Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C691 You Have a Woman Congratulations!

C691 You Have a Woman Congratulations!

0After walking for half an hour under the rain, it was completely dark.    


Gong Mochen lit up his flashlight and thought of something. He asked the Ruwa to play the music again.    


The Ruwa was originally not waterproof, but after the explosion in Country F, Soong Yiren modified it again. Not only was it covered in metal, but it was also waterproof and resistant to high temperatures.    


Music sounded in the rain. Gong Mochen did not mind the level of appreciation of the Ruwa this time, because he played the music purely for Helian Qing to hear.    


Of course, if she was nearby.    


As they walked forward, the light from the flashlight was limited. Gong Mochen did not walk fast, but he almost slipped a few times.    


His sports shoes had long been stained by the mud. The edge of his trousers was also covered in mud. It fell heavily and stuck to his calves.    


Gong Mochen had always been a germaphobe. This feeling was really terrible. His brows were knitted tightly, and he had already made a decision in his heart.    


After this rain, he would bring his grandmother back to Imperial City, and he would not be able to stay in this damn place for another day!    


After walking for almost an hour, Gong Mochen used his flashlight to illuminate his surroundings.    


However, his vision was limited. He also realized that he seemed to have gotten lost.    


However, the cliff drawn on the map was in the northernmost direction of the house. He had a compass in his hand. He confirmed that he was heading north and did not deviate from the direction.    


It was already seven or eight o'clock in the evening. In the city, it was still the time for many office workers to get off work and return home.    


However, in the mountain forest, other than the sound of the rain, everything was quiet.    


Gong Mochen was a man, so he was naturally not afraid of anything. However, at this moment, he was somewhat worried that something would really happen to Helian Qing, that girl.    


However, just as this worried thought popped up in his mind, it was slapped back.    


All of this was caused by her. He did not need to take any responsibility at all!    


Unconsciously, Gong Mochen walked for another hour. He estimated that if it was a sunny day and the map was correct, it would take him three hours to reach the cliff.    


But now, because of the rain, his pace was slower by half. If he walked like this, it would be equivalent to walking a third of the way.    


The road ahead became more and more rugged, and the terrain began to rise. Gong Mochen knew that his direction should be correct.    


The first time he stopped to rest was after walking for three hours.    


Gong Mochen wanted to clean up the mud on his body, but he realized that it was useless. He thought about it and gave up. He was extremely irritated.    


However, he realized that sometimes, once people stopped, it would be very difficult to find the determination to go straight forward at that time. Therefore, when the thought of retreating welled up in his heart, Gong Mochen resolutely moved forward again.    


Since he came out to look for someone, then he would search until the end.    


If he and Helian Qing separated on the way, then he would return at dawn tomorrow morning. He would also have an account with his grandmother and more than enough reason to let his grandmother immediately return to Imperial City and not accompany that girl to go crazy.    


After thinking about it, although the road became harder and harder, Gong Mochen did not stop by even half a step.    


His watch was waterproof. When he arrived near the cliff, he looked at the time. It was already one o'clock in the morning.    


Gong Mochen asked the Ruwa to put the music to the max. After thinking for a while, he changed his tone and said, "Forget it. You should keep calling that woman by her name."    


However, the Ruwa also asked, "Which woman? wealthy donor. Do you have a woman? Congratulations! Ruwa wants to drink wedding wine! "Robots can also drink wine..."    


Gong Mochen was exhausted and became even angrier when he heard that. He directly shouted at the night sky," Helian Qing! "    


The Ruwa shook and immediately shouted, "Helian Qing!"    


It did not know how tired it was, and its throat would not be hoarse. So, it kept playing like a repeater, causing Helian Qing's name to reverberate on the other side of the cliff.    


When Gong Mochen heard this name, he felt his temples throbbing. In his heart, he only felt that he would never want to have any relationship with anyone with the surname 'Helian' in his entire life!    


The cliff stretched for about 300 meters. Gong Mochen lit a flashlight and, together with the Ruwa, began a carpet search from one end of the cliff.    


The rain continued to rain and wet his eyelashes. Gong Mochen was holding the flashlight and wiping his face in frustration.    


Halfway through, he basically did not have much hope anymore. After all, this mountain was so big. Although he had always asked the Ruwa to play music, However, because of the rain, the sound didn't travel that far. Perhaps Helian Qing had already missed him.    


After walking for a while, the Ruwa suddenly stopped calling.    


The sound suddenly stopped. In an instant, Gong Mochen was still not used to it.    


He heard the Ruwa in his pocket say, "The infrared scan has been activated... 10 meters away from you, at 4 o'clock, there is a heating object, suspected to be a human."    


Every time the Ruwa performed a scanning mission, it would act like a human. It opened its mouth and said: "The second scan has been activated... This object is not dangerous, it can be approached."    


Gong Mochen immediately went in the direction the Ruwa had mentioned.    


He walked step by step, from ten meters to five meters, three meters, two metres...    


At this moment, even without using the Ruwa to scan, he could recognize that the person lying on the ground was Helian Qing.    


She was still wearing the green linen pants that she usually liked. However, it was already covered with mud and mud. Her long hair was scattered and stuck to her pale face. She did not look angry at all.    


Gong Mochen was shocked and quickly walked over. He bent over and checked her pulse.    


It seemed to be normal. Gong Mochen took out the Ruwa again and stuck it to Helian Qing's wrist. He said, "Look at her heart rate."    


"Heart rate 62, normal." The Ruwa said.    


Gong Mochen let out a sigh of relief. He hesitated for a moment, but still picked Helian Qing up.    


She did not feel anything. Even the frequency of her breathing did not change.    


Gong Mochen's eyes swept over and saw Helian Qing's basket backpack scattered at the side.    


He originally did not want to care about it, but after taking two steps, he folded it back and hooked the basket backpack belt in his hand.    



Gong Mochen hugged her and felt disgusted by the mud on Helian Qing's body. He frowned slightly and asked Ruwa, "Have you memorized the road map along the way?"    


The mechanical voice of the Ruwa was calm, but Gong Mochen could hear that it wanted to take credit. "wealthy donor, I have memorized all of them."    


"Do you record the surroundings? Is there any place where you can avoid the rain?" Gong Mochen asked again.    


This time, the Ruwa quickly scanned from the database just now. "2.15 kilometers away from you, there is a cave that can shelter you from the rain."    


Gong Mochen immediately said, "Alright, lead the way."    


Two kilometers on flat ground was nothing. But this was the mountain road, and with another person in his arms, Gong Mochen did not walk very far before he started to struggle.    


However, Helian Qing clearly did not show any signs of waking up. He could not leave her on the road and not care about her. He could only wait until he found a big tree and leaned Helian Qing against the tree. Then he turned around and squatted down to carry her on his back.    


Young Master Gong had grown up to be so many years old and had never carried anyone on his back. Although it was still not easy, compared to carrying a princess, it would save him a lot of effort and would not block his line of sight.    


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