Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C689 So It Turns out That I'm Just a Fool

C689 So It Turns out That I'm Just a Fool

0At this moment, under Lieh Yuanchen's gaze, Hee Wanshuang thought of the diagnosis conclusion. She took a deep breath and her tone became more resolute. "I know you, but we are no longer related."    


After saying that, she lifted the hand that she was holding with Xiao Cheng and said with an expressionless face, "I have a boyfriend. Our relationship is stable. I hope you don't come to find me, or else he will be unhappy."    


Next to her, Xiao Cheng also added, "I don't know who you are, but Frost is already my girlfriend. Naturally, she won't be with you. Besides, we are already preparing to get married and have met our parents, so I hope you won't bother us for no reason. "    


When Lieh Yuanchen heard the words' meeting his parents', his entire body stiffened.    


He still clearly remembered the last time he sent Hee Wanshuang home, when Hee's father and Hee's mother saw it.    


He was almost driven out by them.    


But a singer in front of her had already met her parents?    


As for Hee's father and Hee's mother, were they happy to see this happen?    


As his heart was being corroded by the intense pain and soreness, Lieh Yuanchen's hand that was holding the rose could not help but tighten. Instantly, the sharp thorns of the rose pierced through his skin, and bright red blood droplets rolled down.    


But he seemed to not feel the pain. His eyes were scarlet as he looked at Hee Wanshuang. Word by word, "Shuang, do you still remember that day when I brought you to our house?"    


Hee Wanshuang's breathing stopped and she pursed her lips and did not say anything.    


Lieh Yuanchen said again, "Do you remember that day when I was in the hospital, I said, give me a year's time?"    


Hee Wanshuang remained silent and looked at the pain on the man's face. She suddenly felt that her heart was like a sponge that was soaked in water, and it was difficult to breathe.    


"I always thought that I would be able to fulfill my promise as long as I continue to work hard." Lieh Yuanchen looked at her and suddenly smiled. "At least until the Sabrina wedding that day, that was what I thought."    


"No, they all thought so when they just saw you."    


"Recently, my schedule has been very tight, and I've been busy with work almost every day. Every night, I sleep for three or four hours."    


"It was so easy for me today because my client temporarily rejected my appointment. I had half a day's time, so I didn't eat lunch at noon, so I directly flew over to the airport."    


"I still have a meeting tomorrow and planned to take the flight at six in the morning. I've already booked the flight ticket, so when I came to find you, I could only stay for less than ten hours."    


"I thought you would be happy to see me." When he said this, his smile deepened. "But now I know. I really thought so!"    


Hee Wanshuang still stood there without saying anything.    


However, Xiao Cheng, who was holding her hand, clearly felt that she was trembling slightly.    


"So it has always been my one-man show!" Lieh Yuanchen threw the rose in his hand onto the ground and stepped on it.    


Instantly, the rose was crushed into a bloody mess.    


In the corridor, it was silent because Lieh Yuanchen did not speak.    


After a long time, he slowly turned his eyes to Xiao Cheng. "Do you know that you almost hurt her?"    


Hearing this, Xiao Cheng was stunned. "What?"    


Lieh Yuanchen's lips curled into a mocking smile and said to Hee Wanshuang. "You really protect him!"    


Xiao Cheng turned his head and asked Hee Wanshuang, "Frost, what happened? Why did you almost get hurt because of me?"    


Hee Wanshuang could only say, "It was when I was in Imperial City that one day when I went out, I was surrounded by your illegitimate food, but it was fine... It was him who saved me."    


Resentment welled up in Xiao Cheng's eyes, "I'm sorry."    


At this moment, he finally understood why Hee Wanshuang wanted to quit their band.    


Her ambitions were not there to begin with. Adding on the series of events, she was a girl, and she was tired of dealing with them.    


Opposite him, Lieh Yuanchen looked at the two people in front of him. He felt that if he stayed for another minute, he might not be able to hold back his anger and beat them up. At that moment, he didn't say anything else. Instead, he strode away.    


After he left, Hee Wanshuang hurriedly pulled her hand out from Xiao Cheng's hand and forced a smile at him. "Thank you for just now."    


Xiao Cheng, however, lowered his eyes and looked dejected. "Sorry, Wanshuang."    


"It's fine. The matter has already passed. And now everyone should have forgotten about me." Hee Wanshuang said.    


After all, this was how the entertainment industry was. She wasn't a popular figure to begin with, so she rarely appeared on stage. After two months, no one would remember her even if she walked on the streets.    


"But it's indeed my fault. If we meet in the future, I'll try my best to avoid arousing suspicion." Xiao Cheng paused for a moment and said, "However, I think that person really likes you."    


Hee Wanshuang heard this and became silent again.    


Xiao Cheng smiled. "I have no hope, but no matter as your friend or as someone who has a crush on you, I hope you will be happy. Wanshuang, I hope you will be happy."    


Hee Wanshuang looked up, "Thank you."    


Xiao Cheng stood for a while and walked to the entrance of the building. He looked at the street.    


After that, he stepped back and said, "He called a car. Maybe he left. I think the front of the car is heading towards the airport."    


Hee Wanshuang nodded. "Okay, I got it."    


"I'm leaving too. There will be a performance tonight." Xiao Cheng said.    


"Okay, okay." Hee Wanshuang said goodbye to him.    


She wanted to go back to her room, but when she saw the scattered roses on the floor, she bent down to pick them up.    


Most of the roses' petals were shattered. It was not very good, but there was one that was actually perfectly preserved. Even the dewdrops on it were still sparkling on the petals.    


Hee Wanshuang picked it up and saw that there were beads of blood on the spikes.    


Her breathing paused, then she opened the door and found a drink bottle to put on the rose.    


Then, she came out again and cleaned all the withered branches and leaves on the ground.    



When she returned to the room, Hee Wanshuang turned on the computer and started to update her public account.    


At this moment, Lieh Yuanchen was already on his way to the airport.    


He didn't feel it earlier, but at this moment, he felt a fire in his palm. It was a spicy pain. When he looked down, he realized that he had been pierced by the spikes many times. Some of them were even bleeding out.    


Lieh Yuanchen took the paper from the driver's paper and rubbed his palm in frustration. He then called his assistant. "Help me change my flight..."    


It was already late at night when he returned to Imperial City.    


When Lieh Yuanchen returned home, it was quiet at home. He gently changed his shoes and looked at Lieh Xiaoruan at the door.    


After making sure there was no movement inside, he walked back to his room, closed the door, and lit a cigarette.    


The room was soon filled with smoke.    


Lieh Yuanchen smoked one cigarette after another until the room was a little foggy due to the smoke. He then got up and opened the window.    


Suddenly, the cold air hit his face. The coldness made his heavy brain slightly sober up.    


At the same time, in the next room, Lieh Xiaoruan sat up from the bed. She could not sleep at all because of the investigation results that Ling Shaofeng gave her.    


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