The Queen And The Freak

C26 Chapter 26 - How Did I...

C26 Chapter 26 - How Did I...

0*Blair’s Point of View*    




I woke up with the bright light making me close my eyes again. Fudge! When did I open my window?    


I opened my eyes again to scan my surroundings and noticed that I was not in my room. This room seems so familiar, though.    


Then I turned to my left side and... Hold on a second. Why is it that there's a blonde-haired girl beside me? Sh*t, where the fudge am I?    


I looked at the girl beside me, and I noticed that she's almost naked with just a blanket covering her body while her back is facing me. That's one hell of a sexy back.    


I looked under the sheets, and I almost jumped in surprise to see that I am not wearing anything, too, except my necklace.    


Geez, was there anything that has happened to both of us?    


I'm starting to panic and trying to breathe normally.    


Oh, fudge it! I lost my virginity to some girl, and the worst is... I don't remember anything at all.    


Nooooo!!! This cannot be! I don't remember anything. How and why?    


Then the girl moved and laid on her back. And my jaw dropped to see who it was.    


How did I end up with her in the same bed? And in the first place, why am I naked beside her?    


I tried to compose myself and sat on the comfy bed while covering my body with the sheet. Then I tried to think, and yet there's nothing I can think of. Sh*t, am I this pea-brained even in dreams?    


That's right. This is just a dream! Yes, this is just a dream!    


Well, it seems like this is just a dream. But why does this feel so real? As far as I remember, I went home last night.    


Then Pryce started to move, and I just knew that she was about to wake up.    


Can somebody pinch me now? Please? Hurry up!    


She’s covering her eyes with her hands because of the bright light, and I guess she hasn't seen me yet.    


What should I do? I should hide under the bed. Yeah, I'm gonna hide under the bed. Oh, no, it's so stupid of me. If I make any movement, she will notice that I'm here. Fudge it! Think, brain, think something valuable. Teleport? Definitely.    




I wish to become a vampire. Then I closed my eyes and thought of my room to teleport there. And I opened my eyes, but I am still here in Pryce's bed. Fudge! Why? Am I not a vampire in my dreams?    


Then I thought of the most magnificent naughty idea I have ever thought of. I am not that dumb. If I can't teleport, then… Hmm, this is just a dream, so why not savor this moment, right? Yeah, I have been wanting this moment to be with her, plus, with a bonus that we are both naked. Haha.    


I smiled at the thought. Oh, damn, I'm such a pervert vampire.    


She uncovered her eyes, and I hovered on top of her to look at her face.    


Whoo! I can do this.    


Her eyes are truly the most beautiful blue eyes that I have ever seen. Well, just so you know, I don't stare at people in their eyes. So, her eyes are probably the most amazing electric blue ones.    


Then I took a deep breath, and I finally found my voice. She's just breathtakingly beautiful, right now, especially on a closer look.    


"Good morning, Baby-blue! Did you have a nice and beautiful sleep?" I greeted her in a low and husky voice.    


Hah, seriously? Baby-blue? I haven't thought of any names for her today, so that's it.    


She seemed not shocked that I am almost on top of her and only having a blanket as a cover to my body. Okay, I just have to play cool, too.    


Then she stared back at me for a while, and she pulled me closer to her, which made me exactly on top of her now. And I began to panic, but she kissed me… on my lips.    


It's just a light kiss, but I think my whole body was pulled out of the water while I was electrified, and I can't understand the feeling. My stomach is contracting, or I don't know. She really has a superpower even in dreams.    


Her lips started to move slowly, and I just closed my eyes as our lips moved in sync.    


Wow, her lips are so soft, and she smells like strawberries. I really love this girl. I love this feeling, and I don't want this to end.    


Our kiss became more passionate, and now she’s on top of me while not breaking the kiss. This feeling is so beautiful and addictive, and this is more delightful than blood.    


She stopped and looked me straight in the eyes, then she smiled and mumbled something.    


"If this will always be my dream, I don't want to wake up anymore. I love you so much, Blair," she said with her eyes full of sincerity and love. I smiled warmly at her.    


Oh, I wish you were saying that in reality, Pryce.    


"Me too, Baby-blue," I replied, and I kissed her.    


She did not respond, and instead, her face went near my ear and whispered something.    


"You need to wake up, Blair. I will see you in the academy. Okay?"    


"Huh? Why?" I frowned at her statement, and she sat on the bed.    


I sat up too, and I noticed that she is slowly fading together with my surroundings.    


All I could see now was a bright light again, but this time, I could hear someone banging on something. And there's a voice calling me.    


"Blair, wake up now. If you don't wake up, you will be late for school." She said, and the voice is slowly fading.    


The light was indeed blinding me, so I closed my eyes. And as I opened it, I fell on the floor from my bed. And fudge it, my butt hurts.    


Then I came back to my senses.    


It was really just a dream. No, it was a nightmare, a beautiful nightmare.    


"Blair Claudette Kendall! Wake up and open this freaking door! Don't let me break this one!"    


It's Marge.    



She is really like a real dragon when she's losing her temper. And I hate it when she calls me by my full name.    


"Hey, Marge! I'm awake now! So, please stop banging on my door. You might wake our neighbors!" I yelled back to her as I got up from the floor.    


"You are the only one who's still sleeping during this time, Blair. Did you forget to set your alarm clock? The neighbors already left for their jobs and school. And if you don't get your lazy ass up to the shower and get dressed, you are very much welcome to the detention room because you are going to be late. And by the way, I'm leaving now. Lock the doors. Your food is on the table." Marge yelled from the other side, and I can hear her footsteps are fading.    


I wonder what time it is already.    


I looked at my nightstand and saw no clock in there. Where did... Oh, it's on the study table. Damn, I forgot to set it last night.    


So, I reached for my phone to look at the time and, "HOLY FUDGE! MARGE, WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP!" I shouted at the top of my lungs.    


Then I hurriedly went to the bathroom to take a quick shower since I only have ten minutes before the class will start. Fudge it!    


"Hahahaha!" I laughed to myself for being so dumb.    


"For the freak's sake, Blair, you are a freakin vampire! Yeah, I have super speed." I rejoiced and wished myself to be a vampire, and then I finished everything as fast as the speed of light.    


I am powerful, remember? And my most impressive ability is the power of resisting the light of the sun. Yep, I'm a Daywalker. I don't burn in sunlight, and I can teleport, unlike the ordinary vampires, and I don't know where I got these powers.    


After I prepared myself, I teleported to the dining room and ate my food very quickly. I looked at my watch, and I had eight minutes left.    


"Well, I will just teleport to school," I mumbled and gripped my backpack straps.    


And when I was about to teleport, I remembered something.    


"No, the door!" I belted as I hadn't locked it.    




And finally, I am here at the ladies’ restroom in the academy. It's the same cubicle where I hid when the cheerleaders were looking for me.    


I looked at my watch again, and I still have seven minutes left. And I can feel that there are people here, and their auras are familiar.    


It's just Lee and Drea making out on the second cubicle from mine.    


I lightly shook my head while smiling and wished myself to be a human. These girls are so good together.    


Then I exited the restroom and finally went to my class.    


I'm super glad that I am not late.    


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