One-click Cultivation System

C37 Why Is There No One else

C37 Why Is There No One else



Su Lang couldn't help but laugh out loud. "With my current strength, I can stand toe to toe with an Intermediate Mortal Realm cultivator; I might even kill him if he underestimates me. This feeling of power... so great!"    


Meanwhile, not a single soul could be seen in the Ye family stronghold.    


In a span of mere ten minutes, the clone killed every single Ye family member it encountered.    


Right now, Su Lang's storage space was overflowing with the spoils of the war. Gold coins, silver coins, Vicious Beast items, herbs, weapons, pills—all formed a small hill in his storage space.    


"Sadly, I didn't get more cultivation techniques."    


Acting out his regret by spreading his arms, he ordered the clone to look around the stronghold.    


Whenever the clone found something valuable, Su Lang would transfer it to the hotel room by the item transfer feature.    


Then, he would store the item in his storage space.    


Su Lang had to admit that the Ye family's stronghold was a goldmine. He felt that their stronghold was twice as valuable as the one that the Broken Axe Hunting Group had.    


After searching every nook and cranny for hours, the clone could no longer find any valuables there.    


"The Broken Axe Hunting Group had a safe deposit box, so this stronghold must have one too."    


Su Lang was certain of the fact, so he ordered the clone to look around for a little longer.    


After a little more looking around, the clone found a huge alloy safe deposit box. It was cemented in the wall of a luxuriously decorated room.    


Su Lang did not know the password to the safe.    


However, that wasn't gonna stop him from claiming the safe.    


"Hit it, smash all the walls around the safe."    


Su Lang chuckled and gave the order.    


After receiving Su Lang's order, the clone began hammering the wall around the safe.    


With his current strength, let alone a stone wall, even a steel wall would give way to him.    




Boom! Huala! Huala! Huala!    


Under the insistent hammering of the clone, almost half of the house collapsed.    


And in turn, the safe was out of the wall as the was wall was now rubble.    


The hard part was done, so the clone sent the safe to Su Lang through item transmission. There, Su Lang stored the safe in his storage space.    


Right at this moment, a bellow resounded in the stronghold.    


"Audacious maniac! How dare you destroy my Ye Family's stronghold! Die!"    


Before the roar could even dissipate, a figure rushed into the stronghold like lightning. The clone couldn't even react as the figure was in front of it within a blink.    


"So fast!"    


Su Lang was shocked.    


Since Su Lang shared the clone's perception, he could feel that the amount of spiritual qi in his attacker surpassed his by a longshot. He was no match for the attacker, and fighting him would lead to the clone's demise.    


Su Lang didn't want to lose his clone, so he ordered it to enter the nearby building.    


By entering the building, the attacker lost sight of the clone for a second. That was enough for Su Lang to recall the clone and the clone soon disappeared in the thin air.    


"Trying to run away? Hump! Once I catch you, I'll fry you in boiling oil!"    


The attacker yelled as he, too, rushed towards the building. He aimed at the building and slashed out with his longsword.    


The slash was akin to a fisherman's net; it enveloped the entire area.    




"What? Nobody?"    


The figure stopped in shock.    


After the sword slash disappeared, one could finally see his face.    


The man had a square mouth and a flat forehead. His face was livid with anger and eyes bloodshot with annoyance.    


Had any Ye family member survived the clone's massacre, they would have bowed and called him "Elder Ye Tian."    


"Where is he!"    


"Why is there no one here?"    


"I clearly saw him run in here!"    


"This room has no other exit, so how did he disappear without even making a sound."    


Ye Tian's eyes were like watchtowers right now, scanning each and every corner of the room.    


Within seconds, he had inspected the room and the stronghold in its entirety.    


Yet, he came out empty-handed.    


"This... This is impossible!"    


Ye Tian was so angry that his lungs were about to explode.    



Despite being a powerful cultivator, he couldn't even see the face of his foe. Let alone punishing the clone for the massacre, he actually allowed him to escape so easily.    


If others found out about his colossal failure, he would become a joke for the rest of his life.    


After being annoyed for a moment, Ye Tian regained his bearings.    


Thinking about the current scenario calmly, he found the entire matter a little suspicious.    


"A lone martial artist, that was what he was. Yet he dared to go against the entire Ye family?"    


"Moreover, his retreat was so swift; he must have some kind of concealment technique. A feat like this requires mastery in a special attribute cultivation technique..."    


"Taking these two points into consideration, it would be safe to assume that the attacker was in the Martial Expert Realm and not in the Martial Mortal Realm. He must have suppressed the spiritual energy fluctuation to fool everyone."    


"The next question should be the identity of the attacker. Who is he? The Ye family would never offend a Martial Expert realm cultivator. So, why is he targeting my Ye family?"    


"Is he a raider from another stronghold?"    


The more Ye Tian thought about it, the stronger his suspicion that the attacker was a raider from another stronghold grew.    


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