Super Dragon slaughtering System

C8 Condemned to a Beating

C8 Condemned to a Beating

0Condemned to a Beating    


“Have you heard the news? That bastard has actually harnessed a xenogeneic combat power and even used it to kill Lee Si!”    


“Lee Si is at a three-star Dou Zhe, a cultivation level higher than ours. How could he have possibly fallen at the hands of that bastard? From what I can recall, he is only at the First Level Body Forging stage! Moreover, he is so lowly, he never had the chance to learn the cultivation technique of our Champion Marquis Mansion!”    


“Lee Si’s corpse is just sitting in the courtyard. His wife, already undergoing great distress, has gone to the First Lady to place a complaint. I heard that Ning Qi is also responsible for Ning Long’s death. Seventh Uncle has now taken him to see the old master in regards to this issue!”    


Whether it was a main branch minion or maidservant, everyone in the manor had found out that Ning Qi suddenly came back to the manor after a few months of absence. The instant he returned, he made his mark by killing Lee Si, a three-star Dou Zhe. This made many servants who had mocked and humiliated him, feel very worried. Could it be that Ning Qi, this bastard, was going to seek revenge on all those who have wronged him in the past?    


“Madam, that bastard did not hesitate to even kill Ning Long and Lee Si. Would he come after me next? After all, at that time…” Maidservant Xiao Yuan stood behind a noblewoman and said with a trembling voice.    


Her cultivation base was the same as Lee Si’s. She was also a three-star Dou Zhe.    


In contrast, the noblewoman in front of her was emitting a faint dark red Dou Qi from off her body. Clearly, her status was that of a Great Battle Master! To be able to be the First Lady of the Battle King, naturally, her cultivation base couldn’t be too low!    


The First Lady could not help but sneer. “That bastard, do not pay any attention to him. Though he clearly made Lee Si flip over, this was obviously a different kind of combat power that he used to kill a three-star Dou Zhe. Luckily, he was stupid enough to come back. The seventh brother’s son had fallen under his hand. The seventh brother will not let this matter rest until he has seen that his son’s death is avenged. Let them do all the grunt work. I just need to blow some wind into the old master’s ear. This bastard will definitely find himself being executed by the law!”    


At this time, the sound of footsteps could be heard making their way down the hall. A middle-aged man making quick steps walked in.    


Xiao Yuan hurried to say, “Greetings, old master.”    


First Lady stepped forward with a smile on her face. “Old master, you have made your return from the Young Master Shenwu’s place. How was your discussion? Are they willing to hand over that mine to us?”    


Ning Hongtian did not bother to hide his snort. “Stop bringing up the subject of the mine. Let your third brother sort through this matter himself.”    


The First Lady’s face stiffened for a good moment, then she regained her composure and covered it up with a smile on her face, saying, “Alright then, let’s not discuss this anymore. Oh, that’s right. Have you heard? Ning Qi is back.”    


Ning Hongtian responded with a cold expression on his face.    


First Lady continued her speech, “He killed Lee Si in front of all those people and the Seventh Brother suspects that he also killed Ning Long. Now, he is being taken to see Great Grandfather. Somehow Ning Qi managed to harness a different type of combat power. It turns out to be very rare. However, killing a family member is a very serious crime…”    


“A different type of combat power never seen before? Him?” Ning Hongtian could not help but frown.    


“Well, seeing how things are, I admit that I am a little worried. A lot of people are looking at the old master, the seat of Champion Marquis, for guidance. It’s not the first or second time we’ve caught an imposter in our midst. Even someone with Ning Qi’s lowly status was given the chance to learn a cultivation technique. I’m afraid things are not that simple…”    


The man said.    


“I know, we’ll go to Father’s place and try to get a feel for what’s going on. If this unfilial son really became a traitor, I’ll personally kill him with my own two hands.”    


Ning Hongtian said this with a murderous glint in his eyes.    


Champion Marquis Mansion, Armory Park.    


A private courtyard of the previous Champion Marquis, it took up seven to eight acres of land. Inside was a garden and some fake mountainous terrain. The man-made streams flowed peacefully, giving people a very serene and soothing feeling. Usually, Great-Grandfather would call over a few friends to drink tea and play chess here when he had nothing better to do. Inside this garden, he felt happy and at ease. Sometimes, even the emperor would come secretly to visit Great Grandfather and play chess with him within this tranquil environment.    


After Ning Hongtian took over as the new Champion Marquis, the power of the Marquis was not the same. Many businesses were being suppressed by the Young Master Shenwu. With the Long family under his wing, they had already robbed from a lot of businesses in the Champion Marquis Mansion. If Great-Grandfather was not still around to throw his weight around, Ning Hongtian’s title as the Marquis might have been handed over to the thieves as well.    


Today, his grandfather turned to look at this group of people with a serious expression on his face.    


“Old Seventh, why such fanfare?” Great-Grandfather looked at Ning Qi then turned to say this to Ning Hongdou.    


Seeing his chance, Ning Hongdou went forward and knelt to the ground. “I beg Father to pass judgment on this matter for me. There is no question about it, Ning Qi, this bastard, killed my dragon son!”    


Ning Qi responded by saying, “Seventh Uncle, it is unfair for you to accuse me in this way. I can’t bear this sort of judgment. Please understand for me, Great-Grandfather.”    


“Stop your quarreling. You must return my husband’s life at once!”    


At that moment, Lee Si’s wife suddenly charged at Ning Qi. The people standing around her did not bother to stop her. Clearly, this was something they wanted all along.    


“Such boldness from a servant!” Ning Qi turned around and slapped the woman. Silver combat power was faintly seen visibly emitting from him. The woman opened her mouth to let out a scream and flew backwards after being struck by the blow. Half of her face was already swollen. Blood poured from her nostrils and out of the corner of her mouth. She fell to the ground, howling with great pain.    


“Mutated combat power! And silver, not just light silver…”    


Great-Grandfather brightened upon seeing this. He ignored the woman’s outburst, instead saying to Ning Qi, “War Master?”    


Ning Qi nodded his head. “A four-star Dou Shi!”    


Ning Qi’s words had caused a commotion as everyone started to speak at once. Ning Hongtian and the First Lady were, too, shocked by the news. No one could hold in their surprise.    


“Father!” Ning Hongdou shouted out in a low voice.    


“Shut up! I’ll address your matter later.” The old man lifted his eyebrows and the qi of a one-star Dou Huang was immediately unleashed. Ning Hongdou was quick to shut his mouth.    


This was the first time Ning Qi had seen the old man display any sort of anger. He also found the Dou Huang aura equally shocking. Although the old man looked to be getting on in his years, his current strength was equivalent to that of the Green-scaled Evil Dragon and the Fire Evil Dragon that Ning Qi had come across and killed. Simply put, he was like a human-shaped tyrannosaurus dragon!    


If he somehow managed to do away with him, he would gain a lot of experience points as a result.    


After this thought flashed in his mind, Ning Qi felt a little guilty. After all, he was still a disciple in the manor. And this was only Great-Grandfather.    


“How did you manage to train this combat power? From what I know, you only know body forging techniques, right?”    


Great-Grandfather’s eyes did not leave Ning Qi’s sight as he said this.    


Ning Qi said, “I picked up this cultivation technique while in the Heavenly Wind Forest and trained myself to harness its powers.”    


First Lady could not control herself and immediately shouted out coldly, “Nonsense, even if there is a cultivation technique, how can he become a four-star Dou Shi in a few short months. Great-Grandfather, something fishy is going on here. Seventh Uncle’s son, Ning Long died in Ning Qi’s courtyard. By the time, we found out the two of them had been missing for a few months. Ning Qi is merely a First Level Body Tempering Martial artist. How can he defeat a one-star Dou Zhe? It is clear that someone is controlling him from behind-the-scenes!”    


Ning Hongdou did not hesitate to say next, “Sister-in-law is right! Father, please avenge Ning Long’s death, by calling on the family law and executing his murderer! Do not let my son die with everlasting regret!”    


Great-Grandfather said next, “Ning Qi, did you kill Ning Long?”    


Ning Qi knew that no matter what, he must not admit anything. Looking at Great-Grandfather’s reaction, he did not seem to be that angry.    


“I did not kill him! Just like First Lady said, at that time, I was just a First Level Body Tempering novice, how can I have killed him. First Lady, I know that you have it out for me. But I can’t be dealt with as you wish. I will stand before you and allow you to look at me every day!”    


Ning Qi turned to look at First Lady with a sneer on his face.    


“Such pretension!” The First Lady could not help but snort loudly.    


Ning Hongtian turned to Ning Qi with a cold expression on his face. “Apologize to your aunty at once. How can you say such terrible words to her? He has no respect for his elders. He deserves to be beaten as punishment!”    



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