Ghost In Red

C19 Chapter 19 - My Knight In Sparkling Armor

C19 Chapter 19 - My Knight In Sparkling Armor

0*Olivia Jillian Hunters' POV*    




"Woah! Cool! You have a very fancy bedroom, Syd. I like the shade of blue colors. I'll just call you Syd, alright? But if you prefer to be called by other names, I'm cool with it, too. Just tell me." I let out in awe as I roamed my gaze around the room of my former greatest foe and saw that she was in her bed, under the sheets, and seemed like shaking in fear. Hmm. She could indeed notice me, and I could never be more happier in my whole damn life knowing that it's her that could save me from despair.    


Moments passed, and I heard no response from her. I went near her bed while contemplating what to tell her to make this poor girl less scared of me. I mean... Do I really look so damn scary? Are there bloodstains on my dress? Well, I can't notice since it's red. How about my face? Are there big wounds and blood dripping on my cheeks? Hmm? No, I don't think so.    


"Hey, Syd! Can you talk to me? I am hella sure that you can notice me. Don't be scared. I'm not here to haunt you or something. I need your hel---" I paused when there was a flying pillow that passed through my chest. "Oh, shit! Don't do that!"    


"Stay away from me!!! Please!!! Leave me alone!! You are not real!" She yelled in animosity and threw another pillow without looking at me, and it landed on my feet.    


She went back under the sheets, and I let out a sigh.    


"Oh, yes, I am real. I mean... I am here. Well, please, Sydney. Just... I mean no harm to you. I can't even touch anything. So there is no way I could hurt you or anybody, and I am not going to hurt you. I just need your help. Please." I explained and begged her as I went to sit on the edge of the right side of her bed, and she seemed like she covered her ears with pillows.    


How can I make her not fear me? She acts like she just saw her greatest nightmare right now. I don't think she would ever talk to me while she's in this state.    


"Go to hell!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, and I scratched the back of my head in a bit of frustration. If she just knows that it would be hell for me if I die totally without doing the things I wanted to do in my life. I want to do the things I never did before. First is... I want us to be friends.    


I was about to tell her another convincing word when there was a knock on the door that made me curious as to who it was.    


"Syd? What is happening there? Are you okay? Emma's here."    


It's the pregnant woman's voice and Syd's friend, Emma York. What is she doing here?    


"Sydney? Hey! The door is locked, Wendy. Are you alright there, Syd? Open this damn door!" Emma called out and tried to open the door, and the girl here was breathing heavily. I think I better give her some time to get herself together.    


"I'm... I'm fine! It's just... There is this cockroach in here! A very ugly cockroach! A red one! No wings, but it floats!" Sydney yelled back in reply, and she is clearly trying to sound fine. I'm cool being called a cockroach. But heck, do I look like one to her? Now, that made me look like I am more spooky than a bloody ghost. Geez, I'm scared of insects.    


"Oh, really? Open this up, and let me see it! You are not scared of cockroaches, Syd. You even pet them! Wendy went to get a spare key. What is the matter there? Are you really okay?" Emma insisted, sounding so worried, and banged the door, and I heard Sydney let out a deep sigh.    


I noticed the scared girl on the bed tried to move, and I think she peeked to see if I was still around or what. Well, I am not going to waste this chance that I have found my hero-- my knight in shining and sparkling armor. I certainly need to talk to her. But maybe not now, since there is somebody else around here. And I don't want them thinking that she is crazy because she could see me and freaking out. I need to hide. Where?    


Hmm. Closet.    


I quickly placed myself inside the closet by the corner of Sydney's room, and I will just listen to their conversation.    


"Oh, thank goodness, she's gone." I heard the girl mutter in relief, and I tried to peek to see what she's doing.    


She went out of bed while looking around her, and I instantly pulled back my head when she gazed in my direction.    


Hmm, she has lots of clothes in here. Of course, it's a damn closet.    


"Hey, are you okay, Syd? What happened, girl?"    


I heard Emma ask her friend worriedly, and the door seemed open already.    


"Uh... No, nothing. Really. It's okay. I was just... I'm fine. Alright? You don't need to worry." Sydney replied, and I popped my head out of the door of the closet to see them.    


"Oh, really? You know what? When you say we don't need to worry about you, it's the time that we genuinely worry about you. Wendy won't have been knocking on our house if you are feeling alright, Syd. She said that you seem to be seeing something and running away from it. What is it?" Emma explained and walked to the couch near the bed and sat there while looking around the room. I guess she can't notice me. And there is one way to know. I have to show myself out to her.    


I came out of the closet... And... No, not that kind of coming out, but I literally went out of it to see if Emma could notice me.    


I waved at her, both hands, and she seemed not to see. I wouldn't dare speak because Sydney might hear me and would look my way, then that would cause her to lose her shit again. So instead, I walked near to them but making sure that I am behind the back of the person who could see me.    


Sydney sat on her bed, facing Emma, and I sat behind her.    


When there was a sound of someone who might have climbed the stairs, the girl in front of me turned her head to the door to look at the person who just walked in, it's the pregnant woman. I think her name is Wendy, and I think she is her sis-in-law or something. And I quickly went out of Sydney's sight.    


"Oh, it is already open. I got the spare keys here. Are you okay, Syd?" Wendy asked and also sat on the bed.    


"Yep. I'm fine. I was just screaming at the cockroach earlier. For real. Alright? It flew out the window already. You can go back downstairs and check what you are cooking, Wen. You shouldn't have been climbing stairs. It's nothing serious here. I'm totally okay." The girl lied, and the woman nodded her head lightly in response. "Okay. Just tell me if you need a hand."    


Wendy finally left, and here we are now, me, Emma, and the fidgeting Sydney.    


"Liar. What really is it, Syd?" Emma asserted and looked at her friend intently, which is like scanning her face for the truth.    


"I just don't want her to worry about me, Ems. I don't know how to freaking deal with a woman giving birth before me. And you... I don't think you would believe me if I will tell you about it." Sydney answered and whispered the last part.    


I went to lie down on the bed on my stomach to clearly witness how Emma would react to what Sydney would tell her about me. Honestly, I feel a bit excited about it.    


"Okay. Well, then... Try me." Emma answered, and Sydney took a deep breath before speaking.    


"I saw OJ. A ghost. Her ghost. I'm so fucking sure that it was her. She was there— at the library at the academy, on the bus on the way here; she even followed me here in the house and here in my room. That's why I screamed because she seemed not to be going out of my sight. I could even hear her talk to me, Ems... It's true... Oh, I know you think I am going crazy right now, but I'm not. She was really following me. But she's gone now." Sydney confessed with a shaky, serious voice, and the red-haired girl on the couch just went to look at her with blinking eyes. And I think this girl believes her friend. Maybe. Maybe not.    


Then Emma averted her gaze behind Sydney, where I am at, and my eyes widened in shock when she really was staring at me intently.    


Oh, my gosh! Can she see me, too?    


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