Ghost In Red

C48 Chapter 48 - Stare

C48 Chapter 48 - Stare

0*Sydney Roswell’s POV*    




“Oh, let me guess. It was Vidia, wasn't it?” OJ asked, thinking that my best friend was the first person I kissed on the lips, but she's not.    


"Good try, but nope. It was Emma." I told her and gained a cute oh face from her, and she lightly nodded her head.    


"Emma? York? The… your neighbor?" She asked in disbelief, and I gave her a look that seemed to say, "who else?"    


"Wow, cool! That's… awesome! And… uh… how… how was it?" She stuttered but looked so curious, and I let out a chuckle while reaching for the remote at the nightstand, and then I turned on the television.    


"She should be the one you should be asking that," I replied and stood up from the bed to check my baggage and change into some sweaters and pants because we are going to go out and find food for our dinner. My dinner, I mean. It's surely so cold outside because, damn, the snow is awesome but it's cold, and I feel like wanting to stroll around after eating.    


"Why? Just tell me, Syd. Was it good? Is it from a dare? When did it happen?" The ghost inquisitively insisted, and I faced her and told her, "Just ask her that… when you finally can. Okay?"    


It was only that redhead who thinks that it was a damn kiss, and she's the one who is so good at narrating that incident she treasures all her life.    


OJ was about to ask me again, but she stopped when she saw me taking off my shirt. Her gaze seemed to be locked on me while I searched for my particular sweater in my bag, and I would just pretend that I couldn't see her in my peripheral vision gawking at me. She might be just a ghost, but heck, she can see. It must have been her newfound hobby to stare at me shamelessly while I am wearing almost nothing on or absolutely nothing on. Hmm, now I realize that her inner gayness is showing up lately.    


I was about to slip inside my sweater when I got the urge to check to see if she was still looking at me. And she is.    


I faced the girl on the bed and gave her a question mark look on my face, and asked her, "What's up? Don't you have anything else to do other than stare at me? I will not mind if you will look at the TV or anything else."    


"Nope. Eyes were made to see, dear Syd. I'm just using my ability to see beauty in everything. And you... Are... You have an amazing body. Don't mind me here. And I don't think you should blame me for seeing you. You could have gone to the bathroom to change." She replied and looked at me from head to toe, checking me out, and I just shook my head and sighed in a bit of frustration. Very nice!    


Honestly, I'm still not over with her seeing me all naked and that she seemed to be so cool with it.    


After getting dressed up, I looked at OJ on the bed when she cleared her throat and asked me something.    


"Suggestion! Question! Or whatever you call this. Syd, do you... I mean, can I see you again putting up your hair into a bun or a ponytail? It's been so long since I've seen you in that kind of hairstyle. You look so cute when you wear your hair differently. Please? Just this time? Don't worry. If I got the chance, I would do your hair someday. Oh, I know lots of ways to braid someone's hair, long or short. And… Yours will be perfect!" The ghost asked a pretty ridiculous thing, and I looked at her with my unpaintable face. Seriously? Does she think I'm cute in that way? And what the hell is she planning to do with my hair? That sounds so promising! Not gonna lie.    


I hesitated but did it anyway as she began pouting her lips like begging me, and even though my shoulder-length hair is kind of short to be tied, I still put it in a messy bun.    


Now, the ghost seemed so happy seeing me heeding her request.    


Finally, I put on my hoodie jacket on top of my sweater.    




While walking on the street after eating dinner at a fine restaurant near the place we stayed, I stopped when my companion stopped walking, and I saw her pointing at something from a distance.    


"Syd, look! Is that a Ferris Wheel?" OJ asked, and I looked at where she was pointing. It is indeed an amusement park.    


"I believe it is. Why?" I confirmed and asked her, and I heard a squeal of delight from her in response.    


"Can we go? Please? Please? We just check out what's in there. Just for a quicky, Sydney. Please?" She ecstatically asked, like a kid feeling all excited to go to an amusement park for the first time.    


I looked at my wristwatch and noticed it was still so early to be heading back to the inn to sleep. We might as well explore that one hella place before we proceed to our important mission tomorrow in the other town.    


"Yeah, sure. We still have time, anyway." I agreed and smiled, seeing the girl so happy as she jovially walked ahead of me.    


When we arrived at the park, I thought we were just going to see what was in here, but girl, my ghost girlfriend went along riding an empty pony at the Merry-go-round ride. And she looks so happy doing so.    


Honestly, it's been a long time since I have gone with my pals to an amusement park together. And it was a one-of-a-kind fun experience.    




"Who said that rides are just for kids?" OJ asked me when she got down after the third children's ride she got on for free had stopped, and I just shrugged my shoulders with a grin on my face.    


"I didn't say anything. Now, tell me that that thing is for kids." I replied and pointed at a ride that seemed to be killing whoever gets on it as it looks like shaking you to your death and throwing you up and down. And there are people in it. How? Why? Just why?    


"Ooh, wow, that is so dope! It's a slingshot! Go and try it, Syd! That must be so fun!" She cheered and looked at the insane ride in amazement, and I shook my head with vigor and laughed nervously.    


Hell, no.    


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