The Queen And The Freak

C30 Chapter 30 - The Best Friend

C30 Chapter 30 - The Best Friend

0*Blair’s Point of View*    




After we roamed the whole mall looking for dress shops and fitting different kinds of clothes and dresses, I ended up wearing tattered jeans, green skate sneakers, a sky-blue fit T-shirt, a gray scarf, and a red leather jacket. Now, I indeed looked like a walking Christmas tree with these on.    


Well, those two girls didn't like every dress that I chose on my own. They said, why is it all black? I look like a goth, a vampire. Well, I'm a vampire, but they don’t know, and I wouldn't tell them.    


I just don't know how to choose proper clothes for a normal girl like my age. It was Marge who bought me my clothes. And truth be told, I never liked those things she bought for me. They were all too colorful for my eyes. But I wouldn’t argue with her, because I know that I can never win. Because back in Transylvania, I used to wear all black clothes just to emphasize my vampire image. And I just like black so much. But if I want to stay low-key here, I should wear what normal people my age wear. It’s tragic, I know. If I had just a choice, I’d rather wear the same clothes every single day. But I’ll get ‘em washed, alright? It’s not like everybody cares what you wear. Do they? I think not.    


Then we ate after all the tiring dress fitting. Geez, I should have known that shopping is a very tiring job. But the two girls I'm with seemed so engrossed by it. Fudge, they even enjoyed it so much. I mean, which part is fun from that? It's tormenting.    


It ended up that Marvy's mom is the owner of the last dress shop that we bought some clothes for. And these two got along well together. It seems like Drea is not that mean after all. They both even approved the clothes that I am wearing right now. And that means I will be blaming them if people find it funny.    


I am on my way to Pryce's huge house. And I used my motorbike, and of course, still trying not to hit the speed limit again.    


I could just teleport from home if I wanted to. But for me to look normal, I should do normal things that humans do. That is the goal. Be human.    


A guard greeted me at the gate, and I told him that I am Blair Kendall, and he automatically opened this huge gate for me.    


Wow, it's even more amazing in daylight. The view of her house is so beautiful. No, it's magnificent. But not as beautiful as herself. Damn, she's beyond gorgeous.    


I parked my bike at the front of the house near the fountain. And I brought with me my helmet in my left hand. I'll just put it somewhere inside the house.    


And I was about to knock at this massive door when I remembered that the houses here got doorbells. Well, yeah, we even have one at Marge's home. It's so fascinating. We don't need to hurt our knuckles by knocking on some fudging hard doors.    


So, I pushed that small button, and it said *Ding dong*.    


Wow, it's really amazing!    


I heard some commotion inside, but still, no one's opening the door.    


So, I hit it again. And this time, someone yelled, "Coming!"    


Then the door opened, revealing a very shocked-looking girl that is about my age.    


This must be Cassandra Williams, Pryce's best friend.    


She got blonde hair, too, like Pryce, but my Baby-blue got way better hair. Well, Pryce is way better and more beautiful than anyone I laid my eyes on. Alright, enough about her for now.    


Speaking of this shocked girl in front of me, she dropped a wine glass, and I caught it right before it landed on the tiled floor. I just saved its life from shattering into a thousand pieces.    


I stood up and handed it back to her. But she still looked so shocked.    


And I turned to look behind me, and maybe there's a ghost following me. That's creepy, and this girl is creeping the hell out of me. What's wrong with her?    


I can sense that she got something with her. I just can't point it out. Well, maybe it's just my imagination. I'm still in my human form, after all, so there's no way I could feel any weird aura from the people surrounding me, particularly, the supernatural beings.    


"Hello! You must be Cassandra Williams, right?" I greeted her with a bright smile just to break this deafening silence. Oh, I should've let that glass break so that there will be a sound. Just kidding.    


"Well... Uh... Hi! Yeah! Tha... that's me. And you must be Bl... Blair. Blair Kendall?" She nervously uttered and stuttered. Is she broken?    


What's wrong with this one? If I could just turn into my vampire form, I can sense something from her. But I can feel something strange from her even when I'm a human now. It's just that it's not clear, but it's familiar.    


"Yep, the one and only. So, is the b*tch's home?" I answered confidently and asked.    


Well, I should win Pryce's friend's heart so that she'll vote for me. But damn, maybe it's a wrong move that I just called her a b*tch in front of her best friend. Fudge me!    


"Oh, yeah, yeah! Do come in, come in. Prycie's at the kitchen with Mrs. Baker." She spoke and motioned me to come with her.    


"Alright," I let out while following her.    


Someone appeared in front of me that is wearing a maid's uniform and asked,    


"Can I put your helmet and your jacket at the rack, Miss Kendall?"    


"Oh, hi! Yeah, thank you so much! That is so kind of you." I expressed as I took off my leather jacket and handed it to her, together with my helmet. And then she bowed and went somewhere.    


"Thank you, Maria!" Cassandra said to the girl.    


"So, Blairie… what do you think about Prycie so far?" She cheerfully asked me. And wait, did she just call me 'Blairie'? That nickname sucks. No lie.    


"Well, Cassandra, Pryce is fine and cool," I answered and put my right hand in my jeans pocket.    


"Uhm, you can call me anything, Blairie. Cassandra has so many syllables. I hate it sometimes. And well, Pryce is what kind of cool?" She replied, and that's it. She said the words.    


Now, wait for my revenge for making me a foul nickname.    


"Uh, well… If you ask me, Sander, she's the amazing kind of cool." I replied, and she seemed surprised.    


"Wow, great nickname, huh?" She replied and giggled.    


"Yep, I'm just being fair," I uttered as we stepped into the kitchen.    


"Hey, Prycie! Look who's here! It's your Blairie!" She cheerfully yelled when we saw the glorious goddess.    


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