Strongest Replication

C6 Knowledgeable about Herbs!

C6 Knowledgeable about Herbs!

0In the morning, the sun rose, waking all those living—truly a beautiful sight full of life.    


In the attic, Chu Zhongtian could be seen sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed. Before long, he opened his eyes, and his once clear eyes now held something profound.    


The first time he ever used "copy-paste," it left his body weak and pale. However, after consuming so many herbs, he was now filled with energy. Everything from his face to his temperament changed for the better.    


After a simple wash-up, Chu Zhongtian walked toward the shop in the front yard, thinking about how to earn inferior stones quickly.    


In just five days, almost half of his damaged meridians had been restored. He was sure that 50 more inferior stones were enough to completely heal his damaged meridians.    


Once he was completely healed, he would have his Level-8 talent, the "copy-paste" ability, and a strengthened being. With all those cheats, he was sure that he could catch up to anyone in no time.    


50 inferior spirit stones meant 550 gold coins. If he bought them through a specialized channel, he was sure he could bring down the price to 500 gold coins.    


Chu Zhongtian felt his headache when he tried to think of such a vast amount of gold coins. Actually, it wasn't the sum that worried—it was the time. Give him a year, and he was confident that he could earn 500 gold coins.    


However, he couldn't wait for a year just for nothing.    


On the Eternal Continent, one was considered an adult at 16; it was also the age at which everyone began cultivating.    


Here, one's meridians didn't take shape until they were 16 years of age. Before 16, apart from lacking strong meridians, everyone also had weak internal organs. If one cultivated ahead of time, their meridians and internal organs would be damaged. If they were fortunate, they would only be seriously injured. Otherwise, death was their companion.    


It had been a year since Chu Zhongtian got his talent tested. Those who were the same age as him had already started cultivating. Hell, even those way weaker than him were now Level-2 Qi Refiners. For example, Lin Yindao, the genius of the Lin family, was already a Level-5 Qi Refiner with his middle Level-8 talent.    


If Chu Zhongtian delayed his cultivation for another year, he would fall even more behind the others. Let alone gaining a foothold in the Eternal Kingdom, he feared he would end up like the Wang guy—amounting to nothing.    


While thinking about schemes to quickly earn money for inferior stones, he walked toward the shop. While walking through the inner lobby, he saw a gentle-looking middle-aged man in a light blue coat.    


"Eighth Elder, why are you here?" Seeing the middle-aged man standing in the hall, Chu Zhongtian quickly took a few steps forward and greeted him with a nervous expression.    


This gentle-looking middle-aged man was called Chu Fann. He was an inner clan elder of the Chu Family, and he was also the younger brother of the current patriarch, Chu Tianyun. His strength was unfathomable, and his authority within the clan was absolute.    


One could be deceived by his gentle appearance; in reality, he was as ruthless as they come. His hands carried the blood of so many that he was nicknamed "Blood Tiger. "    


"En." Chu Fann nodded at Chu Zhongtian, indicating that the matter had nothing to Chu Zhongtian.    


Chu Zhongtian walked to the counter and was surprised to find the Chu Fann wasn't alone; he had three experts in tow who were waiting in the main hall. They were wearing light purple clothes and had cold expressions on their faces.    


The trio didn't look old; they were only in their thirties. However, they all had a terrifying aura around them, akin to ferocious beasts hunting their prey.    


Despite being curious about the trio of "hunters," Chu Tianzhong did not question them. After all, right now, he was just a shop assistant; only doing his job well was expected of him. If he were to poke his nose in matters it didn't belong to, he just might lose an arm or a leg.    


"Tian, no need to open the shop for now." Chu Fann quickly stopped him. Meanwhile, Chu Zhongtian was in the midst of opening the shop by withdrawing the wooden panel that shut the main door.    


"Oh, okay." Without asking why, Chu Zhongtian put down the wooden plank in his hand and stood not far away from Chu Fann, waiting quietly.    


After a few minutes, the sound of footsteps could be heard. Then, five experts, all wearing different colored clothing, walked in. However, their clothes had one similarity—they all had a lotus flower embroidered on their sleeves.    


Chu Zhongtian raised his brows slightly when he saw the five of them walking into the hall. He was wondering what had happened that resulted in them being mobilized.    


Not only did Chu Zhongtian recognize these five people, but he was also very familiar with them. They were none other than the guards of Chu's Pharmacy. Moreover, the leader in this group was a Body Refining cultivator.    


"Eighth Elder, the items are here." After walking into the main hall, the one leading the group handed Chu Fann a cloth bag embroidered with silver lace and half the size of a backpack.    


"Let's go!" Chu Fann took the pouch and ordered without saying anything.    


"Tian, follow me. I'll explain on the way." Chu Fann walked out of the hall and saw Chu Zhongtian standing by the counter motionlessly.    


"Yes." Instead of asking questions he knew he wouldn't get answers to, he followed Chu Fann out of Chu's Pharmacy. Without packing anything, he just closed the main door before leaving.    


"During October in the Autumn season, the herbs at the Endless Forest's edge are the most mature and densely packed. This time, our mission is to collect as many precious herbs as we can."    


Speaking up to this point, Chu Fann looked at Chu Zhongtian with a gentle expression and said, "Tian, although you can't cultivate due to your meridians, you are the most knowledgeable person when it comes to herbs. Therefore, the task of collecting precious herbs this time is on you."    


Right now, the shopkeeper and the Body Refining expert were at the shop. The remaining people were all experts amongst experts. Although they were only walking on the road, they were speedy. Since Chu Zhongtian had no cultivation, Chu Fann was personally leading him.    


For the first time, Chu Feng understood the benefits brought by cultivation. Despite not running, every step Chu Fann took brought them at least seven or eight meters away. In other words, his current speed wasn't any slower than the cars from Chu Zhongtian's previous life.    


Chu Zhongtian nodded in response to Chu Fann's explanation, indicating that he understood, but his heart was filled with doubt.    


Every year, during this time, many forces would organize their experts to go to the Endless Forest to gather some precious herbs. However, every year, even the weakest in the Chu Family's gathering team were Level-3 Qi Reiners.    


After all, not just any weakling could survive in the Endless Forest.    


As for Chu Fann saying that Chu Zhongtian was the most knowledgeable about herbs, he didn't buy that logic for a second.    


Chu Zhongtian accepted that most of his years were spent learning about herbs since he couldn't cultivate them, but that simply didn't mean he was an expert.    


Also, the Chu Family wasn't a part of the great three because they were strong. No. It was because they had a resident alchemist. So, how could Chu Zhontian be more knowledgeable than a literal alchemist?    


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