Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C312 It Feels Better When You Take It Off!

C312 It Feels Better When You Take It Off!

0Xuanyuan Che was really pissed off. In his life, this was the first time he had cursed a woman!    


On the bed, Beiming Mo was a little stunned. Suddenly, she heard her phone ring, so she reached out to touch it.    


However, she did not know what was going on. Her center of gravity was not stable, so she directly fell down from the bed and even knocked on the bedside table in a daze.    


"Ah -" She cried out in pain, but because she fell down, she felt dizzy and lost her words.    


Xuanyuan Che, who had walked to the door, stopped. He heard Beiming Mo scream in pain and then stopped moving. He was shocked and quickly turned back.    


When he walked to the bedside and saw the girl lying on the bed, the anger in his heart immediately dissipated by more than half.    


Xuanyuan Che had never seen Beiming Mo in such a sorry state. Her head was on the ground, and her hair was messy on the soft carpet. One of her legs was on the bedside table, while the other was on the bedside table.    


Because of the fall, and also because she was drunk, her face was flushed red, her eyes were half closed, and her body was still twisted 120 degrees. It was as funny as it could be.    


It was also thanks to her soft body that it was fine to be stuck like this. It was more like a drunk cat.    


He squatted down and narrowed his eyes. "Beiming Mo, are you practicing acrobatics?"    


She looked at him who had turned upside down and said in a daze, "Then did I perform well? Ah, I'm so awesome. I actually developed a new potential!"    


Xuanyuan Che did not know whether to laugh or cry. However, after watching for a few seconds, he pulled Beiming Mo up again and lowered his head to look at her head. "Where did you hit?"    


She pointed at her forehead and Xuanyuan Che looked over. Sure enough, it was a little red and a little swollen.    


He said, "It's good that you hit it. Wake up."    


Beiming Mo felt thirsty again. She pushed him away and said agitatedly, "Where's the water?"    


She was feeling uncomfortable all over. Her head was dizzy, her eyes were swollen, and her mouth was thirsty to death!    


Xuanyuan Che was also holding his breath, so he did not pay attention to her words. He wanted to see if she would take the initiative to call his name.    


However, Beiming Mo did not.    


She waited for a long time and there was no water, so she propped herself up and stumbled to find water.    


Xuanyuan Che saw that every step she took seemed like she was about to fall down. The fire that was suppressed in his heart once again surged up.    


Hehe, she really did what she said. She even ignored him when he was drunk!    


At this moment, Beiming Mo had already walked to the bar counter. She unscrewed a bottle of mineral water and gulped it down. Immediately, she felt much better.    


After doing all this, she fumbled to get up. But after taking two steps, she could not walk anymore. She leaned against the door and did not move at all.    


Xuanyuan Che originally wanted to leave. He took his coat and wallet to the door and said coldly to Beiming Mo, who was holding the door. "Move aside."    


She blinked innocently. Unfortunately, because of the swelling, it did not have the effect of an electric eye.    


Xuanyuan Che opened his mouth again and said in a heavier tone, "Get out of the way!"    


Beiming Mo hummed. She made a sound and slightly moved away.    


Xuanyuan Che twisted the door handle, but just as he was about to open the door, the girl beside him went limp and fell in his direction.    


Almost instinctively, he reached out and caught her.    


Her body was soft. When it was close to his chest, her arm had already been lifted and wrapped around his neck.    


Her warm breath fell on his Adam's apple, and her voice was sweet and innocent after getting drunk. "Oh, pillow..."    


Xuanyuan Che's Adam's apple rolled, and his heart could not help but beat more strongly than usual.    


He put one hand on her waist and the other on the door handle. "Beiming Mo, let go."    


"Shh, don't be noisy." She snorted impatiently and pressed herself against his chest. The tip of her nose rubbed against his Adam's apple and lips. Petals fell on his neck the most. She even arched her lips in the most sensitive spot.    


Xuanyuan Che felt as if he had been lit on fire in an instant. His blood was screaming and his breathing was tight. He said with a hoarse voice, "Beiming Mo, do you know who I am? What are you doing again?!"    


"Stop messing around, Xuanyuan Che." Beiming Mo felt noisy and snorted discontentedly.    


So she knew it was him?    


Xuanyuan Che's hand that landed on the door handle slowly relaxed.    


He lowered his head and looked at her. "Don't you know it's dangerous to get drunk outside?"    


The man in front of her always spoke and quarreled with her to rest. Beiming Mo was unhappy and twisted her body.    


He could not tell whether his heart was burning with anger or desire. The fire made his eyes turn darker and darker.    


He picked her up and quickly walked inside. His heart was burning. "I might owe you in my previous life."    


He put Beiming Mo back on the bed. Xuanyuan Che was just about to get up when he felt his shirt button up. Then, Beiming Mo on the bed shouted, "It hurts!"    


He quickly looked down and saw Beiming Mo's curly hair hooked onto his shirt button.    


He could only lean over again and reach out to fix it.    


However, because the strand of hair hooked onto him was a little short, after he leaned down, his line of sight could barely see the strand of hair, so he could only rely on his feelings to remove the strand of hair.    


Beiming Mo's hair was curly, and she often used her hands to grab her hair. It was not as smooth as straight hair, so when Xuanyuan Che did this, it made the strand of hair tighten and tighten.    


Below her, Beiming Mo felt a little uncomfortable from being pressed down. She twisted her body and snorted, "What are you doing?"    


Perhaps it was because she was drunk, her voice was softer than usual. Her voice was raised at the end and she was clearly dissatisfied, but it was filled with a coquettish tone.    


They were very close. The tip of his nose was filled with her smell. That kind of tranquil fragrance, as well as the intoxicated alcohol, coupled with her breathing all landing on his neck, immediately made all the pores on his body open up.    


However, the hair still hadn't been untied.    



His heartbeat became faster and faster, and Xuanyuan Che was somewhat vexed. When he used a little strength, Beiming Mo cried out in pain again, "Why are you pulling my hair?!"    


His body suddenly pressed down, and the distance between them was almost zero.    


His voice was very heavy, and there was an unexplainable meaning. "Then what do you want? Who asked your hair to be like the fur of a lion dog?"    


Beiming Mo felt uncomfortable from the pressure and reached out to push Xuanyuan Che. "You've crushed me!"    


He propped himself up a little more. His fingers landed on his shirt and he untied the buttons one by one.    


He didn't expect that her hair would be tied so tightly. When he unbutton it, he pulled her again. In the end, he stuck close to her body and peeled off her clothes, but her hair was still on his shirt.    


Xuanyuan Che finally let out a sigh of relief. In the next second, a hand suddenly landed on his chest.    


Her hand was white and delicate, even fairer than the skin on his chest. When it landed on his chest, she touched it and patted it again. She sighed, "The feeling of taking it off is better than the clothes I just wore!"    


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