Sky War God

C3788 Pure Spiritual

C3788 Pure Spiritual

0That unique aura was constantly circulating in the depths of the void.    


The source energy of the space was constantly being released at this moment. Countless powerful energies were being emitted at this moment.    


Ye Feng could also clearly feel the unique aura in the void.    


Such a terrifying force was brewing between the heaven and earth, and it wanted to completely destroy everything in this spatial zone.    


When he realized this, Ye Feng's expression didn't change at all. He just kept circulating the power that belonged solely to him.    


At this moment, an extremely pure elemental force spread out, as if it was going to completely destroy everything in this world.    


A special kind of contaminating force in the depths of the void spread out at this moment, as if it was going to destroy this part of the world.    


The lewd voice echoed in Ye Feng's ears, continuously telling him something.    


However, Ye Feng couldn't hear the words clearly. His own strength was still suppressed by this aura.    


These two energies kept colliding in the spatial zone, causing Ye Feng's original aura to undergo a drastic change.    


At this moment, the Origin energy between the heavens and the earth began to vibrate. The fluctuations of the aura that had gathered had become even purer.    


"It's useless. Everything that you possess will be completely suppressed by me. The Origin energy contained within will also continuously melt in this world.    


When I truly awaken, this chaotic world will forever sink into oblivion and be completely devoured by me.    


No matter what sort of technique you utilize, it'll vanish into nothingness at this instant, and it won't leave behind any traces."    


When he truly experienced this kind of aura, the energy that filled the depths of the void became even more violent.    


Such a terrifying attribute energy circulated continuously in the depths of the void, and it possessed a kind of unimaginable power.    


Amidst the rumbling, this unique attribute energy had already completely spread out.    


Ye Feng could clearly feel the terrifying pressure in the spatial zone, as if it was going to devour the entire world.    


"This is absolutely impossible!"    


The aura in his body had begun to rot. Ye Feng could feel his internal organs squirming as if they had come alive.    


A strange force was released from it, as if it wanted to devour everything in this world.    


That unusual force was circulating in the depths of the spatial zone, reaching an unprecedented level.    


It was also at this moment that the force contained in the depths of the space began to be released bit by bit.    


It was as if the entire space had entered a dangerous state.    


This kind of attribute power that surpassed the extreme kept circulating between heaven and earth, and even reached a level that ordinary people could not match up to.    


Rumble! The rumbling sound of destruction resounded in that instant, as if it wanted to completely devour the heavens and the earth.    


Ancestor Dragon Primal Chaos was also watching quietly from the side. His aura was constantly circulating, and the power it displayed was even more unique.    


Of course, he knew what the changes of the aura represented. However, he didn't have any intention of interfering.    


His water-attribute Chaotic Source energy only enveloped his body, and there was no change at all.    


In fact, even the surrounding Chaotic Ocean was not within the range of his protection. As long as his strength exceeded a certain limit, he would completely give up on it.    


"As a Void Magic Beast that destroys everything, the power that this fellow possesses is not that simple.    


Although this person possessed power that ordinary people couldn't match, and could even resonate with the Origin Power of Chaos in this world, in the end, he was just a single person.    


When the Chaos energy completely awakens, everything he possesses will only become a wedding gift for the other party.    


And we will also be assimilated by the Chaos Magical Beasts, becoming a part of this void.    


At that time, all the concepts that we once possessed will be reconstructed, and our group of chaotic gods will also undergo a final transformation because of this.    


Thus, it doesn't matter who wins or loses. To us, all of this is already destined."    


The Ancestral Dragon of Chaos muttered in a very calm manner, and the aura in its body changed over and over again.    


This unique attribute energy was constantly evolving in the depths of the void. The aura that was being emitted was even more unique.    


Ye Feng's expression became even more difficult to describe when he truly sensed this attribute of energy.    


The chaotic origin energy was circulating continuously, causing the aura to become even more violent.    


This kind of unimaginable power was circulating continuously at this moment, and it was emitting a power that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


At this moment, the aura that existed in the depths of the void had completely erupted, as if it wanted to completely suppress this world.    


Endless mumbling kept echoing in Ye Feng's ears.    


At the same time, Ye Feng also felt a unique change in the aura.    


It was as if something was constantly calling his name, pulling his soul and making him sink into this environment forever.    


Facing this strange change, Ye Feng did not have any fear. The aura in his body kept circulating, brewing a purer attribute power.    


The chaotic origin energy kept changing at this moment, and the aura that was being emitted became even stronger.    


This kind of energy that exceeded the limit was evolving bit by bit in the depths of the void. It seemed like it was going to transform into the purest origin energy in this world.    


"It's useless. Everything you've done is simply unable to fight against me.    


Even if you've cultivated for tens of millions of years, it's impossible for you to completely evolve this chaotic energy. In the end, it can only become a part of me.    


As the profound meaning of Chaos, it naturally grasped the most omnipotent power in the world.    


How many years have you lived? How long has it been since you had the power of Chaos? Trying to defeat me in such a state is just wishful thinking."    


The Void Magic Beast was constantly polluting Ye Feng's will, as if it wanted to make Ye Feng sink into oblivion forever.    


"I think you are the one dreaming."    


Facing the suppression of the void devil beast, Ye Feng sneered disdainfully. The energy in his body was fully unleashed at this moment.    


The power of the attribute that had exceeded the limit spread out at this moment, as if it was going to destroy the entire spatial zone.    


The chaotic energy surrounded Ye Feng's body, and it also contained a terrifying aura that ordinary people couldn't imagine.    


The power contained in both parties had reached a terrifying realm by the constant clashes.    


The two powerful forces kept clashing, and the aura that was being emitted had reached an undefeatable realm.    


Facing such a terrifying power, Ye Feng didn't have any fear.    


An extremely pure light spread out from his body.    


The holy flame burned in the void, completely destroying all the evil in this world.    


The power of the Holy Demon appeared at this moment, and the fluctuations of its power became even more unique.    


Although Ye Feng had used the Devouring Power to push the power of the demonic path to the extreme, it had also made the power he displayed even more terrifying.    


Don't forget that the Comprehension Ye Feng used on the demonic path wasn't just pure evil and destruction.    


The force of creation, which had silently merged into one, had also merged with this kind of power.    


The combination of divine and evil energies had given birth to an aura that was absolutely terrifying beyond imagination. It could even tear apart all the pressure in this world.    


At this moment, Ye Feng pushed the power of the demonic path to its limit. The aura that was being emitted also became more and more violent.    


This kind of unimaginable power was circulating at this moment, and it also contained a kind of terrifying change in power.    


In the next moment, Ye Feng took a step forward, and the power in his body was fully condensed.    


"Even if you want to completely pollute me, you still have to see if you have the ability to do so."    


Ye Feng said loudly. The energy in his body was fully unleashed at this moment.    


In this very short period of time, the aura that was unleashed from the depths of the void had reached an unparalleled level, as if it was going to melt the entire world.    


Controlling such a terrifying chaotic source energy, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even brighter.    


Boundless chaotic force surrounded Ye Feng's body, as if it was going to crush this part of the space.    


Under such a terrifying force, the spatial zone was trembling, and the Laws of the Heaven and Earth were wailing.    


Boundless chaotic airflow was circulating at this moment, and the power it unleashed had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't even imagine.    


A kind of attribute power that exceeded the limit was circulating continuously at this moment. It was also emitting an aura that no one in the past could resist.    


At this moment, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably brilliant, as if it was going to suppress the heavens and the earth.    


The surging chaotic energy was enough to completely engulf the entire spatial zone. The aura that was being emitted became even more terrifying.    


In this very short period of time, the energy fluctuations that had gathered in the depths of the void had reached a realm that ordinary people could not reach.    


The energy that had exceeded the limit spread out at this moment, forming an unprecedented pressure that wanted to completely suppress the entire world.    


A terrifying explosion resounded at this moment. The aura that was being emitted had already broken through a certain boundary.    


Ye Feng's eyes were also emitting an extremely bright radiance. The pressure that was being emitted from his eyes had even reached an extremely powerful extent.    


"Break for me!"    


Along with Ye Feng's furious roar, the energy fluctuation that was emitted from the depths of the void had reached an unimaginable level.    


* Hong Long...... *    


The energy that was released had also reached an unprecedented level.    


Facing such a terrifying aura, the demonic beast in the depths of the void seemed to feel a kind of pressure.    


An extremely terrifying destructive power was unleashed at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy this space.    


An unimaginably powerful force had expanded at this moment, reaching a level that ordinary people could not even imagine.    


Such an incomparably terrifying aura was constantly circulating in the depths of the void, and it even possessed a realm that ordinary people could not reach.    


Ye Feng exerted all his strength to condense his strength to the limit. The aura he unleashed was absolutely terrifying beyond the limit.    


An incomparably pure chaotic light seemed to be lighting up the surrounding darkness.    


The holy white light flickered crazily between the heaven and earth. Even the surrounding sea of chaos was vaporized by the scorching light.    


The aura of destruction that filled the depths of the void had reached its limit at this instant.    


The incomparably terrifying destructive power had formed a pressure at this moment. It had even broken through a certain boundary.    


At this moment, the fluctuation of the aura that appeared in the depths of the void had reached an unimaginable degree.    


An incomparably huge tentacle stretched out from the depths of the void. The aura that was being emitted from it was also extremely strange.    


It was as if it could completely dye everything in this world. The Devouring Power contained within it became even more terrifying.    


Just by looking at Ye Feng, Ye Feng felt his body trembling crazily. The mumbling sound that echoed in his ears became even clearer.    


It was as if there were endless ghosts calling out to Ye Feng by his ears, making him stay here forever, and let him sink into this dangerous environment forever.    


Faced with such a terrifying power, Ye Feng controlled himself even more cautiously, pushing the power of the chaotic light to its limit.    


In the next moment, the chaotic light and the strange tentacle collided.    


In an instant, the entire spatial zone became incomparably silent.    


It was as if an extremely terrifying power was brewing at this moment, wanting to destroy everything in the world.    


When he felt this pressure, Ye Feng circulated all the aura in his body.    


The aura condensed in the depths of the void had become unimaginably powerful, as if it was going to destroy everything.    


The energy that had exceeded the limit spread out at this moment, and it was enough to completely destroy the entire spatial zone.    


At the same time, Ye Feng could also feel the origin energy of the world boiling, and the ripples of the aura became even stronger.    


Finally, these two energies began to have a violent conflict.    


A terrifying rumbling sound resounded, and it echoed continuously between the heavens and the earth.    


A destructive power that had surpassed its limit erupted crazily at this moment, and spread in all directions.    


Not only the collision, but it had also caused the surrounding space to distort, as if it was going to collapse at any moment.    


Ye Feng's eyes sparkled crazily when he sensed the violent force in the void.    


In an instant, the energy was pushed to the limit, and the last bit of the Origin aura was released.    


Under the impact of such a force, the Origin Energy in the world had become so powerful that it couldn't be compared to it.    


Endless destructive aura clashed with each other, tearing apart the space time and time again.    


The destructive power that appeared around him had reached an unprecedented level.    


At this moment, the Chaotic Dharma Seal in Ye Feng's hand changed, and the aura that was released became even stronger.    


This kind of energy that exceeded the limit was circulating continuously at this moment, and the ripples that were emitted from the aura had reached a terrifying state.    


The aura that was condensed in the depths of the void was also circulating continuously at this moment, as if it wanted to completely suppress everything.    


The rumbling sound of destruction spread out at this moment, and it seemed as if it wanted to completely destroy everything.    


Under Ye Feng's obstruction, the tentacle didn't have any effect at all. Instead, it was burned away.    


Distorted power erupted at this moment. Hundreds and thousands of worms emerged from the tentacle and started spreading towards the heaven and earth.    


These worms were transparent, but one could see the original force in their internal organs.    


The pitch-black aura circulated within. Just a glance at it would make one feel disgusted, and even their entire bodies would be covered with abscesses.    


It could even be said that the surrounding chaotic origin energy was affected by this aura, and it began to distort unceasingly.    


When he truly experienced this kind of power, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes was also flickering crazily.    


The sacred Nirvana Fire was burning around Ye Feng's body, purifying this kind of terrifying power.    


However, the expression of the Ancestor Dragon wasn't very pleasant.    


The power that this group of strange insects emitted was also very strange. It even wanted to devour the power in his body.    


The incomparably terrifying aura shook the heavens and the earth. It was even emitting a kind of attribute energy that exceeded the limit.    


Ancestral Dragon Chaos could sense that his source energy was being consumed bit by bit. If this continued, he would lose more than half of his original source aura.    


"Damn it!"    


After cursing in his heart, Ancestor Dragon Primal Chaos circulated his energy to fight against the surrounding aura.    


That unique attribute energy was constantly released between the heaven and earth, as if it wanted to pollute everything in this world.    


However, Ye Feng's expression became calmer and calmer, as if all of this had nothing to do with him.    


A powerful aura that exceeded his imagination was crazily circulating between the heaven and earth, and a large amount of contamination was approaching Ye Feng.    


But at this moment, Ye Feng's conviction was incomparably firm. The energy circulating around his body had reached a terrifying level.    


All kinds of unimaginable fluctuations of the aura were circulating continuously between the heaven and earth, and the gathered energy had already broken through to the extreme.    


On the other hand, the Ancestral Dragon of Chaos was struggling to resist this kind of contagious energy.    


The contamination in the space had already reached an extremely strong stage. The energy that was being emitted from it had become even stranger.    


It was to the extent that the Ancestral Dragon Chaos found it hard to resist when such an aura completely spread out. Many insects had already spread to his body.    


Silently circulating his own source energy, Ancestor Dragon Primal Chaos's face turned uglier and uglier, as if he was going to destroy everything.    


That terrifying aura was constantly circulating between the heaven and earth, and it possessed a power that ordinary people couldn't understand.    


A rumbling sound echoed out in an instant.    


Boundless destructive aura appeared at this moment. The energy ripples that it emitted were crazily expanding in an extremely short period of time.    


Ye Feng's expression became more and more solemn as he carefully sensed the aura in the spatial zone.    


At this moment, the Ancestral Dragon of Chaos couldn't hold on any longer. The source energy in its body began to spread endlessly.    


"What are you still standing there for? Could it be that you really want to watch that fellow devour me?"    


Ancestor Dragon Primal Chaos could not help but roar at Ye Feng.    


That terrifying aura spread in the void, as if it was going to devour everything in the world.    


However, under such circumstances, Ye Feng's expression was still calm.    


He even had the mood to smile and say, "Senior, what are you saying?    


I'm just a small rogue cultivator. How could I interfere in such a battle with my weak strength?    


Senior, on the contrary, you're very powerful. You have endless means in this chaotic ocean.    


I believe the suppression brought by this magical beast is not very strong. Perhaps, you can easily break free from it if you are willing to."    


Ye Feng stood at the side and spoke in a cold tone. The aura in his body was also circulating slowly.    


That unique attribute energy was circulating continuously at this moment, and it was emitting a kind of terrifying aura that ordinary people couldn't imagine.    


Indeed, Ye Feng's own strength was not considered strong. The amount of strength he could exert was also quite limited.    


However, the chaotic origin energy he controlled had displayed an extraordinary strength in this spatial zone.    


Terrifying aura fluctuations kept surging between the heaven and earth, and the energy it emitted became purer and purer.    


In the next moment, the Origin aura between the heaven and earth had broken through to an unprecedented level, as if it wanted to completely pollute everything.    


Ancestor Dragon Primal Chaos's expression was extremely ugly as well.Edited by: Lifer, Fingerfox.Editor, Fingerfox.Editor, Fingerfox.Editor, Fingerfox.Editor, Fingerfox.Editor, Fingerfox    


Indeed, Ye Feng's own strength wasn't considered very strong. In fact, he couldn't even fight against Ancestor Dragon Primal Chaos in terms of his attribute.    


Even so, Ye Feng's chaotic origin force was still emitting a unique aura that could completely suppress the energy of the heaven and earth.    


Especially that terrifying contamination force. Even if Ye Feng didn't interfere, he wouldn't be able to break through the defense that Ye Feng had set up.    


As for the Ancestral Dragon, it didn't have such an advantage. The Origin aura in its body was burning crazily, as if it was going to devour the entire heaven and earth.    


"Damn it!"    


The Ancestral Dragon Chaos cursed at the side. The aura in its body was circulating continuously, emitting a kind of power that ordinary people couldn't understand.    


Naturally, Ancestor Dragon Primal Chaos wouldn't hold back at all if he wanted to get rid of this contagious energy.    


The destructive power that had exceeded the limit erupted at this moment, forming a terrifying apocalyptic storm.    


In such a terrifying destructive aura, the source energy of the world had already reached its peak.    


A rumbling sound of destruction resounded at this moment, as if it was going to completely destroy everything.    


Faced with such a unique pressure, Ye Feng's expression became even more cautious, as if he wanted to completely block everything outside.    


That kind of attribute power that exceeded the limit spread out at this moment, whether the company wanted to be completely destroyed or not.    


An extremely terrifying contamination was released at this moment, as if it wanted to destroy everything.    


In this instant, the aura contained in the depths of the space had already reached an unimaginable level.    


When he truly felt this power, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became brighter and brighter.    


Although the Ancestral Dragon of Chaos had a powerful cultivation base, it wasn't able to exert its source energy to the maximum.    


This kind of terrifying aura also suffered a huge suppression when the contamination energy spread in the void.    


It could even be said that when this terrifying energy spread out, Ye Feng could feel the vibration of the aura in his body.    


It was as if this spatial zone was constantly circulating at this moment, as if it wanted to completely obliterate everything.    


Such a terrifying aura fluctuation was constantly circulating in the depths of the spatial zone. The energy that was being emitted became even more wild and violent.    


Faced with such a terrifying scene, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even more solemn.    


Although he could resist such a terrifying contamination, it would still take a long time for him to truly lower the level of this aura.    


At this moment, Ye Feng could also feel that the energy in his body seemed to have started to change.    


The feeling between the heavens and the earth was circulating continuously at this moment. The gathered aura was also wrapping around Ye Feng's body bit by bit.    


This kind of terrifying attribute power was constantly being released in the depths of the void.    


When Ye Feng sensed this kind of power, he felt that his divine soul was trembling. It was as if some kind of powerful aura was circulating at this moment.    


When this terrifying power was unleashed, it could even be said that it had reached an unprecedented level.    


Ye Feng's soul force was resonating with this kind of power, as if it was going to reach an unprecedented level.    


"Is this the power that can suppress that chaotic devil beast?"    


Ye Feng could clearly sense how powerful the power contained in this spatial zone was.    


Moreover, this kind of unique and pure power had the characteristics of extreme purity. It completely ignored the terrifying contamination in the void.    


Just by making a slight contact with it, Ye Feng could feel that the aura circulating in his body had suffered a severe blow.    


As he silently came into contact with this kind of energy, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes kept flickering, illuminating all kinds of aura in the world.    


At this moment, the energy ripples that were emitted from the depths of the void had already broken through to an unprecedented level, as if it wanted to completely suppress everything.    


It was at this moment that Ye Feng felt the root of this power and understood its identity.    


Pure spiritual nature!    


The peerless divine spirit that had opened up this chaotic world merged its own power together with its purest faith, fusing it into this world.    


If the chaotic demonic beast woke up at this moment, then the purest spiritual nature would also resonate with it, and find a carrier.    


Ye Feng's arrival had also allowed this kind of power to find its destination. The aura in its body was also constantly circulating.    


At this moment, this kind of terrifying power was constantly circulating between the heaven and earth, and it was emitting a kind of attribute power that exceeded the limit.    


A terrifying rumbling sound was heard at this moment, as if it wanted to suppress everything.    


The extremely terrifying contamination spread at this instant, and it wrapped around Ye Feng's body at an extremely fast speed.    


Ye Feng's expression was calm after experiencing such a change in power. The aura in his body started circulating continuously, and it was emitting a power that ordinary people couldn't understand.    




The Ancestral Dragon of Chaos let out a mournful wail. The aura that was being emitted from his body was also trembling.    


The power unleashed by Ye Feng was just too powerful, as if it was going to completely refine everything.    


The void devil beast in the chaotic void once again stretched out its tentacle and released it towards the Ancestral Dragon.    


The power of the attribute that had exceeded the limit spread out at this moment, as if it was going to pollute everything in the world.    


The chaotic energy and Water Attribute Strength intertwined, and the aura that was released became even purer.    


However, this kind of pure and powerful energy was still unable to change anything.    


The rumbling sound of destruction reverberated wildly at this moment. It also contained a kind of power that ordinary people could not understand.    


At this moment, a brilliant light emerged in Ye Feng's eyes.    


The force contained in the purest spiritual force shook in the spatial zone, and formed a domain around Ye Feng's body.    


The incomparably pure aura suppressed the chaotic distracting thoughts, and allowed Ye Feng to have a relatively stable environment.    


After experiencing such a unique aura, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became even stronger.    


The Devouring Power, which had surpassed the limit, was unleashed at this moment, as if it wanted to destroy everything.    


A rumbling sound of destruction resounded at this moment, and it seemed like it wanted to completely destroy everything.    


At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes were flickering continuously, and he was emitting an unprecedented and terrifying force.    


* Hong Long...... * Terrifying rumbling sounds emerged at this moment, and it seemed like it was going to destroy everything in the world.    


At the same time, Ye Feng also noticed that the aura in the void had undergone a unique transformation.    


This kind of destruction that exceeded the limit was just for the sake of surging crazily between the heaven and earth. It wanted to completely destroy everything in the world.    




In the next moment, the purest spiritual nature clashed violently with the power of the Void Magic Beast, as if it wanted to completely destroy everything.    


An incomparably bright luster emerged in Ye Feng's eyes, as if he wanted to completely suppress all of this.    


The rumbling sound of destruction reverberated between the heaven and earth, and the aura that was being emitted became even more terrifying.    


The Ancestor Dragon of Chaos naturally sensed this kind of power, but he still couldn't believe that Ye Feng actually possessed such strength.    


The extremely terrifying contamination force suffered a tremendous pressure the moment it got close to Ye Feng.    


It could even be said that when Ye Feng circulated his aura, the source energy of the heaven and earth began to undergo a unique transformation.    


At this moment, the chaotic devil beast launched a frenzied attack at Ye Feng.    


Two tentacles crazily lashed down, as if they wanted to crush Ye Feng to death.    


The destructive power and Devouring Power that the chaotic devil beast released had been circulated to a certain limit.    


When he truly experienced this kind of power, only then did Ye Feng understand how terrifying it was to face such an enemy.    


At this moment, the void devil beast was constantly emitting terrifying aura. It was slowly soaking Ye Feng's soul, as if it wanted to completely destroy his body.    


Faced with such a terrifying pressure, Ye Feng's expression became rather strange.    


The power that was emitted from the depths of the void far exceeded the aura that Ye Feng had gathered. In an extremely short period of time, the void power had been completely destroyed.    


Sensing such a terrifying change in energy, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably brilliant.    


When he truly experienced this kind of aura, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became incomparably bright.    


The purest spiritual aura revolved around Ye Feng's body, as if it wanted to completely revive the power in his body.    


The mumbling that lingered around Ye Feng's ears gradually dissipated at this moment. Even the energy in his body was suppressed by this aura.    


In an instant, the energy that was emitted from the depths of the spatial zone had reached a limit.    


Silently circulating the pure spiritual energy, Ye Feng gradually felt the fundamental energy contained within the terrifying aura.    


The fear of the unknown, the fear of life, the fear of death, and the power that could affect them.    


This was only the appearance of this kind of power. As for the hidden emotions in the depths, they had become quite terrifying.    


This kind of attribute power that surpassed the limit continued to circulate at this moment.    


The aura, which was emitted from its purest spiritual nature, was constantly surging within the space. It also possessed a kind of powerful strength that ordinary people were unable to comprehend.    


Faced with this kind of fluctuation of the aura, the void devil beast launched an almost frenzied attack, wanting to completely destroy Ye Feng in the shortest amount of time.    



However, as Ye Feng's control of the purest spiritual energy became deeper and deeper, the aura in his body was also circulating continuously.    


That kind of energy that exceeded the limit spread out at this moment, as if it wanted to destroy everything.    


The rumbling sound of destruction reverberated at this moment. There was also a terrifying aura that was spreading between the heavens and the earth.    


The power that exceeded the limit of the attribute was unleashed at this moment.    


Sensing the massive power within the space, a terrifying aura was expanding within the chaos.    


The void devil beast was also getting angrier and angrier. It felt as if its power had been stolen, causing its boundless dignity to be swept away at this moment.    


An incomparably furious roar resounded at this moment, and the aura's fluctuation became even more terrifying.    


Ye Feng silently circulated the source energy in his body, and the light in his eyes became even brighter.    


At the same time, the energy released from the depths of the void had reached an unimaginable level.    


That kind of pressure that exceeded the limit spread out in an instant, as if it was going to destroy everything.    


At this moment, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes began to flicker crazily.    


The destructive aura that was beyond his imagination spread out at this moment.    


Ye Feng also did his best to circulate his spiritual energy, and spread out a portion of the pure spiritual energy of the aura.    


At this moment, it was as if Ye Feng had lost all hope. He didn't know if he could resist the terrifying force in the spatial zone.    


At this critical moment, the aura in the void had undergone a very unique transformation.    


The combination of the purest spiritual force and Ye Feng's strength had brought out a change that exceeded the limit of his attributes.    


There was also an incomparably terrifying aura that was constantly circulating in the depths of the void. The energy it emitted had also broken through to an extreme.    


An incomparably powerful force of attributes spread out in an instant, as if it was going to obliterate everything.    


When one truly experienced this kind of terrifying pressure, the purest spiritual nature in the void became incomparably fragile.    


Ye Feng could feel that the energy contained in it had been completely exhausted, and he was no longer able to fight against the Void Devil.    


"This is only the beginning!"    


Ye Feng let out a sigh, but he didn't relax at all.    


An incomparably terrifying power of attributes spread out at this moment, and it possessed a power that ordinary people wouldn't be able to imagine.    


This kind of attribute energy that had exceeded the limit began to spread out again and again, and even covered the other side of the spatial zone.    


The circulation of the chaotic energy caused the aura in the surrounding space to undergo an extremely intense change. It was as if it wanted to completely suppress everything.    


Under this kind of change in power, Ye Feng's expression was quite calm. He was only using all of his strength to circulate the power that belonged solely to him.    


* Hong Long...... * The rumbling sound of destruction resounded at this moment, as if it wanted to completely suppress and refine everything.    


This kind of terrifying aura that exceeded one's imagination was shaking crazily in the spatial zone. It also carried a pressure that ordinary people couldn't understand.    


At this moment, the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the void had already reached an incomparable level.    


"It's useless. Even if you obtain this kind of power, how can you fight against me?    


Although you have awakened the purest spiritual essence, most of it has already been consumed. It's impossible for you to be a match for me.    


In the next moment, I'm going to destroy your divine soul, causing it to disappear from this world forever."    


The Void Magic Beast roared furiously at this moment. The origin energy between the heavens and earth also circulated to the limit at this moment.    


The attribute power that exceeded the limit spread out here, as if it was going to completely destroy the entire world.    


However, Ye Feng's expression remained calm in the face of this terrifying pressure. It was as if this terrifying force had nothing to do with him.    


The Chaotic Origin Energy in his body surged at this moment, and the aura that was being emitted became even stronger.    


* Hong Long...... * A terrifying vibration resounded at this moment, as if it was going to obliterate everything.    


The destructive pressure created by the crazy collision of these two extremely terrifying aura had also broken through a certain limit.    


It was also at this moment that Ye Feng felt an extremely profound force.    


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