Super Dragon slaughtering System

C5 Divine God Level Cultivation Technique

C5 Divine God Level Cultivation Technique

0Divine God Level Cultivation Technique    


“Congratulations, host, for learning the Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms. Proficiency: 1/100. This is a powerful palm technique, especially when fighting a giant dragon. Can increase damage by three times!”    


“I will prove a formidable foe to the dragon with this technique. Such wonderful treasures from the Super Dragon Slaughtering System hahaha.”    


Ning Qi could not help but be pleasantly surprised. The system was rewarding him with such riches, one after another.    


“Warning: Due to an unprecedented mistake, the system will be temporarily discontinued for a day. During this time, the host will no longer be able to increase his experience levels nor can he check his attributes. Otherwise, everything else will stay the same!”    


“As I predicted, the system has come across a problem. But if you dare take back my items, I will fight you to the very end.”    


Ning Qi muttered this to himself. Then, he started honing his skills with the Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms. When he tossed out a punch, his fist turned from a light silver color to silver combat power. In that instant, a five-clawed Silver Dragon flew out. A huge rock as tall as three men combined was in his way and the boulder instantly disintegrated into powder.    


“Incredible strength!”    


At this time, when he checked the system, the Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms’ proficiency had risen from 1/100 to 2/100.    


Ning Qi practiced the Dragon Elephant Skill again, then sat in a cross-legged position and meditated for a good while. His proficiency level increased by a little every hour. It seemed like the Dragon Elephant Skill was harder to master than the Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms. But looking at its health points and achievement levels, he knew that it wasn’t too hard to learn. With the amount of progress he was making, Ning Qi would be invincible in a matter of days.    


His current objective was to work his way to increase his skill level and martial skill level by one.    


One day later, after Ning Qi’s rigorous training, both things had improved by one level.    


Second level of Dragon Elephant Skill, Proficiency 1/1000.    


Second level of Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms Proficiency 0/1000.    


“The system is currently being rebooted. Due to an unknown error in Dragon Slaying Merchant City, you lack a God Level cultivation technique and a God Level combat technique. This is being looked at. Host, please wait patiently as this is being fixed…”    


“Doesn’t the system know I have obtained these two sets of God Level cultivation techniques long ago? It seems like the system is like any other with its own flaws and shortcomings. What a stupid setup.”    


A smile slowly made its way onto Ning Qi’s face.    


At this very moment, he looked through his attributes panel again. A huge change had been made.    


Host: Ning Qi.    


Level: Three-star Dou Shi.    


Experience Points: 5080/50000    


Cultivation Technique: God Level cultivation technique, Dragon Elephant Form Technique    


Martial Skill: God Level Martial Skill, Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms    


HP: 2350    


Dragon Slaying Coin: 2,000    


Dragon Slaying Merchant City is currently out of service. Please look forward to its restoration.    


Champion Marquis Mansion.    


“Zhang Deacon, any trace of the young master?”    


Ning Hongdou only stared coldly at the middle-aged Zhang Deacon standing in front of him.    


Feeling the terrifying aura of a one-star Great Battle Master radiating off of Ning Hongdou’s body, Zhang Deacon, a three-star Dou Shi, could not help but tremble fearfully.    


“Master, I have searched everywhere and asked all of young master’s friends. Yet there is no sign of the young master anywhere.”    


There was a frown on Ning Hongdou’s face. “Where could Ning Loong be?”    


“Master, there’s something - I don’t know if I should mention this or not…”    


Zhang Deacon began hesitantly.    


Ning Hongdou said, “Speak at once!”    


Zhang Deacon said, “Young master was last seen entering that bastard’s courtyard…”    


“Why would he go into the courtyard of the wild seed?”    


“Maybe because the eldest wife’s maidservant Xiaoyuan is the young master’s person, and that bastard was extremely daring not too long ago, even going out of his way to flirt with Xiaoyuan, so the young master might have wanted to teach that bastard a thing or two.”    


“What utter nonsense! Could Eldest Madam’s maidservant move things at will?! I told you to keep an eye on Little Master. This is how you obey my command?”    


Ning Hongdou slammed his fist against Zhang Deacon’s face and it instantly turned a bright red. Zhang Deacon covered the spot where he was struck and lowered his head in submission, feeling too lowly to say another word.    


In Ning Qi’s courtyard.    


Ning Hongdou stood before the wooden bed in Ning Qi’s room and started looking around. His nose twitched by the smell of something visceral.    


“I can detect the smell of blood…”    


Following the scent of blood with his acute sense of smell, Ning Hongdou made his way to the corner of the yard. Slapping his palm down hard on the ground, a dark red combat power released from his body, and the soil was unearthed. Looking down at the soil that was heavily mixed with the sight of blood and rotten flesh, the expression on Ning Hongdou’s face saw an immense change.    


“Damn it! Where could this bastard be?! With Ning Loong’s strength, how could he possibly be defeated by such a foe? I must get to the bottom of this!”    


After making a few rounds around the courtyard and finding no trace of Ning Qi, Ning Hongdou was enraged. Seeing the urn of ashes on the shrine, he did not hesitate to smash it with his palm. The grayish-white ashes immediately exploded in the air.    




“A high-grade Tier 1 Demon Beast, Wind Wolf? Kill!”    




“Tier 1 Elite Demon Beast, King Snake? Kill!”    





“Tier 1 BOSS Demon Beast, Golden-eyed Ape? Kill!”    




Another month went by since Ning Qi became a three-star Dou Shi. During this time, he had used the Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms and the Dragon Slaying Dou Qi to instantly slaughter any Tier 1 Demon Beasts who came into his path. No matter what level or rank it was, he would not hesitate to kill it. At this time, three gambling gift bags had shown up in the system dropped by the BOSS level Demon Beasts.    


Ning’s Dragon Slaying Coin seemed to be completely depleted. He purchased 100 silver taels in one go, and he also made the expensive purchase to obtain two Yellow Grade low-level Revival Pills and a Yellow Grade middle level Detoxification Pill.    


Host: Ning Qi.    


Level: Four-star Dou Shi.    


Experience Points: 1002/80000    


Cultivation Technique: Dragon Elephant Skill, 386/1000 familiarity.    


Martial Skill: Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms, 850/1000 Proficiency    


HP: 2350    


Dragon Slaying Coin: 2,000    


Dragon Slaying Merchant City is currently out of service. Please look forward to its restoration.    


“System, how much life force do I have left? Have I replenished the levels?”    


Ning Qi took the time to ask.    


The system had previously told him that he only had half a year left to live. Having spent more than four months inside Heavenly Wind Forest, he should have recovered his life energies by now, right?    


“Host, you have one year and three months left to live!”    


“I only have one year and three months left? Is this a mistake? Previously, upon your prompt, I exchanged fifty years of my life for five minutes of a one-star Dou Shi. Now, I’m at a four-star Dou Shi level. Can’t you just return my life to me? Is this some kind of joke? Believe me, when I say, I have the ability to go after your entire family!”    


Ning Qi immediately channeled the imposing manner of a top boss on Earth.    


Unfortunately, the System was not fooled.    


“There is no shortcut. Host, please go about increasing your strength and lifespan the normal way.”    


The System said.    


This meant that Ning Qi did not have time to take a break at all. He had to continuously kill monsters to accumulate experience points. It can be said that he was a slave to the system.    


Ning Qi’s face was cold and expressionless. All the Demon Beasts that came in his way had been slaughtered by his blade. The silver Dragon Slaying Dou Qi even left its mark on the ground after puncturing through their dead bodies.    




The blade was split in two.    


If it hadn’t been for the Dragon Slaying Dou Qi, this saber wouldn’t have lasted this long. It was a good thing it was broken. Ning Qi used the Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms whenever he encountered Demon Beasts. His proficiency level slowly increased. After half a month of this, his proficiency level finally exceeded 1000, reaching the third level of the Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms.    


After giving it a once-over, the power of the level three Eighteen Subduing Dragon Palms was more than double of the power of the second level! A huge rock, standing at 40 to 50 meters tall was turned into powder in a matter of seconds by his palm!    


Ning Qi even suspected that if he struck out with his palm, it would be no problem for him to vanquish an 8 or 9 star Battle Master!    


During his hunt, he killed a wild rabbit, peeled off its skin, and started roasting it over a roaring fire. The aroma of mouth-watering cooked meat filled the air.    


“Don’t flee. Only a handful of enemies would be able to escape from the Blood Killing Sect. Kneel down and plead for your case. I might be able to reward you with a painless death. Hahaha!”    


Cold laughter could be heard from behind him. The voice was overflowing with killer intent.    


Following the voice, an old man accompanied by a man, a woman, and two seven or eight-year-old children, were running towards Ning Qi dressed in rags. Not far behind them, was a middle-aged man in a red robe who was flying in their direction with a fierce smile emblazoned on his face. His body was wrapped around with a layer of dark red combat power. There was no doubt in his mind that he was a Great Battle Master warrior!    


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