Sky War God

C3440 Soul Battle

C3440 Soul Battle

0The Devouring Power that was unleashed from Ye Feng's eyes was also a kind of change that was recorded in the Myriad Spirit Divine Art.    


There was only one Cultivation Method that could be considered a taboo in the Ten Thousand Spirit Divine Art. The power it contained was unimaginably powerful.    


Through this Cultivation Method, Ye Feng could constantly devour the divine souls of others to strengthen his divine sense.    


However, the divine soul energy that he absorbed wasn't very helpful to him. Instead, he had to constantly polish it and refine it to purify it.    


It was almost useless to improve his divine soul. It could only help Ye Feng recover his divine sense in a short period of time.    


Moreover, using such a method to devour the divine sense of others would have a huge impact on his own cultivation base.    


If one's Divine Sense was too impure, it would eventually cause the Divine Sense to collapse, and the loss outweighed the gain.    


However, to Ye Feng, what he cared about was not the Divine Soul Power that he had devoured, but the memories and cultivation of the Comprehension that had been devoured.    


To Ye Feng, these things were enough to increase his comprehension of various attributes and allow him to see a lot of hidden things.    


For example, the memories of this black robe man. For example, his identity and who was supporting him.    


The power of his Divine Sense was constantly released, and the devouring whirlpool in the binocular was also constantly rotating.    


The divine soul of the black robe man began to crumble under Ye Feng's continuous cultivation.    


Boundless divine soul power kept pouring into Ye Feng's sea of consciousness. The information that was being sent out was also being controlled by Ye Feng.    


Especially the cultivation of the dark power, it was crazily merging with Ye Feng's divine sense, as if it was trying to change the attribute of Ye Feng's divine sense.    


Facing such a terrifying Divine Sense, Ye Feng's facial expression didn't change at all. The Ten Thousand Spirit Divine Art was still circulating rapidly.    


Ye Feng's Divine Sense had reached an unimaginable level, and the power it could exert was beyond everyone's understanding.    


However, even with such a powerful Divine Sense, it was still able to exert some of its power when facing that terrifying will.    


It was as though that terrifying Divine Perception was able to completely swallow everything in the world.    


Even a divine soul as powerful as Ye Feng was shaking in front of this power.    


This made Ye Feng's eyes turn incomparably solemn. He kept circulating the Myriad Spirit Divine Art, keeping his bottom line.    


"What is this thing? Why is it so difficult to deal with?"    


Ye Feng's face turned ashen. The pressure that the Ten Thousand Spirit Divine Art suffered was simply unimaginable. That terrifying force seemed to want to completely destroy his body.    


"I never thought that a little kid like you would have such a powerful technique. Even Hei Shan was killed by you."    


Right at this moment, a familiar voice sounded in Ye Feng's sea of consciousness. An incomparably terrifying destructive force spread out in an instant.    


Such a terrifying vibration of destruction was released from the void. The pressure it released was beyond Ye Feng's imagination.    


It was as if Ye Feng's soul would be completely crushed under such a terrifying pressure.    


"You are, yongning King."    


Ye Feng's senses were also very powerful. In a very short period of time, he had already identified the identity of this man. The power of his divine sense was vibrating crazily.    


In the face of Ye Feng, the power of the divine soul of the Yongning King was trembling continuously. The pressure that was unleashed from it wanted to completely suppress Ye Feng's soul.    


"That's right. It seems like you still remember This King's name. In that case, if you pledge your loyalty to This King now, This King will spare your life."    


Upon hearing these words, Ye Feng couldn't help but laugh. The Divine Sense in his body surged crazily at this moment, releasing the aura that he couldn't get close to.    


What shocked the Yongning King was that the force that Ye Feng released was actually able to break free from the mental pressure he released, and even had the posture of wanting to fight back.    


This caused the Yongning King to be extremely shocked in his heart. His understanding of Ye Feng had deepened by another level.    


Although Ye Feng's current cultivation base wasn't very strong, the strength he could exert was beyond imagination.    


The black robe man who was suppressed by Ye Feng just now had the strength to undergo six metamorphosis, and his cultivation base had reached an unimaginable level.    


Such a powerful strength couldn't even withstand Ye Feng's attack, and was killed by him in the end. It was imaginable how terrifying Ye Feng's strength was.    


The divine sense in Ye Feng's sea of consciousness was circulating crazily at this moment, unleashing an incomparably powerful force, as if it was going to destroy everything.    


Almost instantaneously, the Dark Sealing Power that was circling Ye Feng's sea of consciousness burst out with an unimaginable power under the control of Yongning King.    


An extremely powerful destructive aura spread out crazily at this moment, completely enveloping Ye Feng's divine sense.    


"Young man, your strength is indeed very strong, but you are still too young to resist me.    


Don't think that you can kill my subordinates just because you have some ability."    


Yongning King's voice sounded out from Ye Feng's sea of consciousness once again. The powerful force unleashed from his voice seemed to want to completely destroy Ye Feng's soul.    


His eyes fell upon Ye Feng. That expert's eyes sparkled with a frightening killing light.    


Among them, there was also an extremely strong penetrative force that firmly locked onto Ye Feng's divine soul. It was as if it wanted to completely devour Ye Feng's soul.    


As the Yongning King spoke, the aura on his body became more and more violent, giving people an extremely intense feeling of oppression.    


Ye Feng's eyes focused. He had never thought that the opponent would be so arrogant to such an extent. To think that the opponent would unleash such a terrifying divine soul attack on him in his sea of consciousness.    


After saying this, Ye Feng's eyes froze for a moment. Then, he regained his senses and looked at Yongning King with a mocking expression.    


"Don't think that you can completely suppress my power just because you can suppress it with the power of your divine soul.    


Besides, you are just a clone, and you don't even have a physical body. Do you still want to defeat me? "    


When he said this, Ye Feng was very confident, as if he didn't care about the tremendous pressure unleashed by the Yongning King.    


When he heard this, yongning King's eyes sparkled continuously, and a hint of praise emerged on his face.    


"Good, you are indeed worthy of being the person This King has taken a fancy to. You do have some courage.    


If it was a soft bone that would kneel down and beg for mercy after being frightened, This King wouldn't have such an interest."    


Yongning King also approved of Ye Feng's performance, as if he had already regarded Ye Feng as his own.    


The Dark that was released from his body also became stronger, devouring Ye Feng's sea of consciousness bit by bit.    


His strength seemed to want to completely transform Ye Feng's sea of consciousness. Even if Ye Feng didn't agree, he would still be suppressed by this terrifying dark force.    


Facing such a situation, Ye Feng didn't panic. Instead, he silently circulated the Cultivation Method in his body.    


The Ten Thousand Spirit Divine Art was one of the most powerful Cultivation Method in the cultivation of the divine soul. The power it possessed was beyond imagination.    


The power of his divine sense kept spinning in the void, tearing apart the shackles of the dark seal bit by bit.    


Even so, the power that Ye Feng could exert was extremely limited. It could be completely devoured at any time.    


However, the cultivation base of the Ten Thousand Spirit Divine Art was slowly increasing. It also had a greater resistance against the powerful energy produced by the dark seals.    


Of course, yongning King had also noticed this change. However, he didn't pay attention to Ye Feng's resistance. Instead, he kept circulating the energy in his body, giving Ye Feng an even greater pressure.    


"My king, this man has killed Ling Wei and me. This is the greatest provocation to you.    


Not only that, he has spoken rudely to you. You mustn't let him go so easily.    


Your Majesty, please kill him and avenge us."    


At this moment, a weak voice echoed in the void, carrying a bit of resentment.    


The divine soul of the black robe man had not been completely devoured by Ye Feng. A part of his consciousness had been left behind, and he had regained his consciousness in Ye Feng's spiritual sea.    


Especially after he sensed the aura of the Yongning King, it had given the black robe man even more confidence.    


The desire for revenge that he could release had also become even more ferocious.    


Now that he had been completely killed by Ye Feng, and even his divine soul had been shattered, it was impossible for him to revive.    


At this moment, the will of Tragic Death was unleashed, forming an incomparably strong hatred that firmly locked onto Ye Feng.    


"Don't worry. All of you are my disciples. Naturally, I won't let this person escape so easily."    


Yongning King nodded at the black robe man. As he spoke, the powerful aura he released once again enveloped Ye Feng.    


Right at this moment, an incomparably powerful aura was released from Ye Feng's body.    


That extreme cold energy seemed to be able to freeze everything in the world.    


Having such a powerful energy and being able to release it in Ye Feng's sea of consciousness, it was clearly the ice god that Ye Feng had condensed.    


The God of Ice was an existence that controlled the power of law, and its strength was not something that Yongning King could imagine.    


The power of law controlled by the God of Ice had just arrived. Even though he did not release the aura, he still gave King Yongning an invisible pressure.    


At that moment, the Yongning King seemed to feel that he had suddenly appeared. It was as if he had suddenly appeared in a world of ice and snow.    


That terrifying cold aura directly caused his body to become somewhat stiff.    


"With your strength, you still want to attack me?"    


At this moment, Ye Feng's expression was incomparably cold, and his tone was filled with ridicule.    


His words immediately caused King Yongning's eyes to flash, and the aura on his body was unleashed crazily.    


As one of the experts who controlled the Darkness Origin of this world, the strength that Yongning King possessed was simply beyond imagination.    


Especially the dark seal that he had released, it was far beyond the power that the black robe man had released.    


The eyes of the God of Ice flashed. The aura it possessed also expanded crazily at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in the world.    


Facing such a powerful dark person, even the God of Ice had to bear tremendous pressure, and it began to resonate with the law of ice in the outside world.    


The power of the Law far exceeded the composition of the original power.    


A vast expanse of ice and snow appeared in Ye Feng's sea of consciousness and collided with the darkness that filled the sky.    


In an extremely short period of time, Ye Feng seemed to have sensed the vast and boundless sea of Laws once again, and the aura on his body became even more terrifying.    


In just an instant, the dark energy unleashed by the Yongning King was suppressed by the Ice Laws.    


That terrifying freezing power spread out in an extremely short period of time, as if it wanted to freeze everything in the world for eternity.    


This change also caused King Yongning's gaze to freeze, and a somewhat surprised expression appeared on his face.    


However, in just an instant, that terrifying Ice Law weakened, and the connection between Ye Feng and the Sea of Laws was severed.    


After the Ice Law faded, king Yongning finally heaved a sigh of relief. He felt that his body had become much more relaxed.    


After that, his eyes fell on Ye Feng and said.    


"I never thought that you really have some ability to release such a powerful spiritual pressure.    


However, you can't do anything to me with such a scary technique.    


Now, I'll give you one last chance. Once you surrender to me, you'll obtain an extremely powerful dark energy.    


Otherwise, you'll have to choose a way to die."    


When he said this, yongning's tone was filled with arrogance. His identity and his terrifying cultivation level gave him unimaginable confidence.    


At this moment, Ye Feng said without hesitation.    


"Cut the crap and attack."    


Of course, Ye Feng didn't want to waste his time with Yongning King. He was well aware of his own situation.    


At this moment, the power of his divine sense couldn't support the God of Ice at all. He would fight with all his strength for too long.    


It could even be said that once the power of his spiritual will exceeded the scope of what he could bear, such a terrible power of spiritual will would directly decline.    


A terrifying cold energy erupted from Ye Feng's body. The cold aura unleashed from his body was so powerful that it could freeze the darkness in the sky.    


Seeing Ye Feng in such a hurry, yongning King seemed to have understood something. A mocking smile emerged on his face.    


As their bodies moved forward slowly, they reached a parallel state in the void.    


An extremely powerful darkness attribute power erupted from Yongning King's body, forming a powerful divine soul power that was tyrannical to the extreme.    


The dark divine ability that he cultivated had already reached an extremely terrifying level. Therefore, even the aura that he casually unleashed could cause Ye Feng's sea of consciousness to sink into darkness.    


What was even more terrifying was that the dark energy in Yongning King's body had already begun to fuse with Ye Feng's sea of consciousness, causing him to disappear into the void continuously, as if he had become extremely illusory.    


Almost at the same time, Ye Feng saw countless figures of Yongning King appearing, and they were sprinting towards Ye Feng at high speed.    


Almost at the same time, the entire sea of consciousness had been occupied by the dark attribute. The power that they could unleash was extremely terrifying.    


In such a boundless darkness, the power it released was even more powerful to an unimaginable extent.    


Even Ye Feng's spirit had suffered a tremendous pressure in a short period of time.    


However, Ye Feng's God of Ice didn't care about anything. He also mobilized a powerful force.    


The Law of Ice erupted. More importantly, the other Cultivation Method that Ye Feng cultivated was also released at this moment.    


When he was in the Northern Divine Region, Ye Feng had used the Myriad Transformations Divine Ability to refine the innate divine abilities of many people. The power contained within it was also extremely great.    


With the Ice Laws as the foundation, Ye Feng unleashed the innate divine abilities of these people, causing the Ice Laws in his sea of consciousness to become even more violent.    


The power of the Ice Law combined with the numerous ice attribute divine abilities was simply able to increase by leaps and bounds.    


With the formidable power contained within these divine abilities, the power of attack that Ye Feng released was far more powerful than it normally was.    


To Ye Feng, unleashing such a terrifying attack would consume a huge amount of energy.    


Once his divine soul couldn't withstand it, all the attacks he unleashed would completely collapse in the shortest amount of time, and he wouldn't be able to exert any more power.    


In the next moment, a terrifying rumbling sound was heard in Ye Feng's sea of consciousness, and the destructive force ripped apart all the darkness in the surroundings.    


An extremely special destructive force was wreaking havoc in Ye Feng's sea of consciousness. The power that it formed was indescribable.    


In any case, the power of the divine soul of King Yongning had the advantage in terms of realm. With just a slight collision, it made Ye Feng's God of Ice retreat one after another.    


Facing such a terrible power of darkness and divine soul vibration, the aura on Ye Feng's God of Ice's body floated more and more fiercely.    


Sensing such a situation, Ye Feng's expression did not change at all. He was constantly using his divine sense to analyze the changes in this battle.    


"It seems like this Yongning King is really powerful. With my current cultivation base, it will be difficult for me to fight him."    


Although this was what he thought in his heart, every divine soul divine ability unleashed by Ye Feng possessed an extremely terrifying power, as if it was going to completely destroy the Yongning King.    


While Ye Feng was deep in thought, the Yongning King didn't give him any chance to hesitate. Terrifying dark energy erupted once again.    


The dark energy kept wriggling in the void, as if it contained an incomparably terrifying ferocious monster, causing people to feel fear just by looking at it.    


Fear of the unknown power was almost an instinct for survival.    


Especially the darkness that could not be seen with five fingers, it had caused a huge damage to Ye Feng.    


Even Ye Feng's God of Ice was somewhat unable to withstand such terrifying pressure.    


At some point in time, wu Junhua's figure once again appeared around Ye Feng's body. The aura on his body was also slowly floating.    


"Good job, yongning King! I gave you some face, but you actually came to kill me instead of pursuing this matter further.    


You clearly know that Ye Feng is my distinguished guest, but you still dare to have the intention to kill him over and over again. That time, This King will only show you a little bit of retribution."    


After saying that, wu Junhua prepared to mobilize the flame energy within his body and launch an attack at Yongning King.    


Just as the terrifying flame energy was about to descend upon Yongning King's body, wu Junhua suddenly felt that something was not right.    


In Ye Feng's sea of consciousness, there seemed to be a force that could erupt at any time. The pressure that it carried was even slightly terrifying to Wu Junhua.    


Therefore, wu Junhua wasn't in a hurry to interfere. Instead, he carefully observed the situation in Ye Feng's sea of consciousness.    


During the collision just now, the incomparably terrifying destructive power had wreaked havoc in Ye Feng's sea of consciousness. It was the Attack that carried Ye Feng's will.    


It was as if he wanted to use the powerful characteristic of the Dark Fear to completely destroy Ye Feng's will.    


However, before such a terrifying divine soul's pressure could fully erupt, it was completely frozen by Ye Feng and the terrifying cold energy in his body.    


After this collision, Ye Feng gained a deeper understanding of his Ice Law, and the power he could unleash became stronger.    


As for Yongning King, he had also noticed the changes in Ye Feng. Once again, he circulated the dark power he controlled and rushed towards Ye Feng.    


Due to the fact that Yongning King had the advantage in terms of cultivation base, Ye Feng didn't have any advantage in these few collisions. Instead, he seemed to be at a disadvantage.    


Every attack unleashed by his opponent had formed an incomparably terrifying pressure on Ye Feng, as if it could destroy his soul at any time.    


After a few consecutive attacks, Ye Feng's control of the Ice Law had improved tremendously. However, the aura on his body started to float violently.    


Seeing this scene, yongning King's face revealed a relaxed expression, as if he had already probed his limits.    


"You fellow, do you feel that you are no longer able to defeat me?    


This King's strength isn't something you can fight against. If you still refuse to surrender, you will have to pay the price for what you have done."    


Ye Feng didn't respond to the words of Yongning King. Instead, he kept using the Ice Law that he controlled.    


"Stubborn, do you really want to die so badly?"    


Seeing Ye Feng's attitude, yongning King's facial expression turned incomparably unpleasant, as if he wanted to completely destroy Ye Feng's body.    


"Since that's the case, I'll let you know how terrifying the gap between us is."    


The two forces collided once again. After the Yongning King's power gained the upper hand, it made him even crazier, and he spoke sarcastically to Ye Feng.    


The mocking expression on his face became more and more obvious.    


Almost at the same time, the power of the Yongning King erupted even more terrifyingly. He took a step towards Ye Feng, and his body was wrapped by an intense dark force.    


The incomparably powerful aura gathered in the void. There was also a terrifying dark energy that tried to envelop Ye Feng's body.    


Ye Feng naturally didn't just sit there and wait for his death. The first thing he did was to mobilize all the energy in his body, fully unleashing the power of the Ice Law.    


At this moment, his binocular flickered with an ice-blue radiance, and his figure had even reached an incomparably fast realm.    


In the midst of flickering, the energy within the peak body had become unusually powerful. An extremely terrifying absolute cold energy had completely enveloped Ye Feng's body.    


The shocking cold energy kept circulating in front of Ye Feng's body. The tremendous pressure it released was so strong that it could freeze everything in the world.    


In that short moment, a terrifying cold sword light condensed in Ye Feng's palm and was unleashed towards the Yongning King.    


The Yongning King's reaction was extremely fast. He circulated all the energy in his body and unleashed an even more terrifying Dark Domain Power, trying to suppress Ye Feng's divine soul.    


At this moment, both of them had already activated their strongest attribute energy and unleashed a terrifying attack towards their opponent.    


Not only did Ye Feng's Terrifying sword light contain his own understanding of the Sword Dao, it had also completely integrated the Ice Law that he had condensed into it.    


This icy sword light was many times stronger than the attack Ye Feng had unleashed earlier.    


In just a very short period of time, it had completely enveloped King Yongning's body.    


King Yongning's eyes flickered slightly. The attack unleashed by his opponent no longer gave him any room to dodge. Therefore, he didn't hesitate at all.    


The powerful force formed by the dark domain erupted at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy Ye Feng's body.    


Two terrifying forces criss-crossed in the void, forming a destructive force that was beyond imagination.    


To everyone's surprise, both sides were evenly matched in this collision. At the same time, both of them were forced to take a few steps back, and the aura on their bodies were floating in the air.    


Such a change had caused the black robe man's facial expression to become incomparably shocked. It was as if his soul was about to be scared out of his wits by such a terrifying thing.    


He had never thought that the divine soul of Ye Feng would be so powerful that not even King Yongning could defeat him.    


Especially when it came to the divine soul. Such an outcome made a gloomy expression appear on his face.    


He had used all of his strength to attack, but he was still unable to defeat Ye Feng, and even managed to fight him evenly.    


After taking a few deep breaths, yongning King looked at Ye Feng with a more satisfied expression.    


Ye Feng was a heaven warping talent. To him, this gave him a greater sense of accomplishment. This was enough to prove that he, yongning King, had a good impression of Ye Feng.    


"Good, you are indeed not bad. The fact that you have such powerful strength is enough to prove that This King didn't misjudge you.    


At this moment, This King has truly started to love his talent. I will give you one last chance to pledge your loyalty to This King. Otherwise, don't blame This King for being impolite. "    


At the last moment, king Yongning tried to persuade Ye Feng to accept him as his subordinate.    


When he heard this, the black robe man's expression turned incomparably shocked. Even at this stage, yongning King was still willing to let Ye Feng go, and even let him become his subordinate.    


He had never seen the Yongning King have such a broad-mindedness. Could it be that Ye Feng was really that special?    


One should know that at this moment, Ye Feng had already lost two generals in a row because of King Yongning.    


Such enmity was not enough for King Yongning to kill Ye Feng.    


The Yongning King didn't care about the thoughts of the black robe man. He looked at Ye Feng with anticipation.    


"You want me to pledge my loyalty to you? You think you are worthy?"    


At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes revealed an incomparably contemptuous look, as if he didn't put the Yongning King in his eyes at all.    


It was this expression that deeply stung the Yongning King, causing the aura on his body to violently float.    


Before Ye Feng could react, a terrifying dark power erupted from Yong Ning King's body, violently suppressing him in the void.    


"You're courting death. This King has given you a chance. Since you don't know how to cherish it, you shouldn't stay in this world anymore.    


Those who don't obey This King will forever sink into oblivion and never have the chance to live again. "    


In a very short period of time, a terrifying dark energy erupted crazily, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything in the world.    


Although Ye Feng's divine soul was powerful, it couldn't withstand such a terrifying attack.    


The powerful power of the Ice God collapsed inch by inch at this moment, as if it was going to be completely swallowed by the darkness in the sky.    


The only thing that could be seen was that the Yongning King unleashed an incomparably huge dark force, forming a terrifying palm print of destruction that slowly descended upon Ye Feng's soul.    


This time, the Yongning King was truly infuriated. He condensed and unleashed his power without any hesitation, unleashing a terrifying pressure that seemed to want to destroy everything in the world.    



Such a terrifying destructive pressure fell on Ye Feng's body, immobilizing him. It was as if his divine soul was going to collapse under the pressure.    


Such a powerful destructive power had simply exceeded Ye Feng's imagination. Even if he mobilized all the power of the God of Ice, it wouldn't change anything.    


"Little thief, go to hell!"    


Yongning King roared loudly. The terrifying aura on his body was completely unleashed, as if it was going to completely destroy Ye Feng's body.    


At this moment, a terrifying power erupted from the depths of Ye Feng's soul once again.    


An incomparably powerful sharp force penetrated through the void in a very short period of time, releasing an unimaginable destructive pressure.    


The heaven-shaking spear light contained an incomparably bright red bloody energy, as well as the will of the demonic path that was hard to imagine.    


In fact, within the spear light, there was even an indomitable will.    


When all these terrifying powers were gathered together, the lethality of the attack was simply formidable. It was a terrifying realm.    


Even Ye Feng couldn't control the power unleashed by the spear. He could only watch helplessly as the spear was getting further and further away from him.    


As for Yongning King, who was locked onto by the spear light, he also felt an intense danger. He hurriedly circulated the dark energy in his body, trying to block the attack.    


However, all of this resistance had no effect. In just an instant, yongning King's soul was completely penetrated by the divine sense of the spear.    


And at this moment, the true body of King Yongning, who was far away in the horizon, suddenly let out a shrill cry.    


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