Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C671 They Have Been Forgotten

C671 They Have Been Forgotten

0Luo Tianqi realized that no matter how hard he tried to build up his mentality, he wasn't as generous as he thought.    


He didn't want her to be too close to others, and he couldn't accept that she was meeting her parents.    


He couldn't help but think of the wedding scene today. Although the bride wasn't her, she was wearing a light pink wedding dress. When he walked over, he also thought, if that was a wedding dress, who was she going to marry?    


An indescribable bitterness welled up in his heart, and he couldn't ignore it. It made all of his emotions exceptionally depressed.    


On the other side, Lieh Xiaoruan had already ended the call. She held her phone and walked over.    


Luo Tianqi clearly saw that Lieh Xiaoruan still had a smile on her face. Clearly, after talking to Chi Jingyu, she was in a very good mood.    


She walked to his side and sat down. The smile on her face slowly disappeared. She seemed to have sensed the awkward atmosphere between them again. Lieh Xiaoruan had already turned her eyes away and went to play with the fine sand under her feet.    


So it turns out that between them, there was already nothing to say to reach such a realm?    


Luo Tianqi looked into the distance and his vision gradually became somewhat empty.    


Time passed quickly, and Lieh Xiaoruan, who was fiddling with the fine sand under the tree, also felt that something was not right.    


Why hadn't the captain brought anyone over yet? It should have been almost an hour since they had been released, right?    


She picked up her phone, wanting to check the time, but found that the phone was out of battery.    


She turned her head and said to Luo Tianqi, "Mr Tianqi, look at the time. Why do I feel like they have forgotten about us?"    


Luo Tianqi also realized something, but he shook his head. "Xiaoruan, my phone is on the speedboat."    


At that time, his ankle suddenly hurt, so he was not too focused. When he got off the boat, he did not realize that he had put his phone on the seat.    


Now that the two of them didn't have any communication tools, they could only give up on the idea of contacting the outside world.    


However, as the sun set, the two of them couldn't help but frown.    


Luo Tianqi was just about to get up and think of something when he suddenly realized something.    


He looked at the seawater that was getting closer and closer and said, "Xiaoruan, it seems like the tide is rising."    


Lieh Xiaoruan and Luo Tianqi had been resting with their eyes closed, so they did not notice the changes in their surroundings.    


When she heard what Luo Tianqi said, she opened her eyes and was shocked to find that the tide had really risen! And it had increased quite a bit!    


They were originally at a rather high position. The trees here were shady, and the beach was long. The sea water should be more than ten meters away from them.    


But now, the distance between the seawater and them was... They were only three or four meters away. Looking at the tide, it seemed that it was still rising.    


A bad feeling rushed into Luo Tianqi's heart. He had already held onto the tree trunk and stood up, looking around.    


Sure enough, they were at the highest position on the island. The island, which was originally a few hundred square meters, had now shrunk to a size of about a hundred square meters.    


If the tide continued to rise, Luo Tianqi had no doubt that the island would be flooded.    


No wonder he found that the island was full of low vegetation when he came up to the island. The only taller one was the coconut trees behind them.    


"Xiaoruan, there might be trouble." Luo Tianqi's expression became serious.    


Lieh Xiaoruan had more or less guessed what he meant. Her expression was similarly solemn. "Mr Tianqi, do you think we have a high chance of swimming to a nearby island?"    


Luo Tianqi thought for a moment and suddenly remembered that they had passed by a small island on their way here.    


At that time, he had thought that the island was very small, but very tall, like the tip of a small mountain that suddenly grew up in the sea.    


He estimated that even if the sea level rose by two meters, the island would not be flooded.    


However, the speedboat drove for about four to five minutes, so if they wanted to swim over, they would need to swim for about twenty minutes.    


If it was during normal times, he would be fine, but swimming a little bit was actually not a problem. But now...    


He lowered his head and looked at his legs.    


Beside him, Lieh Xiaoruan was still waiting for Luo Tianqi's answer. She looked around and finally found the island.    


Lieh Xiaoruan pulled Luo Tianqi's arm and pointed there. "Mr Tianqi, look, it's over there. It's not far. I think I can swim over. "    


Luo Tianqi was silent, as if he was making a decision. He finally nodded. "Okay, let's swim over."    


The sky was still fine now, but sometimes the weather would come at any time on the sea, especially on the day of the great tide. It was very likely that there would be a sudden change.    


Once the weather changed, the waves here could be several meters tall. The place where he and Lieh Xiaoruan were at would also be swallowed by the waves very soon.    


Once that happened, no matter how good their swimming skills were, it would be very difficult for them to escape.    


Furthermore, this island would obviously be submerged. Instead of waiting, and later when it was dark and nothing could be seen, it was better to find a safe place now.    


As for his legs... He tried his best to persist, if it really didn't work, then...    


Luo Tianqi took a deep breath and walked towards the sea. "Let's go, Xiaoruan. Let's swim over."    


Lieh Xiaoruan's swimming skill was not a problem at all. At the moment, her mirror was still there, so she put on the equipment and went into the water with Luo Tianqi.    


The two of them went into the water. Lieh Xiaoruan walked a few steps and when the water level reached her waist, she lay down on the water. She bit her breathing pipe tightly and prepared to float over.    


This method of swimming in the sea was the most energy-saving. Generally speaking, as long as the current was not big, swimming for two hours was not a problem.    


Beside him, Luo Tianqi also went into the water.    


It was just that because he didn't plan on diving before, he didn't have any equipment and could only swim freely.    


Fortunately, the current wasn't big. Although the tide was rising, the two of them were going against it and still maintained a certain rhythm.    


However, the sea was like this. It did not seem to be far from them from afar, but when they swam, there was still some distance between them.    



When it was about halfway there, Lieh Xiaoruan raised her hand and adjusted her breathing. She turned her head and looked at the man who was half a body behind her.    


She did not know if it was her misconception. She kept feeling that Luo Tianqi's movements seemed to be a little stiff.    


However, she didn't know much about his swimming skills, so she didn't think too much about it. She just slowed down slightly.    


Luo Tianqi, who was behind her, used almost all of his strength.    


His ankle hurt as soon as he exerted his strength. By now, he was numb to the point that he almost lost consciousness.    


Therefore, he was almost using both his hands and one leg to resist the flow of water as he moved forward.    


However, it just so happened that the prodigal son gradually became bigger, and the reverse effect of the current made him feel as if he had been standing at the same spot all along.    


His breathing became more and more tired. Luo Tianqi's arm also began to feel sore. In front of him, Lieh Xiaoruan was already one position away from him.    


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