Sky War God

C3755 A Group Attack

C3755 A Group Attack

0Ye Feng's simple sentence had deeply provoked Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan.    


An extremely terrifying aura erupted from the depths of the void. The destructive power that it was emitting was simply unimaginably powerful.    


Without any hesitation, Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan unleashed all the source energy in his body without any restraint.    


That unimaginably powerful aura spread out at this very moment.    


A wisp of azure energy appeared in the sky, and the energy ripples that it emitted had reached an extremely pure state.    


When they felt this aura, the expressions of everyone present were extremely shocked. It was as if they were unable to imagine the source energy contained within this energy.    


A rumbling sound of destruction resounded at this moment, and an energy with an attribute that exceeded the limit erupted at this moment.    


An unimaginably powerful energy descended at an extremely fast speed toward Ye Feng's position.    


That incomparably huge palm contained a unique force that ordinary people couldn't understand.    


It was as if everything in this spatial zone was going to be completely destroyed.    


The heavenly green palm descended towards Ye Feng's location, causing the entire spatial zone to tremble crazily.    


It was as if there was a terrifying destructive aura that spread out once again, and it was enough to completely destroy everything in this spatial zone.    


At this moment, the fluctuation of the aura that erupted from the depths of the void had reached an unimaginable realm.    


Ye Feng's expression was calm as he felt this terrifying force.    


It was as if all the attributes in the spatial zone couldn't affect him at all. In a very short period of time, he could completely destroy everything.    


The moment the palm descended, Ye Feng finally made his move.    


He slowly raised his palm and unleashed the Qi of Good Fortune into the sky.    


Ye Feng's cultivation of the force of creation had reached a very profound level, and the power it emitted was beyond his imagination.    


In a very short period of time, the force of creation had formed a new palm print, colliding with the terrifying heavenly green palm.    


A rumbling sound of destruction was heard at this moment.    


The extremely terrifying destructive power continued to spread at this moment, as if it wanted to destroy everything in this world.    


The energy gathered by both parties seemed to have gone crazy at this moment, and they exerted all their strength to crush the other party's position.    


However, Ye Feng had only slightly mobilized the energy in his body, and an absolutely terrifying aura had already erupted from his body.    


The heavenly green palm print contained a unique energy that ordinary people could not imagine.    


However, it was still unable to withstand Ye Feng's strength.    


It was as if the spatial zone had been torn apart, and the ripples of the aura became even more terrifying.    


A unique energy that was beyond imagination spread out at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy this spatial zone.    


At the same time, the energy that Ye Feng released calmed everything around him, and fiercely rushed towards Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan.    


Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan could also feel such a terrifying energy.    


The extremely terrifying destructive power, the destructive aura that was spreading out, had also reached an unimaginable level.    


At this very moment, an extremely powerful attribute power erupted crazily.    


Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan channeled every bit of power in his body, and even unleashed his own natal world.    


Facing Ye Feng's attack, Qing Yuan Heavenly Monarch didn't restrain himself at all, and unleashed the most terrifying attribute energy.    


The source of energy was burning. The ripples of the aura that was unleashed had reached a level that ordinary people couldn't reach.    


Under such a terrifying attack, the Great Fortune Palm unleashed by Ye Feng was instantly shattered.    


However, the force of creation contained within was surging continuously, and the aura that was being unleashed became even stranger.    


When he sensed this energy, Qing Yuanjun subconsciously sensed that something was wrong, and immediately sealed his aura.    


The energy in the space was squirming continuously, as if some terrifying energy was awakening.    


A terrifying rumbling sound rang out in that instant. There was even a unique power that ordinary people could not understand that erupted wildly at this moment.    


Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan's expression changed drastically. It was as if there was a unique aura in the space that was continuously extracting the power in his body.    


The power of the incantation in Ye Feng's hand was constantly changing. The force of creation that was gathered in his hand was constantly changing.    


The aura in Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan's body was also affected by Ye Feng's force of creation, as if it could collapse at any time.    


"It's you..."    


Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan's voice was hoarse. The aura that was unleashed had reached an extremely pure state, and the source energy that was unleashed was circulating at an extremely fast speed.    


At this moment, Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan could feel that the energy within his body had started to distort crazily, and was completely out of his control.    


That unique attribute energy spread out at this moment, and it even formed an extremely powerful attribute energy.    


When he truly felt this aura, Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan's expression became even more solemn.    


The technique that Ye Feng displayed was really too strange. He actually started to control his own body continuously.    


At this moment, Qing Yuan Heavenly Monarch could clearly sense a unique and mysterious force circulating continuously in his body, even seeping into his natal world.    


If he couldn't make an effective low-tier attack, it wouldn't take long before everything about him would be in Ye Feng's hands.    


In the next moment, an extremely terrifying energy of attributes erupted in the void, and the energy aura it released was unimaginably powerful.    


When he felt this kind of energy, the radiance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely brilliant.    


Circulating the force of creation to control the aura of life in this world wasn't a difficult task for Ye Feng.    


What was important was that as Ye Feng continued to grasp the power in Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan's body, it had seeped into his natal world and resonated with it.    


Such a method made it impossible for Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan to defend against it. It was as if the Origin aura in his body was about to collapse.    


The natal world was also very important to them. Once it was damaged, it would definitely bring them an unimaginable blow.    


Furthermore, Ye Feng had already fully integrated his energy into his body. The energy ripples that were emitted from his body had become even more terrifying.    


An extremely powerful attribute energy spread out in an instant, as if it was going to melt the entire world.    


Ye Feng's voice rang out in Qing Yuan Heavenly Monarch's ears once again. The pressure that was emitted from his voice had reached an unimaginable level.    


"It's useless. Your current strength isn't enough to resist me.    


All the effort you have put in right now is to make it easier for me to control your source energy.    


As your aura continues to circulate and connect with your natal world, it will reach an even deeper level.    


Under such circumstances, I can completely seize your control over your natal world, and completely deprive you of all the energy in your body.    


Just like now..."    


At this moment, the aura that Ye Feng displayed had already reached an unimaginable level, and it instantly suppressed Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan.    


A rumbling sound of destruction resounded in the void.    


An extremely powerful attribute energy erupted crazily at this moment. The destructive aura that had surpassed the limit was enough to destroy the entire world.    


Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan's strength wasn't considered too weak either. However, the pressure that he was enduring at this moment was enough to cause his body to collapse completely.    


It could even be said that Ye Feng's control of the energy in his body had stimulated his mind.    


Sensing the changes in the energy, Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan's aura was almost going crazy, as if it was going to completely obliterate everything in this spatial zone.    


An extremely powerful attribute energy spread out at this moment, as if it was going to completely destroy all the fluctuations in this world.    


It was a pity that the efforts that Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan was making at this moment were meaningless.    


That kind of destructive aura that surpassed the limits was completely suppressed at this moment.    


The rumbling sounds of destruction rumbled out continuously from within his body.    


The energy fluctuation that Ye Feng had unleashed had reached an unimaginable level. The energy ripples that formed the aura had even become exceptionally terrifying.    




As if he had played enough, Ye Feng didn't restrain himself anymore. The energy waves emitted from the aura had reached an extremely terrifying level.    


In that instant, the aura contained in the world had become exceptionally terrifying.    


The energy that had exceeded the limit erupted at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy the entire heaven and earth.    


At this moment, a terrifying rumbling sound was heard from the space. The aura that was being emitted from the void had already reached an extremely terrifying level.    


Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan also felt a kind of despairing power. It was as if his own natal world had suffered a backlash from him.    


An extremely terrifying explosion was unleashed from Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan's natal world. The source energy of the Laws of the Heaven and Earth that was conflicting with each other had gathered, and even the force of creation had distorted a certain degree of the fundamental laws.    


His power was gathering at this moment, and it was completely unleashed, causing the entire world to tremble crazily.    


Everyone on the scene had a look of shock on their faces. Looking at Ye Feng's means, they couldn't believe that this kind of strength actually existed.    


The incomparably terrifying energy fluctuated between the heavens and the earth.    


That kind of energy that exceeded their own attributes spread out at an extremely fast speed, as if it was going to destroy everything.    


At the same time, Ye Feng's body was also emitting a pure chaotic origin force.    


The aura was circulating continuously, as if it wanted to completely refine all the energy in this world.    


Currently, Ye Feng's cultivation base was only a final step away from materializing his own Origin Energy and advancing it to the Sovereign God Realm.    


To him, the Origin aura between the heavens and the earth, as well as that extremely powerful world energy, were incomparably important. They could push his cultivation base to a higher level.    


Therefore, Ye Feng couldn't waste any of it. In the face of such a vast energy, he simply swallowed it.    


A rumbling sound of destruction echoed out. The aura that was unleashed had also reached an extremely terrifying realm.    


The energy that had exceeded the limit spread out in an instant. It seemed as if it was going to devour the entire heaven and earth.    


The convergence of the origin force had also made Ye Feng feel a huge impact.    


The energy fluctuations in his body were circulating continuously at this moment, and it was emitting a powerful force that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


At this moment, the energy ripples that were emitted from the depths of the spatial zone had exceeded a certain limit, and it had completely converged the origin force at an extremely fast speed.    


A massive figure appeared in the sky, and the world energy it gave off was unimaginably powerful.    


Even Ye Feng felt an extremely powerful pressure when he saw this figure.    


It was as if the energy circulating in this person could destroy his body in an instant.    


"Young man, forgive when you have to. Since you can completely destroy him, why are you holding on tightly to him?    


Letting him live can be considered a good fate."    


Although this voice was trying to persuade Ye Feng, there was an indescribable rigidity in it.    


It also woke Ye Feng up. The person standing in front of him was the expert who controlled the law of the Nine Heavens Realm.    


Facing such a person, Ye Feng's aura slowly withdrew. The aura ripples that it emitted had already reached an extremely pure level.    


The rumbling sound of destruction resounded at this moment. There was also a unique force that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people that had calmed down at this moment.    


Looking at Ye Feng's current performance, the True God in the void nodded his head in an unnoticeable manner.    


At this moment, the aura that was released from the depths of the void had reached an extremely pure state.    


The energy contained in the heaven and earth kept exploding at this moment, as if it was going to melt the entire space.    


"Sir, if we let him slaughter us so easily, will our lives be in danger?"    


A young man with a strange glow all over his body stared fiercely at Ye Feng.    


The ripples of the aura were also extremely dangerous, as if it was going to devour the entire world.    


The energy that had exceeded the limit was unleashed at this moment, and the aura fluctuation that was emitted had reached an extremely terrifying realm.    


Ye Feng's expression instantly turned cold when he felt this pressure.    


That unique energy fluctuation was spreading out at this moment.    


A powerful aura that exceeded his imagination spread out at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy this world.    


Ye Feng's eyes were locked onto the young man's body, and he was also seriously trying to distinguish the aura on the young man's body.    


"Someone from the Ten Thousand Demon Heavens?"    


As he said this, the energy in Ye Feng's body was circulating continuously. The pressure that was emitted from his body had already reached an extremely terrifying realm.    


This kind of unimaginable pressure spread out in an instant, as if it was going to completely destroy the entire spatial zone.    


In this very short period of time, the aura that was released from the depths of the void had become exceptionally terrifying.    


The rumbling sounds of destruction reverberated continuously. The energy ripples that were emitted had reached an extremely terrifying state.    


The True God in the depths of the void could also feel the terrifying energy in the void. The aura that was released from his body was quickly withdrawn.    


Such a change caused the expressions of everyone present to change.    


A rigid voice sounded once again, "I am only trying to maintain the rules of this place, not your nanny.    


Life and death are the norm for humans. Since we are already here, are we not allowed to kill people?    


If we are not prepared to be killed, why would we participate in such a competition?    


The Nine Worlds have gambled the lives of countless people. In the end, this kind of duel is just child's play for all of you?"    


The voice reverberated in the space. The aura that it emitted had already reached an extremely powerful realm.    


A terrifying rumbling sound resounded at this moment, as if it wanted to completely destroy this world.    


When they felt this kind of pressure, the expressions of everyone present became unusually shocked.    


They were all geniuses of the various Supreme Heavens Realm, and they had never received such a reprimand before.    


However, when faced with such a peerless True God, there was a huge gap between their strength and his. They were simply not strong enough to fight against him, the various forces in the depths of the void began to shake crazily.    


"Since you don't want me to interfere as I please, then you can only rely on your own strength."    


As he spoke, the supreme True God's figure disappeared without leaving any traces behind.    


The terrifying aura that existed in the depths of the space shook violently with the heaven and earth.    


At the same time, Ye Feng could also feel the faintly discernible pressure just now. At this moment, it had completely disappeared.    


All the geniuses had never thought that things would develop to such a stage.    


The incomparably terrifying fluctuation of the aura was unleashed at this moment. It had even reached a realm that was beyond the imagination of ordinary people.    


As for Ye Feng, his eyes were constantly flickering, and he had locked onto that peerless genius of the Ten Thousand Fey Heaven.    


"It's you. You have some objections to my actions?"    


Ye Feng's voice echoed in the spatial zone. The aura that was unleashed had reached an extremely terrifying level.    


That kind of unimaginable pressure spread out in an instant, as if it was going to devour the entire world.    


* Hong Long...... * The rumbling sound of destruction spread out in an instant, as if there was an extremely terrifying pressure erupting crazily at this moment.    


The expression of that peerless expert of the Ten Thousand Fey Heaven also changed in that instant.    


An extremely terrifying aura spread out from the depths of the void. There were even countless Demonic Beast phenomena appearing around his body.    


"How dare you! Who do you think you are? How dare you provoke me like this?!    


Do you think that you can reverse the situation just because you have this little bit of skill?    


I'll let you know that I'm different from that bunch of trash. You can't fight me with that bit of strength of yours."    


As he spoke, the body of the Demon Monarch Purple Locust blossomed with endless dazzling radiance.    


Furthermore, a unique attribute energy erupted at an extremely fast speed, rushing towards Ye Feng's position.    


That kind of unimaginable power spread out at an extremely fast speed, forming locusts that rushed towards the space where Ye Feng was.    


At that instant, an extremely terrifying Devouring Power was unleashed, as if it was going to devour everything in the world.    


Feeling this kind of pressure, Ye Feng's expression did not change at all. The aura of the clerk in his body was completely released.    


Chaotic aura spread out, forming an incomparably huge mountain that violently pressed down.    


In that instant, the surrounding void couldn't withstand such a terrifying pressure and shattered.    


The locusts that the Purple Locust Demon Sovereign released were unable to withstand such a terrifying pressure.    


In that instant, all of them vanished into thin air, and not a single aura leaked out.    


When they saw Ye Feng's means, the expressions of the people present were extremely shocked, as if they couldn't imagine that Ye Feng's strength had actually reached such a terrifying extent.    


Especially the Purple Locust Demon Sovereign. Its expression was extremely gloomy. The energy waves of the aura that it had gathered seemed to have reached a level that ordinary people couldn't even imagine.    


"You brought this upon yourself. Since you have unleashed your full strength, I will let you see my true technique."    


The Purple Locust Demon Sovereign unleashed its own Origin aura and charged towards Ye Feng.    


However, Ye Feng's expression was filled with disdain. The energy that was being emitted from his body had reached a terrifying level.    


"I really don't know where you got such courage from.    


That Demon God of Myriad Demon Heavens couldn't do anything to me even when he attacked me from afar. Do you think that you are stronger than that Demon God?"    


Upon hearing Ye Feng's words, Demon Monarch Purple Locust's face instantly turned pale. The aura in its body started vibrating at an extremely fast speed.    


Before he could respond, Ye Feng spoke in an extremely calm tone.    


"Moreover, even that Demon God couldn't kill me, yet you have the courage to defeat me. Don't tell me that you are treating him as trash?"    


These words caused Purple Locust Demon Lord to break out in cold sweat.    


Although that Fey God had control over the Myriad Fey Heavens, he was definitely not very scheming.    


If the Fey God were to find out about this, it was likely that Purple Locust Demon Lord would be destroyed in the next moment.    


At this moment, an extremely terrifying aura erupted between the heavens and the earth.    


The energy that exceeded the limits of the world circulated wildly at this moment, as though it wanted to completely destroy everything in this world.    


Ye Feng controlled the power of the origin of chaos. The aura that he released had reached an unimaginable level.    


At this moment, the power of the Attack that Ye Feng had unleashed had already surpassed the limit of a certain power.    


The destructive aura that was beyond imagination spread out at this moment, as if it was going to completely destroy the entire world.    


Demon Monarch Purple Locust's mind was already shaken. When it felt such a powerful pressure, its face turned pale.    


In an instant, the destructive power that surpassed the limit spread out at this very moment, as if it wanted to completely obliterate this piece of heaven and earth.    


The rumbling sound of destruction resounded at this moment. One chaotic divine mountain after another was violently suppressed.    


Demon Monarch Purple Locust unleashed all of the energy in its body without caring about anything else, completely unleashing all of its origin energy.    


Countless locusts were unleashed from its body, emitting extremely terrifying Devouring Power.    


The original body of the Purple Locust Demon Monarch was a mutated locust that could devour the void and gather the origin energy of the heaven and earth.    


At this moment, the aura that was being emitted from the depths of the space had reached a terrifying realm.    


The energy that exceeded the limit was unleashed at this moment. The destructive power that was formed shook violently at an extremely fast speed.    


At this moment, a brilliant light emerged in Ye Feng's eyes.    


A terrifying energy that had exceeded the limit spread out at this instant, and it was unleashed at an extremely fast speed.    


The strength of the Purple Locust Demon Sovereign was indeed terrifying, but it was still suppressed by Ye Feng at this moment.    


Two kinds of terrifying aura collided crazily in the void.    


Crackling sounds of shattering echoed continuously in the void.    


Those locusts were simply unable to withstand the terror of the Chaotic Divine Mountain. At this moment, the weight of the mountain continued to shatter.    


However, there were also quite a number of locusts that finally charged up the Chaotic Divine Mountain and began to devour the powerful Chaotic Force.    


In just a short period of time, the locusts that had devoured the Chaotic Force had already obtained tremendous strength. Their aura had also started to transform crazily.    


That kind of attribute energy that had exceeded the limit erupted at this moment, as if it was going to completely obliterate this world.    


When he felt this aura, the Origin Energy in Ye Feng's body became even more ferocious.    


The Chaotic Origin Energy continued to spread, as if it was going to be devoured by the locusts.    


An incomparably powerful attribute energy was unleashed at this moment, as if it was going to completely destroy this world.    


In this extremely short period of time, the destructive aura that erupted from the depths of the void had reached an unimaginable level.    


Those terrifying locusts erupted at an extremely fast speed. This origin energy that belonged to them seemed to want to completely devour this entire world.    


At this moment, a brilliant light emerged in Ye Feng's eyes.    


Those locusts grew at an extremely fast speed. It could even be said that their speed had exceeded the control of the Purple Locust Demon Sovereign.    


When he felt this kind of power, the Purple Locust Demon Sovereign's expression became incomparably shocked.    


That attribute power that surpassed the limits was unleashed at this moment. It was as if it wanted to completely destroy this entire stretch of heaven and earth.    


"What kind of power is it? How can it be so terrifying?"    


Purple Locust Demon Sovereign's expression was filled with shock. He couldn't believe that Ye Feng's strength could be so terrifying.    


The natal locusts that were released could even devour the world of the supreme giant and digest it quickly.    


The power that could be fed back to it would also reach an extremely powerful level.    


However, the means that Ye Feng had displayed at this moment had far exceeded the limits of his imagination.    


This unique attribute energy circulated continuously in the void, and the ripples of the aura that it emitted became even purer.    


More importantly, after absorbing Ye Feng's Chaotic Origin Energy, those locusts had the tendency to escape from the control of the Purple Locust Demon Sovereign.    


Such a change made the Purple Locust Demon Sovereign even more unable to calm down.    


An extremely terrifying suppressive force spread out from the depths of the void, as if it was going to swallow the entire heaven and earth in the shortest amount of time.    


An unimaginably powerful aura expanded at this moment, spreading at an extremely fast speed.    


Watching such a powerful force being unleashed, everyone on the scene could feel the terrifying pressure coming from Ye Feng.    


Whether it was Heavenly Monarch Qing Yuan or Purple Locust Demon Sovereign, they were both top experts in their respective domains.    


Their strength was almost invincible when compared to the supreme giant. Once they unleashed their own strength, they would be able to fight against the supreme giant.    


At this moment, the technique that Ye Feng displayed had shocked everyone present.    


The two peerless experts in Ye Feng's hands didn't seem to have any ability to resist. They were completely suppressed by Ye Feng just like that.    


An extremely powerful attribute energy spread out in an instant, as if it was going to completely obliterate the entire world.    


When they felt this aura, the expressions of everyone present became more and more solemn. The energy ripples that were released became even more terrifying.    


The rumbling sound of destruction and tremors resounded in this instant.    


The pressure that the Purple Locust Demon Sovereign was enduring became even greater. It was even to the extent that it was unable to control the source energy within its body.    


"What are you all still standing there in a daze for? Do you want to watch him kill me before he destroys you all one by one?"    


The Purple Locust Demon Sovereign roared in shock and fury. The aura that was being emitted from its body became even more terrifying.    


The source energy that belonged solely to him spread wildly in the void. The aura that was being emitted also became stronger and stronger.    


When the other supreme geniuses heard these words, their expressions became somewhat solemn.    


The energy within their bodies was circulating continuously, as if a terrifying aura could erupt at any time.    


It was also at this moment that Qi Heng suddenly spoke, "We don't have any grudges with this Brother. Even if we have a fight, we won't kill him.    


Furthermore, the main purpose of this trip was to obtain the source energy of the world for Master. We can't afford to lose control of ourselves over some trivial matters.    


He wants to drag us into this disaster. Could it be that Wan Yao naively thinks that we are all idiots? "    


Qi Heng's voice was very calm. The aura that was emitting from his body was becoming calmer and calmer. That unique attribute energy had also calmed everyone down.    


When they heard this explanation, everyone's expression also became calm. However, the way they looked at the Purple Locust Demon Lord was also becoming more and more savage.    


If what Qi Heng said was true, perhaps the Purple Locust Demon Sovereign wanted to drag them into the water to fight Ye Feng and use this opportunity to seek his own life.    


"What an idiot. This guy is so ferocious and brutal. Could you all resist him?    


If he really starts killing without restraint, could it be that you all can obtain the power of the source of the world? "    


These words caused the expressions of everyone present to change. The aura in their bodies began to circulate at an extremely fast speed.    


When he heard these words, Qi Heng sneered in disdain.    


"What a joke.    


The vastness of the Nine Heavens Realm is not something we can understand. In order to obtain the power of the source of the world, we can only continuously create our own domains to extract the source of the world.    


Even if it's Brother Ye Feng, so what if he can kill all of us? He still needs to rely on himself to manage the origin of the world.    


Furthermore, under such circumstances, fighting is the most unsuitable choice. Do you think we are all idiots?    


If everyone is still wasting time here, I'm afraid we won't have the chance to collect the natural source."    


Qi Heng's words had thoroughly provoked everyone present.    


Even though they were all geniuses of their respective domains, they could not afford to relax on this mission.    


When they heard this, a few of them had already activated their movement techniques and were moving further away.    


To them, Ye Feng's strength was indeed a huge pressure that they couldn't resist at all.    


Since they couldn't afford to offend him, they could still hide. These few people also released their own strength and moved away from Ye Feng to build their own territory.    


As for the remaining few people, they looked at Ye Feng's expression with uncertainty.    


At this moment, the pressure that Ye Feng displayed was really terrifying.    


That kind of unimaginable power gave everyone an unquestionable pressure.    


If Ye Feng really attacked them, it would definitely cause the origin energy that they had worked so hard to accumulate to collapse in a very short period of time.    


These people also wanted to completely suppress Ye Feng so that he wouldn't be able to interfere in this battle.    


It was also because of this that Ye Feng's eyes had already locked onto them the moment they were born.    



That kind of unimaginable and terrifying pressure erupted at this moment, as if it was going to devour the entire spatial zone.    


A powerful aura that exceeded his imagination spread out at this instant, as if it wanted to completely obliterate everything.    


A rumbling sound of destruction resounded in the void.    


Ye Feng's eyes became more and more dangerous. The aura that he was releasing had reached an unimaginable level.    


At this moment, the ripples of the aura that had gathered in the depths of the void had reached an extremely terrifying state.    


The pressure that had exceeded the limit spread out in an instant, as if it was going to swallow everything.    


"Since all of you want to attack, let's attack together. I want to see what kind of means the peerless geniuses of the various supreme heavenly realms have."    


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