Ghost In Red

C11 Chapter 11 - NYC

C11 Chapter 11 - NYC

0*Olivia Jillian Hunters' POV*    




"Two weeks, Mimi. Dad said that if there will be no changes in her health, they will... They will... She won't come back here anymore. Ever. I don't want it, Mimi. Isn't she too young to die? She is not even eighteen yet. Maybe she needs more time." My little brother cried in the arms of our nanny, and I felt like lightning struck me when I heard his news from our father.    


No. They can't do that. Why would they let me die? I am just here. Maybe I just need to go back to my body so I can finally wake up. But they mentioned that I am in New York City. Why the heck would they bring me there?    


"Let's just pray hard that OJ will get better sooner. I know she will be back here and alive, JC. Don't lose hope, son." Mimi replied while trying to hold herself from crying out, and I feel like I am crying myself, but no tears are falling from my eyes.    


This information is just too much. Jonas is right. I need more time. I need to go to New York City to get back inside my body as soon as possible. I can't die just like that.    


But I have a huge problem, though. I don't know which hospital in New York City I am located in right now. Damn, this won't be easy at all. Going room after room in one hospital is hard already, now what more going room after room after going from hospital after hospital there. Now, how many hospitals does NYC have? That has to be one hell of a shitload of a burden on my part. But I can't die without trying. I will take the risk because my life is worth fighting for.    


After I heard enough from my homies, I went to Dad's room to find any clue where they could have brought me. I just hope that I could find something, so I won't be spending too much time searching for my body clueless in a vast city.    


When I stepped inside their room, which I rarely do, I roamed my gaze around and felt a little pang in my chest. This room used to be shared by my Dad Oliver and my birth mother, Veronica Dawson. It's just sad that their marriage didn't work out well. She needed to leave when she found out that my father cheated on her with the woman he then married eleven years ago, Candice Stanford, Jonas' mom. Sometimes I feel like my mother didn't care for me because I never heard anything from her after that moment when she left me with my father. What I only understood at a young age was... she is going to Chicago. That's all that I have read from the plane ticket that I have found on this very nightstand that day she packed up her things. I helped her with folding her clothes, and I didn't know that it would be the last time that I would be with her. That was the last time I saw her.    


I sat on the bed to look at the pictures on the nightstand, and a small smile crept on my face when I saw one where Dad and I went fishing for the first time. I was still six years old at that time, and it was Mom who took this photo. There are also pictures of the four of us, the new Hunters' family. Well, Candice is friendly; it's just that I don't like to be too close to her. I just hate the fact that she was the reason why my mom left me. The damage is just too deep for me to move on quickly and treat her as someone who will replace my mother in my heart. And maybe if I will have the chance to survive this situation of mine and live, I would like to find Mom. I will.    


But first things first, I need to find my body so I can finally wake up and do something that I never did before that I wanted to do. I will be a better citizen and live happily.    




After looking at things inside the room, I stopped when I had remembered something when I tried to think of places in NYC where Dad and Candice usually go whenever they are spending months there to look over and assess their newly established businesses there- three hotels and restaurants, and a shopping mall that is about to be opened. Or maybe it is open already. Yeah, they could have let me stay in the hospital near the hotel where they primarily stay. That hospital is owned by one of Dad's old friends back in college. And my body could be there.    


Well, at least I have a more precise lead. It would be easy to go room after room in just one hospital, or if not, I will find Dad and follow him if he ever visits me. Damn, that's the best idea I have thought of so far. This ghost isn't so dumb at all.    


What I need to do is fly about two thousand and five hundred miles. Airplane. I need to board one. Free? Absolutely.    




I took a deep breath when I stepped off the taxi cab that I was sure would pass at my destination—the Hollice Hotel.    


I went inside the elevator to take me to the top floor, where they usually stay. And I stepped out again as I just remembered that I couldn't push any button. Silly ghost.    


Well, stairs would be the best way to get to the thirty-fifth floor, and I just hope that they are there.    


When I walked inside the suite, I sighed when I found no one, but their things are in here. They are absolutely staying here.    


I waited for a few hours, yet no Dad or Candice have gone in. So instead of wasting time waiting, I went out to head to the hospital, a few blocks from here, to find my room.    


I am just so excited to finally wake up and live a new and more happy life.    


When I was about to get inside the hospital, I was greeted by the people I had been waiting for. They just went out, maybe from visiting me. How nice. Now I would be finding that room all alone.    


Dad stood before me, and he was holding his wife's left hand as they were about to cross the street. Oh, I missed him, but I know that he misses me more.    


Just wait, Dad, because I will be waking up sooner. I just need to find my room and go back inside my body.    


When I walked inside the hospital, I roamed my gaze around to look for any elevator that someone could have boarded to take them somewhere to the highest floor. Yep, my first area to search for me is the topmost floor. I am in a coma state, and I am probably placed where the long-time-unconscious people are, or not, especially that I could be a VIP patient.    




A broad smile plastered on my face as I looked at my body lying on the bed. At last, after going in and out of at least twenty-five rooms and two floors, I have found myself.    


Damn, I look like shit. Look at these things attached to me. But my heartbeat seems like usual, or not. Maybe not, because why would they give me two weeks to show signs of health improvement if I am doing well? I think I just need more time to heal.    


I examined my face closely and found a scar on my left temple that measures about two inches, and I think my left leg is broken because there is a cast on it. Well, I hope there are no other serious injuries that I have earned from that accident.    


I let out a nervous sigh when I sat on the bed, and I am ready as hell to get back inside. If I could wake up after this, I would host a big party and invite everyone from the academy. Yeah, except for one person. Two, maybe. And you know who they are.    


I slowly laid down where my body lies, and I closed my eyes. When I open my eyes, all I would wish is I am finally back in the world of the living.    


I waited for a few seconds before I fluttered my eyes open to find if I was successful or not.    


The first things I saw are the ones I saw before I closed my eyes. Mhmm, the same. Then I tried to move my fingers, and I think I just did. I looked at my hands, and I wondered why I did not see the tube connection to the IV drip. I tried moving my feet, yet both seem unmoved. No.    


Finally, I tried to sit on the bed and looked around me and saw myself still lying down. The heck? Why didn't it work?    


Feeling determined and optimistic, I tried doing the procedure again.    


I tried to lie down again and again and again, yet the same thing happened.    


No. This can't be. This is not making sense at all. Why?    


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