Super Dragon slaughtering System

C3 The Fierce Battle Between Two Dragons

C3 The Fierce Battle Between Two Dragons

0The Fierce Battle Between Two Dragons    


"What about the 100% Armor Penetration?"    


After Ning Qi asked the system about this, the system promptly gave him an answer: "You have full Armor Penetration at your disposal!"    


Ning Qi was dumbfounded by the answer once again.    


"Since I’ve leveled up to a One-star Fighter, this will allow me to go deeper into the Tianfeng Forest and find stronger Demonic Beasts to exterminate!"    


Looking through the system, the items on Ning Qi’s attributes panel had seen an immense change.    


Host: Ning Qi.    


Level: One-star Fighter    


Experience: 0/2000    


Cultivation Technique: Low-grade Yellow Rank Body Forging Art    


Martial Skill: None    


HP: 150    


Dragon Slaying Coin: None    


After walking for a few dozen miles, a white bear suddenly stepped in front of Ning Qi’s path. It stood on his hind legs and at its full height, it was three meters tall. It stared straight at Ning Qi with fiery eyes like that of a predator eyeing its supper.    


"First Rank Elite Demonic Beast, Herculean Bear."    


Each stage of the Demonic Beast was divided into low, medium, high, elite, and Boss. The strength of First Rank Elite Demonic Beast was equivalent to that of Seven or Eight-star Fighter!    


This was the classification system given by the Super Dragon Slaying System. The Dragon Continent’s classification of Demonic Beasts was relatively general ranging from First Rank to Eleventh Rank. Tenth Rank Demonic Beasts' strength could rival Battle Monarch's, while Eleventh Rank Demonic Beasts were stronger than Battle Monarch. In the entire Dragon Continent, there were only three Eleventh Rank Demonic Beasts who were the head of three different Dragon Clans. These three patriarchs were a part of his ongoing conquest.    


"Conquering a First Rank Elite Demonic Beast will give me a lot of experiences. The kill might even provide me with some helpful equipment!"    


Ning Qi eyed the bear hungrily. Although his current strength did not compare to the other party, his blood sang from the risk and danger. By all means, he had to kill this bear!    


At the same time as Ning Qi was looking at the bear, the bear was also looking at Ning Qi. The bear appeared to be licking its lips, as a long string of dribble dropped from its heavy jowls. In its creature-like eyes, Ning Qi was only a delicious meal. As the bear moved in for the kill, Ning Qi could hear the animal growl and in an instant, the bear was lunging at his throat at an incredible speed.    


"You are courting death!"    


Ning Qi let out a terrible laugh and swung his blade directly at the bear. A layer of silver light glistened from his blade. The bear was blinded by the Dragon Slaying Battle Power. It stood on its haunches completely stunned for a good moment. At that second, Ning Qi’s blade struck its body and its fur and flesh split open, relieving a deep gash in its monstrous body. The wound looked very painful. The bear retaliated by casually slapping Ning Qi’s body with its paws.    


Ning Qi’s body was propelled into the air. Instantly, his health points fell by 30 points! Without a moment’s delay, he stuffed three Healing Pills into his mouth and was able to recover by 27 health points. Then, he continued his attack on the bear.    


Faintly, Ning Qi could see a Haemal Strand glowing on the bear’s head. The Haemal Strand was probably placed there by the system to make things easier for the host. With one swing of his sword, he could cut down 10% of the Haemal Strand. This meant that he needed to cut the bear at least 10 times before defeating it!    


If it were not for his Battle Power being a mutated one, which was 100% armor-piercing, he probably would not be able to penetrate through the bear’s thick skin with only a dozen or so cuts.    


The battle that ensued was very fierce.    


After Ning Qi swallowed all the Healing Pills he preserved, he continued to eat a total of six pills. The bear's body eventually fell to the ground with a heavy thud.    


"Congratulations, host, for successfully killing a First Rank Elite Demonic Beast, Herculean bear. As the host killed a beast that is higher than his current level, the experience bonus is 300%, obtaining 2000 experience points!"    


"Congratulations, host, you have leveled up to Two-star Fighter."    


"Notification: The Herculean Bear carries Gambling Gift Bag."    


"Gambling Gift Bag?"    


Ning Qi had slaughtered so many Demonic Beasts for the past few days but never before had he come across this notification before. He immediately checked it out and found out what the Gambling Gift Bag was.    


The Gambling Gift Bag meant he had two options. One was to get rid of the Demonic Beast’s corpse himself and sell the valuable items, or refine pills or forge weapons. The second was to give it back to the system. The system would award him according to the rank of the Demonic Beast’s corpse. It would give him pills or equipment. The reward could also be Dragon Slaying Coins!    


After thinking things over carefully, Ning Qi, with no hesitation, chose the Gambling Gift Bag!    


At this time, four items appeared in the system. The items were projected on a wheel with a pointer on it.    


"Low-grade Yellow Rank equipment, Herculean Bear Ring, + 20 HP."    


"Low-grade Yellow Rank pill, Revival Pill, + 20 HP."    


"High-grade Yellow Rank equipment, Herculean Bear Leather Armor, + 100 HP."    


"Thank you for your participation."    


If the needle pointed to 'Thank you for your participation', Ning Qi would come up empty-handed.    


Inhaling deeply, Ning Qi used his mind to start the wheel spinning.    


The needle slowly made its revolution around the wheel.    


After three laps, it gradually slowed down.    


"I am satisfied with the Herculean Bear Ring. Just don’t thank me for participating!" Ning Qi focused all his good energies on the needle, willing it to land on a good price. After it slowly moved past the section where it said 'Thank you for your participation', it stopped on the Herculean Bear Leather Armor. Ning Qi heaved a huge sigh of relief, and then he started jumping up and down, wild with joy. He had just won the best thing out of the four options!    


"Ding! Congratulations, host, you have not obtained a Herculean Bear Leather Armor, a High-grade Yellow Rank Equipment. After putting it on, the armor will alleviate the host’s HP by 100 points!"    


What a prize!    


Ning Qi could not keep his joy in check and immediately donned the Herculean Bear Leather Armor, thereby, increasing his health points by 250 points!    


The amount of health points that were just added to his system was probably something that could only be obtained by a Seven or Eight-star Fighter.    


It was at this moment that Ning Qi realized something. When he was still at the Body Forging stage, by leveling up, this could help increase his health points. However, he just noticed when he leveled up from One-star Fighter to Two-star, this did not allow him to increase his health points. The only thing that saw any exponential increase was his Battle Power.    


"System, why didn’t my health points increase after leveling up?"    


"Only once the host cultivates a Mid-grade Yellow Rank or higher cultivation technique will he be able to increase his health points when upgrading. The Body Forging Art is only effective at the Body Forging Stage."    



"So that’s how it works. Looks like I need to obtain a cultivation technique as soon as possible!"    


After that was done, Ning Qi made his way deeper into the Tianfeng Forest.    


Another month passed in this way.    


He managed to kill a countless number of medium First Rank Demonic Beasts but never did any Elite ones cross his path, not even high ones. A single medium Demonic Beast would bring him around 50 experience points, and there were no more traces of Gambling Gift Bags in his hunt. This made Ning Qi a little disappointed, though he was still happy that he had managed to level up two more levels in the process. It was not a total loss!    


Right now, he was a Four-star Fighter!    


At the rate he was going, according to the information he had, he had surpassed even the few most gifted individuals in the Champion Marquis Mansion!    


With his current power levels, there weren’t many people in the same generation as him who could stand a fighting chance against him once he returned to the family.    


But this wasn’t enough!    


Ning Loong’s father was a One-star Grand Battle Master. Only once Ning Qi became a Battle Master would he be out of danger. Although he felt that he had done a good job covering his tracks, there was no way he could be completely invisible in this world. If Ning Loong’s father found out that he was responsible for his son’s death, he would not hesitate to fight him to the finish!    




A loud sound could be heard from the sky.    


"What in the world is that creature?"    


Ning Qi peered up in the sky and could see two small dots fighting in the distance. He moved to get a closer look and could not hide his surprise. "Dragon Clan!"    


"Sixth Rank Boss Level Demonic Beast, Green-scaled Evil Dragon."    


"Sixth Rank Boss Level Demonic Beast, Fire Evil Dragon."    


The system immediately gave Ning Qi the details regarding these two fighting creatures in the sky.    


Sixth Rank Dragon Clan!    


What luck! It was the Boss level beast! They must have reached the Peak of Battle Emperor.    


Ning Qi immediately found a hiding spot behind a big tree and greedily stared at the two small dots in the sky, trying his best to assess the situation so that he would know when to make his next move.    


"How much experience and equipment will come from slaughtering a Sixth Rank Boss level dragon?" he muttered this to himself and imagined all the things he can get from killing the two giant dragons. His heart was beating rapidly in his chest!    


"Kill it. Yes, that blow should do it! Continue to fight more violently. I’ll take advantage once both sides have suffered losses!"    


"It’s breathing out fire! The belching fire of that Flame Evil Dragon is terrifying! I was standing a distance from the fight, yet it somehow managed to burn my eyebrows!"    


"Fight Back! Retaliate, Green-scaled Evil Dragon! Yes, that’s right! Don’t back down!"    


After an hour of complete deadlock, the two dragons had used up all their most powerful moves and were at a loss at what to do next. They could only fall heavily to the ground in defeat.    






After the two large thuds, plumes of dust filled the air.    


Ning Qi’s heart was racing in his chest. It looks like his prayers were being answered. Was this it for the two giant dragons?    


After the dust settled on the ground, the Green-scaled Evil Dragon and the Flame Evil Dragon lay on the ground and stared at each other with fiery hatred.    


At this moment, Ning Qi noticed the Haemal Strand on their heads. It was obvious that they had reached rock bottom, but they were recovering at a quick speed.    


"Who cares? You can’t get rich by avoiding danger!"    


While Ning Qi was living on Earth, he was known as an opportunist who did not shy away from danger. Coming to the Dragon Continent didn't change who he was at his core.    


Taking his chance right then before the two giant dragons recovered completely, Ning Qi decisively raised his iron blade and charged at them.    


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