Ghost In Red

C32 Chapter 32 - Break-in

C32 Chapter 32 - Break-in

0*Sydney Roswell's POV*    




No room for regrets. Yes, I should have no room for regrets in my system. I don't want to end up staying up all night thinking that I could have done so much more for the person I admire most—to save her, to make a way that, one day, we could be something more than just friends or even just friends, to make me say I did the right thing in helping her, to become who she can lean on when no one else was there for her.    


Yet... Here I am, standing still for the last few minutes, contemplating what to do, while the gorgeous ghost went to find a way for me to break into their grand palace. Did I regret deciding to take this risk for her? No! Of course!    


I only never thought that the fence would be so f*cking tall. It could even double my damn height. And I don't freaking know how to climb such a steep and flawless tall great wall of the Hunters.    


It's been five minutes since OJ left me out here to spy on whatever is happening inside their mansion. I don't know if this is a good idea, but one thing is for sure... This night would be a night I would never forget my whole life if I would end up in jail or, worse, get any injuries. But if OJ would say that it won't be safe for me to get through, then we would be broke as hell. All we need is her mother's picture. Even just one. And OJ's phone and her wallet. Hopefully, we will be successful.    




As another minute had passed, I had slapped both my cheeks more than twice already since the mosquitoes here are indeed crushing hard on me. Am I that adorable?    


Now, I wonder what's taking her so long. Should I just go to their front gate and ask their gateman for the things I needed? Or should I go home? No, probably not the latter. I better find a way to get through by myself.    


When a brilliant idea had thankfully popped into my not-so-dumb brain, I smirked as I fished out my phone from my jacket left pocket. Then I opened my data and the Google Maps application.    


If I can't take it just standing here and doing nothing but slapping my face, I better find a way to climb any part of their tall fence where there could be a tree near it or something else.    


I scrolled and found the location of this very place I currently stood, and I studied the satellite view of the Hunters' property. When I had seen some things that could be useful to my plan, I began walking a distance from where I left my motorbike.    


I turned left somewhere at the back part of their property and stopped at a spot where there was a huge tree that almost touched the tall wall. I pointed my phone's flashlight to the tree trunk to see if it would be safe for me to climb it so I could cross the fence and get inside their property. Well, the tree that I can use and climb for my exit... I am still not sure if it is still there inside and has a branch near this fence, too. Unfortunately, it was near the entrance at the gate. I could find a way out for sure. OJ could. I know she won't let me down.    


Finally, I had gathered all my strength and determination to help myself up, as well as achieve my goal to help the girl I adore.    


I stood on the fence now, looking at the good spot to do some awesome superhero landing on the ground, but then I almost fell when I heard a scream.    


"Sydney! What the f*ck are you doing up there? Get down! Are you crazy?"    


Oh, it's the ghost, and she's mad.    


"Yeah, I am about to go down. Don’t worry." I whispered in response and bent down to slowly slide both my feet on the steep fence while holding on to the top edge of the wall. And I jumped about six feet high and thankfully landed in one piece. Though my legs and feet kind of hurt. It's nothing. I'll do everything for her. Yep, I will.    


"What the...? Don't! Gosh, Syd! You could have waited for me before you went in." She blurted out, and I dusted off my hands, looking at her with my blinking eyes and a sly smile.    


"And...? What do you have in mind about the move I could do to get inside this magnificent property of yours? Ring the doorbell? Well... Unlike you, you could just pass through walls and float. This is the only way, or I will go home with nothing. So how was your mission? Who's in the house?" I answered, still whispering, and she inhaled deeply before talking, giving me the feeling that it would be bad news.    


"Well… Fine. I have nothing in mind for your grand entrance. But… uh… There are only a few people. Three of them. Most of them are asleep already. But..." She replied, and I began walking while trying to be vigilant. And when she paused with a big but, I stopped in my tracks to look at her.    


"What?" I asked and saw she smiled sheepishly.    


"Mimi is in my room, crying and looking through the photo album where we could find my mom's pictures. Also... My wallet and phone aren't there where I saw them the last time I got here. I guess Mimi kept it somewhere safe." She answered and nodded her head with an apologetic look on her face.    


"Okay," I replied and thought of it for a while.    


"Okay... What?" She asked and waited for me to answer.    


I didn't say a word yet, but I looked back to where I had come from, then I faced her.    


"Okay. I won't be going back that way because I can't. This will be now or never, Oj. I won't go home with nothing. Let's go." I asserted and decided to continue with the plan, in which I would break into her room to get what we needed.    


I know Mimi won't spend the whole night looking at that photo album and stay in her room. If she would finally leave, then it would be the perfect time I am going in. Just wish me luck.    




"Are you still okay, Syd?" OJ asked me when another five minutes had passed, and I don't know how my five minutes had passed already since the time I got up here on her balcony using my ninja turtle skills.    


It's just that her nanny is still in her room, and there are no signs that she might leave sooner or later. I am starting to get so damn sleepy out here. It's been a couple of minutes past eleven, and it's almost midnight now.    


"Yep, I can do this all night, all day, twenty-four-seven," I answered her in a whisper, and I yawned countless times now. She sighed and walked back inside her room again to check on the woman on the couch. And I only hope Mimi won't be sleeping there. I am going to be a zombie here by tomorrow then.    


"Syd! Syd! Syd! Syd! Syd! She's going to go out on the balcony! Here! What should we do? Quick!" She ran out, panicking and constantly looking back inside her room.    


I stood up from sitting on the corner nearest to the glass door.    


Mmm, finally, something interesting that could awaken my sleepy fine ass.    


"You mean... What should I do? I'm going to close my eyes and hope not to die." I whispered and stood close to the wall to see if I could do something about my situation right now. Because no, I wouldn't jump off this almost fifteen feet high balcony. Damn! Sh*t knows what will happen to me when I land.    


"Sydney, she's here! Oh, Mimi, please don't go out here! Please!" She alerted me, and I noticed the glass sliding door opened.    


A woman walked out and thankfully just went straight to the edge where there is a bench, and she looked at the view down at the garden or up where the sky and the moon looked perfectly together. Thankfully, it's quite dim out here, and only the light of the moon shines.    


And I finally got the chance to creep inside the room, making the ghost cheer.    


“Great! Just go, Syd! I’ll cover you up.”    


I hurriedly went to the table where Mimi had left the photo album so that I could search for OJ's mother's pictures while the anxious ghost was my lookout if ever the woman would come back here any time soon.    


When I didn't seem to find any pictures of her mother here after I had scanned a few pages, I made her look at it too, because, hell, I don't know what her mother looked like.    


"I remember… I had about three of them where it's her solo pictures here. Where, where, where? Just keep flipping the pages, Syd." She mumbled, looking at every picture quickly, and I kept looking by the balcony.    


"Can't we just bring this whole thing, Oj? I'm afraid we have less to no time. I still have no idea if I could get out of here without getting caught by your house's security cameras in the living room or wherever else." I suggested and didn't wait for the owner of this room to answer as I had closed the photo album, and I ran to a place where I could possibly hide when I heard footsteps approaching.    


Bathroom? No. What if the woman would pee?    


How about under the bed? Hmm, maybe.    


But damn, all I have in my mind that I know where I could be a little bit safe and free to move if ever her Mimi would certainly stay here in this room for the rest of the night is inside her walk-in closet.    


"Wow, you have a huge closet!" I muttered in awe when I had locked the door behind me and looked around her fancy dresses, coats, and shoes in here.    


"Mmm, yeah, pretty huge. Feel free to explore and take whatever you like." She told me and smiled, making me smirk while looking around.    


If there is one thing I would like to take with me from here, it would be her. Yeah. And a picture of her mom, of course. That was the mission all about.    





After we had found a few pictures of her mother and kept them in my pockets, I had been looking at OJ’s lovely baby pictures carefully. Then I looked at the door when suddenly there was someone who seemed about to open it.    


“Oh, damn! It’s Mimi, Syd! Hide!” The ghost panicked after she had peeked at whoever was trying to open the locked door, and I hastily stood and looked for a good place to hide.    


I hurriedly opened the closest door to me, and I placed myself in as quiet as possible while hugging the photo album close to my chest. This is OJ's blanket cabinet.    


I felt my heart about to beat out my chest as I heard the door open. Ooh, sh*t, she must have a key. Of course! And what the heck would that woman be doing in here? Now, what am I going to do? Am I going to jail? Damn it! I better stay silent.    


“Hello? I know you are here! And you wouldn’t want to mess with my shotgun, whoever you are. Come out, thief!”    


My eyes widened in shock when I heard the woman yell, and I gulped, not knowing what to do.    


How in the world did she know I'm here?    


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