The Queen And The Freak

C22 Chapter 22 - Leandrea

C22 Chapter 22 - Leandrea

0*Blair’s Point of View*    




“Hi, Blair! Are you about to go home?” A voice of a girl asked me.    


And as I looked to my left, I saw a beautiful creature with her blonde hair in a ponytail. She seems familiar, though.    


Oh, yeah, right, I remembered. It was the girl Leanne kissed in the ladies’ room this morning.    


“Umm, yep,” I shortly answered, then she handed me a piece of paper, or maybe it's a letter or something just like that. It's inside an envelope, and it's scented. Then I looked at her in confusion, and she just smiled while showing her perfect set of pearly white teeth.    


“Here. And by the way, my name is Andrea Montgomery. It’s so nice meeting you.” She introduced herself while extending her right hand for a handshake.    


“I am Blair Kendall. Nice to meet you, Andrea.” I told her with a warm smile, and I shook her hand.    


“Everybody knows your name. You know that?” She uttered and smiled sweetly.    


“Well, I guess it's only me who doesn't know that,” I replied, and she chuckled.    


“You're funny, Blair.” She let out, and she searched for something inside her purse.    


“I didn't make any jokes,” I innocently replied. Then she laughed. What is wrong with her?    


“Well, sure you did.” She muttered, and she found her phone.    


And as she noticed that students were looking our way and eavesdropping, she glared at them, and then their heads turned back to where they should be.    


Oh, so, she's like Pryce? They have that superpower that can intimidate others. And I just smiled at the thought of my crush.    


“Well, can I ask for your phone number? Anne told me this afternoon that you don't want to go to this Friday night's party, and Maggie is trying her best to make you say yes. So, she told me to ask for your contact number. And if ever Maggie insists on inviting you to her party again, you can just give her or me a ring.” She explained, and I made a grateful expression on my face.    


“Yeah, right! Thanks to her and you, by the way.” I uttered and typed my number on her phone and took a picture of myself, then I handed it back to her.    


“Okay, no problem. I'll just text you our numbers later.” She said, and then someone spoke behind us.    


“Well, well, well... Seems like the queenb*tch found another subject to bully.” A familiar voice spoke loudly, making us turn our heads in the newcomer’s direction.    


And I was dazed to find that it's the captain of the cheering squad, Leanne.    




“Excuse me? If your eyes are not that blurry, I'm not bullying her.” Andrea countered and faced Leanne. Then the other two cheerleaders, Maggie and Rachel, stepped forward.    


Leanne and Andrea? I thought these two were lovers? What’s happening?    


“Yeah, but you are bothering her. And she doesn't want to talk to you, obviously.” Leanne countered while raising an eyebrow at Andrea.    


I just stood there, clueless as heck, and I could not understand what’s going on.    


“Oh, really? And what makes you think that she wants to talk to the three of you either?” Andrea argued and pointed at the three cheerleaders one by one.    


“Don't point your dirty finger on us, b*tch!” Rachel said in disgust.    


And their fight goes on and on, and I just keep turning my head from both sides. There are three versus one, and the students are starting to gather around us.    


“Oh, so, you think that you are a good and nice girl? That you could just mess up with the students who you think are weak? Huh?” And now, it's Maggie's turn to fight Andrea.    


I can see that both parties are in rage, and I certainly have no clue what I am going to do.    


I think I should make my exit now. So, I slowly locked my locker door. And as I was about to walk away, I heard my name being mentioned in their fight. Then I made a questioning face because I didn't know why I was included. I didn't do anything!    


“Umm, wait... I'm going to answer this call.” I uttered as I excused myself because my phone vibrated and someone called.    


“Okay. Take your time, Blair.” Andrea uttered while motioning me to proceed.    


And when I looked at my phone, I saw that it’s a call from an unknown number.    


As I am about ten feet away from the girls, I glanced back at them. And I saw Andrea's phone lit up, and she shook it by her side.    


Okay, it was Andrea who called me. And I got on what she meant.    


“Hey, girls! I have to go home now. Urgent!” I shouted, which was enough for them to hear.    


They nodded their heads, and I made my way out of the scene. But they're still arguing about something. Hmhmm, girls.    




I went straight to where my baby was parked, and I saw some paper and a box on the seat of my motorbike.    


Then I put my helmet down and opened the folded paper. What's with the people today giving me lots of paper? I think it's a paper day for me. First is Pryce, then Andrea, and now, this. I wonder who put these things here.    


I began reading it, and it says: ‘Hi, Blair Kendall! Thank you so much for helping me yesterday from Jake Brandon. You know, you are the first one to make him suspended and fall to his knees. By the way, my name is Marcus Jennings. It's okay if you don't want to take the gift, but thank you so much again.’    


Okay, so, this is from that curly-haired nerd boy from yesterday who got shoved to the lockers. Mmm.    


I opened the box to see three pictures that are 4r in size. These were stolen pictures of me. One is I'm walking in the hallways while carrying my schedule paper and looking somewhere. It was last Monday, the first day of school. And the other is, I am holding my helmet and about to open my locker. And the last one is I'm at the canteen writing something with my food at the side.    


All of the pictures look great. Now, I wonder if Marcus took these.    


And when I looked inside the box again, I found another piece of paper.    


It says, 'My twin sister, Marvy, took this. She's a photographer for the school paper.'    


And I smiled at the thought that humans are so nice. I never thought that I would be treated like this.    


Finally, I kept the things inside my bag, and I drove home.    


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