The Queen And The Freak

C21 Chapter 21 - Annoying Freak

C21 Chapter 21 - Annoying Freak

0*Blair’s Point of View*    




“Good afternoon, class! Please pass your assignments in front.”    


We began with our chemistry class with Marge, and luckily, my seatmate was not late. I would really watch and listen to her sing, if so.    


As I am focusing my attention in class, I can't help myself from thinking about what had happened back at the office. And now, she can't even look at me.    


I just can't help myself from smiling until Marge called my name.    


“Blair, please pay your attention to the class, or I will let you share what's in your naughty mind here in front,” Marge said, making me sit up straight. Fudge it!    


“Well, okay. I will just focus my attention on you, because I deeply know that you won't believe me if I tell you what's on my mind right now.” I said while smiling so widely and looked to my right to see the gorgeous blonde is looking down her binder notebook.    


What's wrong with her? Why is she not looking at me all this time? Hmmm. Was she disgusted or what? Oh, fudge, I shouldn't have done that. I was just so delighted earlier. Damn, did I really do that to her? I kissed her cheek. Hmm.    


“Very well. Then just focus. Okay, now, class, I will write some reactions here on the board for you to balance. And later, random students will be called to write their answers here in front. So, better find the solution on your seats so that you can answer later.” Marge announced, and some of the students whined and reacted. Including me. Who wouldn’t? That’s one hell of a shitload of work. We even had an assignment about that.    




And after two minutes have passed,    


“Miss Kendall, this first reaction is so hard to figure out,” a student protested, and Marge took a good look at the reactions she had written on the board.    


“Oh, maybe this is too hard for you. Okay, you can work on it with a partner so that you can share ideas with your seatmate.” She advised, and it is true, it is so damn fudging hard. Even if she introduced the lesson last Monday, a person with a normal brain could still find it complicated. Why is there even Math in Science? Huh?    


“Yes!” Some students rejoiced, and some whined. Okay, pair work.    


“And please, work silently, and later I will call one in every pair to write your answers for two minutes here at the board.” The teacher added that she gained murmurs from the learners.    


“Sh*t!” I cursed silently as I realized that I have to work with this girl beside me.    


Then I slowly turned my head to her to see that she's focused on her paper. While me? Doing nothing. Hehe, maybe I won't be called because I have a 50:50 chance not to be called between us and a 1:26 with the whole class. That's a very small probability.    


Ten minutes passed, and still, I'm just staring at the reactions at the board while my seatmate here is not bothering me to help her or do anything valuable.    


Twenty minutes passed, and Marge decided to start calling some of my classmates' names to answer at the board.    


And for my lucky day, I am called to answer the first reaction. Fudge it! Indeed!    


Why is she so fudgingly biased? She should not call me, right? I'm her foster daughter. Just why?    


“Blair, you will be the first to answer. And remember, class, your score here at the board will be the score for the both of you for your output for today.” She explained, and my classmates exclaimed, “What!” in unison. And me? My left eye is twitching. Why me?    


“Yep, so, do your best for you not to be blamed by your pair. And, Blair, please take the spotlight. You have two minutes.” Marge added and smiled like an inconsiderate alligator. Can’t she spare me? We really need to talk about this later.    


“Here,” Pryce uttered as she handed me the paper that contained all her answers to the reactions at the board.    


I just stared at it for a while, and I handed it back to her. Then she gave me the face of a cute question mark.    


“I don't trust your answer,” I told her, and a little bit louder, that is enough for everybody to hear.    


“What!” She exclaimed in disbelief. And I could feel that some of our classmates turned their heads in our direction.    


“I was the one who got called, so I will be the one to answer.” I reasoned out while sounding so confident and then walked my way to the board.    


“If you get your answer wrong, I will surely kill you later, Freak.” She warned me, and some of our classmates gasped. Yeah, yeah, yeah.    


“Don't worry, Cupcake. I won't let you go to prison for killing a freak like me,” I assured her while staring at the board and scratching my head like I don't know what to write.    


Some of my classmates chuckled, then I looked back at them. And I saw Pryce had been glaring daggers at me, and as usual, I smiled my sweetest smile at her.    


I turned my gaze to Marge, and she said, “You can't get any answers from me, Blair.” And she just raised an eyebrow at me.    


“You should've taken this paper, Blair. I don't want to get zero for this activity.” My annoying seatmate yelled while waving the paper.    


“No, thanks! I can answer this on my own.” I replied and gained laughter from the class.    


“Oh, sure you do. And you have to scratch your head first, and a minute has already passed; you haven't written anything yet.” She asserted with full of irritation, and the whole class laughed again.    


“Well, can't you see that I'm freaking concentrating so that I can find the answer to our problem? And so that you can help me here, Cupcake, you just need to shut your smart-mouth, or else...” I blurted out, facing back to the reaction at the board.    


“Or else what?” She asked while sounding like she’s challenging me.    


“Or else I will make you shut your mouth up,” I replied, facing back again to her while smirking.    


“And how will you do that?” She asked, and my classmates are turning their heads from me to her and from her back at me.    


“Well, just like an hour ago,” I said with full confidence, and I looked at her intently.    


Then that made her shut her mouth and blushed a deep shade of pink. Maybe she remembered that I kissed her cheek an hour ago back at the office, and that made her stiff. Hmmm. One good point for me.    


“Wow, I never thought that it would work,” I mumbled, and I could see that some of the nosy students wanted to know what we were talking about.    


“Umm, Blair… Sorry to tell you, but you only have--- twenty seconds for the both of you to get zero in this activity.” Marge spoke and looked up at the clock above the board.    


“Alright then,” I said and glanced at the girl who was glaring at me to death. And I just smiled at her as usual. I promise, I won't let us down, Cupcake.    


“Make the countdown,” I told them and requested the class to count.    


“14, 13, 12, 11...” and as they said ten, I wrote 10 on the left side of the reaction.    


“9, 8, 7...” I wrote 6 on the right side.    


“5...” I wrote 4 on the left.    


“3...” and I wrote 2 at the right, then    


“1,” finally, I put a checkmark at my work.    



And as I looked at everybody, they were all shocked, especially Pryce and also Marge. And some uttered, “Wow!”    


I put the marker on the front table, and I made my way back to my seat.    


“I don't know how you got that answer, Blair, but I guess both of you will have a perfect score for today. Congratulations!” Marge announced, and the class clapped their hands and cheered. No, I'm not that dumb after all.    


I smiled and looked at my seatmate. Now, she looks like she already recovered from what had just happened. I told you, I can do it.    


“So, before we proceed to the next one to answer... Blair, how did you get the right answer?” Marge said and curiously asked me while standing in front and crossing her arms on her chest while some of my classmates turned their heads at the back.    


“Well, here it goes...” I paused, and then admitted something I shouldn't.    


“I memorized the answer of my beautiful seatmate over here,” I added while pointing at the surprised queen, and I proudly smiled. Then the whole class burst out laughing.    


I looked at Pryce, who had a flushed face, and she seemed like holding her laughter.    


I just chuckled while shaking my head lightly. Yeah, but that was so fun, though.    




Our whole afternoon classes went by slowly until our last period.    


Then I was flustered when Pryce handed me a sticky note. A cellphone number and an address were written there in her handwriting.    


Oh, I love her penmanship. It's so cute, just like her. Oh, stop it, brain. But it really is.    


I kept the paper, and then the bell finally rang.    


Everybody in the classroom made their way out, and I followed    


Then I went straight to my locker to pick up some stuff and put up some of my books and notebooks.    


And as I was about to pick up my helmet, someone spoke on my left side, and I deeply hope that it's not Maggie.    


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