a human.    


After Sander and Pryce finally finished tormenting me, I am finally free. I went to the fridge and got some bottled water because I'm so freaking thirsty.    


I heard Pryce talked about not letting those jerks go to school on Monday without their parents since she is going to expel them. They should be.    


Then I glanced at Leanne and Andrea, who were sitting side by side and being interrogated by all the cheerleaders that were freaking out about their revelation of their secret relationship. They are so damn cute. I only hope the girls will accept them, though. Love is everything for a person, so for those who are homophobes, they better fudge off.    


I emptied the bottle and threw it in the trash bin.    


My hands are also plastered because of some cuts and bruises. But damn, my head got twelve stitches, and that surely hurts. I have felt every pull of the needle with a thread, while Leanne… uh, she got five stitches on her face, and it will surely last in there as long as she lives. Poor girl, but she'll look cool with it. A badass cheerleader. Damn!    


After a couple of explanations, finally, the cheerleaders already understood Leanne and Andrea's situation, and they forgive their captain for not telling them. I think the case is solved. The party should continue here in the kitchen.    


Then I just noticed that my clothes are still full of blood stains, and blood stinks when you're a human, but it smells and tastes like paradise when I'm a vampire.    


So, I removed my scarf and took off my T-shirt to get rid of it.    


Then I noticed that it went silent here in the kitchen. And as I looked around me, there's a lot of wide pairs of eyes staring at me.    


Now, I realized that I'm just in my black bra, and I still got my jeans, okay, and I am not planning on taking them off.    


"Not again, Blair. Twice this day, huh?" Drea let out and averted her gaze to the rest of the people here inside.    


"What? It stinks! I might throw up any second by now. " I reasoned out and felt a hand dragged me out of the kitchen. It's Pryce with her face in a deep shade of red.    


"What the heck, Blair? Don't you ever strip just like that," she yelled and still holding my right hand, and I think we are heading to the parking lot.    


"It stinks. You know that? And if I didn't take it off, I might have thrown up our amazing dinner earlier. Besides, we're all girls in there." I explained, and she seemed convinced.    


"Alright, wear this." She sighed and handed me a red T-shirt that she took out from her car compartment.    


"Oh! Thanks to you, Baby-blue, for always being a girl scout," I replied in gratefulness as I took the shirt from her, and I just noticed that she's been staring at my almost naked upper extremities.    


I cleared my throat and wiggled my eyebrows at her.    


"I am not enjoying the view, Freak. Get dressed already," she said, and hearing it, I broke out into a fit of laughter.    


I never said that she is enjoying the view. Fudge, this is killing me! Laughter can kill, you know that?    


"I don’t know about you, but you are indeed crazy… Ugh!" She groaned and left me there while slipping in the shirt and laughing hysterically. I can't believe this girl.    




We went back inside the mansion, and everything seemed fine. Sander is talking to some cheerleaders, and my two favorite gay friends are drinking flavored beer together with some cheerleaders also.    


Then Pryce smacked my arm when I came inside the kitchen looking for a fight, because I already have a red shirt, and it will not be stained by blood anymore. And some girls just laugh at us.    


Well, a party is fun. That’s for sure.    


The night went on until I felt sleepy and tired. I didn't drink too much strong alcoholic beverages since I don't want to pass out like Sander on the kitchen table. Pryce also stayed sober because she will still drive home.    


Some of the girls are already asleep. And I looked at Leanne and Andrea sleeping peacefully in each other's arms on the couch in the living room.    


And Maggie being the mother of the party, stayed as sober as possible. She is the one to take care of everybody in her mansion.    


"Umm... Miss Winsley, Blair? Do you want to stay for the rest of the night here? We have guest rooms upstairs since Cassandra is clearly passed out." Maggie told us while helping some of her maids to clean up the kitchen.    


"We're fine, Maggie. I can guide Cassie in the car." Pryce told her.    


"Alright. Just tell me if you need something, okay?" She said and left us.    


I sat on a stool while leaning on the fridge, holding an empty water bottle to keep myself awake. Then Pryce shook the passed-out Sander on the table.    


"Hey, Cassie! It's time to go home. Come on. Get up." She uttered while shaking her, and Sander fluttered her eyes open then murmured something.    


"The party's still on, B*tches!" Drea yelled out of nowhere and startled a sleeping Lee on the couch.    


Then I stood up and helped Pryce to get Sander off of the table.    


"Hey, you might hurt yourself, Blair," she told me with full concern in her voice.    


"Nope, I'm fine. Let me help you." I insisted as I took Sander's left arm and put it around my shoulders to guide her out of the house to the car.    


Fudge, she's right. It hurts. I can't go on as a human for long while hurting like this.    


So, I decided to wish as a vampire for just seconds to heal these wounds and bruises.    


I closed my eyes and my fangs protracted, and I could feel that the flesh of my body had healed.    


As I turned back into a human, Sander was startled, and I think she is fully awake now while she got a nervous and afraid look on her face.    


She stood up straight and looked at me in shock.    


Don't tell me she sensed my transformation earlier? And I just learned that she's not an ordinary teenager.    


She's a witch. So, they are real. Wow!    


"Hey, are you okay, Cassie?" Pryce worriedly asked her best friend.    


"Uh... umm... Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, Prycie," she stammered, and I can sense that she is bothered by what she might have felt towards me.    


"Okay. You wanna drink aspirin?" Pryce asked her as she walked on her own.    


"No, I'm good. Are we going home?" She answered, and she asked like she didn't take up six cans of beer in her system. She was wasted.    


"Yep, not unless you still want to crash some party again, Sander," I let out as I grabbed my leather jacket behind the door.    



"Alright, I would love to, Blairie. Wanna come with me?" She jokingly said and laughed.    


"Well, yeah! If Baby-blue will come, too. Do you think there will be some trouble there, also?" I said to her, and Pryce glared at me.    


Then we called out for Maggie and told her that we're going home.    


Well, this has been a remarkable and tiring day.    


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