Strongest Replication

C617 Strange

C617 Strange

0In the mines!    


After sensing the unusual changes at the end of the tunnel, they retracted their aura. Elder Farmer, who was the strongest among them, took the lead, and the group slowly approached the end of the tunnel.    


The tunnel they chose this time was a medium sized tunnel. It was less than a thousand meters long, and even walking only took less than thirty seconds.    


There was a slightly protruding stone wall at the end of the tunnel. Chu Zhongtian and the others, who had walked to the end of the tunnel, temporarily hid behind the protruding stone. Through the faint light in front of them, they observed what was happening in front of them.    


In the hundreds of square meters of space that they had dug out, there were four experts dressed in uniform.    


They leaned against each other, forming a circular defensive stance. At the same time, the four of them released powerful auras. Their auras were mixed with thick killing intent. One look and one could tell that they were experts who had grown up from bloody paths.    


And ten meters to the left of the four of them, there was a corpse that was wearing the same clothes as the four of them, but had already lost its life and had a satisfied smile on its face.    


"Elder Huang, is the Blood Divine Beast around?" Seeing the corpse lying on the ground with a satisfied smile on its face, Chu Zhongtian immediately realized that they had been attacked by the Blood Divine Beast. The defense of the remaining four people indicated that the Blood Divine Beast might not have left yet.    


"Chu, the Blood Divine Beast has left!" Elder Huang said with a strange tone.    


After checking the Power of the Divine Soul once, his face showed a trace of doubt. This was because with the Blood Divine Beast's ability to ignore all defenses, its previous attacks were elusive and unpredictable. It was simply impossible for the five Half-step Longevity Period martial artists present to be its match. Why did it quietly retreat just as they approached!?    


Could it be that there were some people among these people that it was afraid of, or perhaps it could be said that these people had treasures that it was afraid of!    


Elder Huang did not tell Chu Zhongtian about the doubts in his heart for the time being, because he did not want to interrupt Chu Zhongtian's plan.    


"Little friend, with your cultivation base, you still can't use the power of the divine sense to transmit your voice. So, you just need to listen to me!" Just as Chu Zhongtian was vigilantly looking at the four men who were defending with all their might, Elder Farmer's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.    


"Little friend, the four men in front of us are from the famous Level 4 family in Southern Domain. The strongest secret guard of the Du family is responsible for handling some shady business for the Du family. At the same time, the Du family is one of the nine major powers, the most loyal ally of the Chu Family. "    


" That's why I suspect that the news about the Millennium Fruit has been leaked. It's very likely that the Chu Family is behind all of this. That's because when we found out about the Millennium Fruit and the Jade Slip, there were two other Jade Slip in the Longevity Period warrior Cavern. I think that there might also be information about the Millennium Fruit in those two Jade Slip."    


"However, I don't know what their purpose of revealing the Millennium Fruit is. What benefits can they get by doing this?!"    


Level 4 family, Du family, third grade family, Chu Family. Elder Farmer reminded them. It made Chu Zhongtian even more certain that there must be a shocking conspiracy behind the secret leak of the Longevity Fruit. However, there was too little information at the moment, and it wasn't enough to guess the purpose of the Chu Family.    


Chu Zhongtian saw that the four men who were defending with all their might couldn't leave in a short period of time. He was in a hurry to destroy the Blood Divine Tree, and he didn't want to continue this stalemate.    


Therefore, he gave a signal to Elder Farmer and the others, and then they left the passageway.    


Chu Zhongtian and the others did not notice that on the wall less than ten meters away from them... The two Sixth Grade Middle Rank Spirit Stone hiding in the wall stared at Chu Zhongtian and the others as if they had a mind of their own. To be more accurate, the people who were being stared at by the two Seventh Grade Middle Rank Spirit Stone were... It was Chu Zhongtian, who was surrounded by the crowd.    


Chu Zhongtian took out the map and reconfirmed the route, then led Elder Farmer deeper into the ore mine.    


In the following journey, Chu Zhongtian and the others' luck was pretty good. They did not encounter any sneak attacks from the Blood Divine Beast, nor did they encounter any other experts who entered the ore vein to search for treasures. This allowed them to smoothly reach the deepest part of the ore vein.    


Looking at the only path in front of them, Chu Zhongtian took out the route map that the old man had given him. After careful comparison, he found that they were already at the end of the route map.    


In other words, whether or not the next passageway that led to the Blood Divine Tree would depend on their luck!    


However, before that, he still needed to confirm the distance between them and the Blood Divine Tree.    


"Elder Huang, how far are we from the Blood Divine Tree now?" Chu Zhongtian asked.    


"According to the aura on the Blood Divine Beast, the Blood Divine Tree is less than five kilometers away from us!" Using the Power of the Divine Soul to penetrate the only tunnel in front of them, Elder Huang gave a surprising answer.    


"Five seniors, this tunnel in front of us is very likely to lead to the Blood Divine Tree. We are already close to the Blood Divine Beast's base camp. In other words, we might encounter a sneak attack from the Blood Divine Beast at any time. " They were less than five kilometers away from the Blood Divine Tree, which meant they were less than five kilometers away.    


With their speed, it only took them a few dozen seconds. This was the only time the Blood Divine Beast could launch a sneak attack. Otherwise, once they got close to the Blood Divine Tree, they would have to rely on the spirit tree that didn't have any offensive or defensive abilities. It's hard to bear the attacks of others.    


"Five seniors, raise your vigilance by 200% to prevent the Blood Divine Beast from ambushing us." After instructing everyone to be on high alert, Elder Farmer walked in front of them. Scrawny Elder walked in the back, while the other three experts stood on both sides of Chu Zhongtian. They tightly surrounded him in the middle. At the same time, each of them took out their own Vital Spirit Tool to guard against the Blood Divine Beast's sneak attack.    


1000 meters!    


Two thousand meters!    


3,000 meters!    


When they were halfway there, they did not encounter any sneak attacks from the Blood Divine Beast. This strange phenomenon not only puzzled Elder Farmer and the others, even Chu Zhongtian did not understand what was going on.    


Although he wanted to ask Elder Huang, they were less than two thousand meters away from the Blood Divine Tree. Chu Zhongtian temporarily held back his desire to speak and continued following Elder Farmer.    


Three thousand five hundred meters!    


Four thousand meters!    


When he was less than a thousand meters away from the end of the tunnel, and it would only take him ten seconds to reach the end, Elder Farmer couldn't help but turn his head and look at Chu Zhongtian.    


Chu Zhongtian nodded and motioned for the group to continue moving at their current speed. Not only did he use the vital spirit to stimulate the Defensive Spirit Tool, but also... Using the vital spirit's Attribute Form, another layer of defense was set up on the Defensive Spirit Tool.    


Five hundred meters!    


Three hundred meters!    


One hundred meters!    


At this moment, everyone could vaguely see a trace of light at the end of the tunnel. At the same time, they could also feel a majestic qi and blood aura emitting from the end of the tunnel.    


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