The Queen And The Freak

C24 Chapter 24 - Honey-bee

C24 Chapter 24 - Honey-bee

0*Pryce’s Point of View*    




I lazily got up from my bed, grabbed my phone, and wore a thin T-shirt and short shorts. I need a glass of water.    


So, I made my way to my small fridge. Yeah, I got a refrigerator inside my room. I even have a small kitchen here and a living room. Uh-huh, I got a small house in my huge house. What can I say? I'm too lazy to roam around this mansion. Why did I even build a big one when I only need a small space to live? Let's just say that it could be a good investment.    


As I drank my glass of water, I opened my phone, and there, two text messages were received. I wonder who it might be. But, honestly, I'm only hoping that it's from Blair. Of course, I waited the whole damn night just to hear anything from her, but I didn’t.    


And as I had hoped, it was really from her. Now, I just can't control my smile to grow wider.    


I read the first message from last night, and it said, “Goodnight, Cupcake.” And again, I think my smile is from ear to ear now.    


Oh, Blair, why did you text me so late last night? If it was earlier, we could have had some conversation. Damn! Then what should we talk about if so? Never mind.    


I opened the other text that I have received, and it says: “Hey, Good morning, Honey-bee.” It was again from Blair.    


I just noticed, every day, she calls me different names, and I find it cute and.... cute, yeah, whatever. I love it. But maybe she really is playing... No, she better not!    


Then my fingers took over from my control, and I replied to her immediately. “Hey, good morning too. I'm sorry I didn't reply last night. I was asleep already. :)”    


I waited and waited until ten minutes had passed. She hasn't replied to me yet. I guess she is preparing for school.    


Okay, I need to prepare myself, too. I want to get there early. I'll just see you later, freak.    






*Blair’s Point of View*    




I am currently here at the parking lot and scrolling through my phone because it has received a message from Leanne. She’s telling me that Maggie is looking for me and told me that I should go home now as much as possible.    


Then I looked around and saw that Maggie and her crew were about to approach here, indeed.    


I can't teleport because they already saw me. And they are getting closer and closer to where I am.    


Fudge it! I can't escape this time.    


As I am about to text Andrea, somebody spoke behind me.    


“Will you please move away, Freak? You're blocking the way.” She grimly told me and went to the car on my right side.    


Oh, it's her car? How many fudging vehicles does this woman own?    


I have no idea what's with her because she hasn't talked to me the whole day. And now, we are here at the parking lot, and she's rude to me. How cool was that? I don't remember doing anything stupid today. Or… maybe because I didn't do something stupid, that is why she's upset. Definitely, not.    


And suddenly, a brilliant idea came to my mind.    


“Okay, I'm sorry. I just need to hide now.” I said as I went to her car's passenger seat.    


Maggie and her crew were drawing near, and this gorgeous b*tchy queen had just saved me from them, even though she doesn't know why I'm hiding.    


“Get out of my car. Now!!!” She half-yelled and glared at me.    


“Umm, just a minute, please?” I begged her with the cutest puppy dog face I can master. I hope it will work.    


She groaned then rolled her eyes, and she asked me, “What are you hiding for?”    


“Well, actually, I am avoiding every cheerleader because Maggie is there to find me. So, just bear with me because I cannot call Lee or Drea now since they are still at the gym, and Maggie is over... there.” I replied as I pointed to the direction where Maggie and the other four cheerleaders were waiting for me near my motorbike.    


Fudge it! Can't they understand if people reject their offer? Are humans this persistent?    


“And why are you avoiding them?” She asked while looking in the direction of the girls.    


“They want me to go to tomorrow night's party,” I answered as I watched the time on my wristwatch.    


“And why won't you go?” She curiously asked me while tapping the steering wheel with her fingers.    


Hmm, so, she thinks that I'm not going to our little date tomorrow? She doesn't really know how to listen.    


“Well, let's say I have an appointment tomorrow night. So, I can't make it.” I replied and finally texted Drea.    


“Hmm, and what's your appointment?” She asked with a hint of dismay.    


“I can't tell you. It's something special, and I'll be very busy.” I replied, and I noticed that she frowned. What's with her?    


“Okay, I think you can get out now. The girls are gone.” She uttered with disappointment evident in her voice.    


“Yeah, right. Thanks!” I said as I opened the door. And before I closed it, “Bye, Honey-bee!” I added.    


She was about to react when I shut her door. And now, I can finally smile. She's just so adorable.    


I walked to my baby and found nobody there, so it's now a perfect time to go home.    


And as I am about to turn my bike on, somebody called me, and they are getting near.    


Fudge my human life! It's them. I thought they're gone.    


“Hey, Blair!” Maggie greeted me and walked closer to me while the other girls followed behind her.    


How am I gonna escape from them? I can't teleport.    


“Umm, hi! What's up?” I greeted them anxiously. I actually don't have any idea how I will decline again.    


“Well, I'm gonna ask you if...*beep beep beep*" She said, but a car honk cut her off.    


Thank goodness! Whoever you are, you are my angel.    



“Can you move your asses along? You're blocking my f*cking way!!!” Andrea yelled and stepped out of her car.    


“If you are not blind, can't you see that the path is wide enough for you to pass?” Maggie countered while crossing her arms on her chest.    


Oh, yes! You are my savior, Drea.    


“If you, people, are not that stupid, I'm following the rules here, so I'm always driving 'right'.” Andrea reasoned out and was stating the obvious. And that made the cheerleaders look around them.    


“And, Blair, I need to talk to you somewhere. Just follow me, okay? It’s urgent.” Drea added, and I know that she's helping me to escape from these girls. Just like during lunch break earlier, I ate with her and her two friends. They seem nice. It's just that they're somewhat a little b*tchy towards other students here.    


“Oh, yeah! I almost forgot. Bye, Girls!” I said and waved the cheerleaders goodbye as I hopped on my bike.    


Then I followed Andrea's car.    


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