Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C2086 Moving Bricks to Raise My Girlfriend!

C2086 Moving Bricks to Raise My Girlfriend!

0How come the students here don't know what's going on between the two of them?    


When he turned his head to take a look, he realized that the two of them were quite compatible. However, why was this couple so unfamiliar?    


Some people were already whispering to each other. There were also people who were secretly laughing. The classroom was in chaos.    


Professor Xu's face darkened, and he said to Xuanyuan Yov, "If you don't study well, you only know how to chase girls. Even a good female student was influenced by you! If you don't get the news in the future, we'll see how you raise your wife! "    


Immediately, everyone below the stage burst into laughter.    


Xuanyuan Yov was not angry. He smiled at Su Zimeng and said, "It's fine, Professor Xu. My health is still alright. At most, I'll raise her with bricks!"    


Professor Xu had obviously never seen someone with such thick skin. He was so angry that he laughed. The corner of his mouth twitched. "Haha, she still wants you to become a rough man after moving bricks for a year?"    


Then, he angrily went back to the podium and started to talk.    


Xuanyuan Yov still held Su Zimeng's hand. This time, he earnestly listened to the whole class with her.    


When they came out, Xuanyuan Yov faced the gazes of many classmates and held Su Zimeng's hand as they walked out. He went close to her ear and whispered to her, "Mengmeng, do you also love being a rough man?"    


Su Zimeng thought of becoming the center of attention in class and could not help but feel a little annoyed. She pulled Xuanyuan Yov out quickly and did not answer.    


Xuanyuan Yov was still smiling and said in her ear, "Last time when I was ugly to the point that you loved me. Then I, as a rough man, would definitely love you to death!"    


Su Zimeng heard this and lifted her leg to kick Xuanyuan Yov.    


He smiled and jumped away. He heard his classmates laughing behind him, so he turned around and said to the few people who were laughing at them, "Do you know the contractor?    


I'm going to move bricks to raise my girlfriend tonight! "    


Everyone instantly laughed like pigs.    


Xuanyuan Yov hooked his arm around Su Zimeng's shoulder, pulled her into his arms, and pulled her towards the stairs.    


The two of them walked out of the building amidst laughter. Su Zimeng looked up at Xuanyuan Yov's beautiful chin line and suddenly could not help but laugh.    


He lowered his head and raised his eyebrows. His tone was somewhat ruffian. "Mengmeng, what are you laughing at?    


Do you feel that a man who is willing to move bricks for you is exceptionally happy? "    


Su Zimeng nodded. "Yes."    


This time it was Xuanyuan Yov's turn to be surprised. He looked at her. "Really?"    


Su Zimeng waved the pearl bracelet on her wrist. "It's even more real than this."    


Xuanyuan Yov and Su Zimeng looked at each other for two seconds and suddenly smiled like three blooming flowers.    


Su Zimeng rarely saw Xuanyuan Yov smile like this. Usually, he liked to laugh too, but usually he was a little careless and mischievous.    


But at this moment, his eyes were very clear when he smiled, and his expression was relaxed. His entire person seemed bright and pure, as if he was a transparent youth.    


From Xuanyuan Yov's smile, she could see pure and straightforward joy.    


Su Zimeng suddenly realized that sometimes, she would also try to take half a step forward, as if everything would be different.    


And just now, she was telling the truth. She really felt happy.    


From the basketball court to the classroom, they walked the exact same path as before. However, they had different directions of development.    


He would consider whether she was willing to wait or not before he agreed to play with his friends; he would simply and coldly refuse the girl's goodwill, not in a joking manner; he would generously protect her in front of everyone and draw them in the same circle, which was different from everyone else's circle. It had a clear boundary, and there was only one between them.    


It made Su Zimeng feel that all the disappointment and hesitation in the past had been healed because of this.    


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