Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C675 Would She Not Care?

C675 Would She Not Care?

0Behind him, Luo Tianqi's Adam's apple also rolled twice.    


The body in his arms was soft and delicate. This seemed to be the first time they had come into contact like this when they were awake.    


Luo Tianqi thought that he could remain calm because of the injury on his leg. However, at this moment, he realized that he had underestimated her charm and overestimated his self-control.    


The island was obviously a little cold at this moment, but Luo Tianqi felt that his blood was burning.    


Inside his body, indescribable flames were burning bit by bit. He even found that his body was starting to change.    


However, if he hugged her like this, if he changed a bit more, she would probably feel it.    


Luo Tianqi cleared his throat and said, "Xiaoruan, will this be better?"    


Lieh Xiaoruan's breathing was similarly tight as she said, "En, it is not cold anymore."    


At this moment, the sky had already turned completely dark and the man's voice behind him became more and more magnetic, "Go back to the hotel later and take a hot shower. Don't have a fever."    


Lieh Xiaoruan replied, "Okay."    


She thought of something and said, "Then remember to take some medicine for your stomach later. I feel that your intestines are inflamed. Was it because of the seafood here? It's better not to eat seafood. "    


Okay. " Luo Tianqi replied.    


Therefore, neither of them knew what to say next.    


The surroundings became quiet once again, and the darkness in the distance became heavy.    


There was not even a moon tonight, and they could not see anything. They could only feel the warmth of each other. It was as if there were only the two of them in the world.    


After a long time, the man behind her seemed to have stopped moving. Lieh Xiaoruan softly said, "Mr Tianqi?"    


Luo Tianqi did not sleep, but he was indeed a little tired. He leaned his head on Lieh Xiaoruan's side and said, "Huh?"    


"I thought you were asleep." Lieh Xiaoruan said, "My brother and the others should be here soon, right?"    


Although she asked that, she actually hoped that Gong Lingye and the others would come later.    


"Yes." Luo Tianqi said, "Don't worry, they will come."    


As he spoke, the clouds in the sky seemed to flow. The wind around them became stronger, but at this moment, the stars in the sky were revealed.    


Lieh Xiaoruan was about to say something when she saw a belt of light in the sky. Her eyes lit up. "Mr Tianqi, look at the sky."    


Luo Tianqi also saw it at the same time. He raised his eyes.    


He saw that although the originally dark sky was still dark, there was a band of light that stretched across the sky.    


Within the belt of light were countless tiny stars. Some were very bright, while others were very faint. One had to look carefully to see them clearly.    


"Is this the Milky Way?" Lieh Xiaoruan only felt a wave of amazement in her heart.    


Because there were too many stars in this belt of light, and outside the belt of light, there were only a few scattered stars that were embedded in the black background.    


"It should be." Luo Tianqi did not study this, so he could not be sure.    


"It's so beautiful. I have never seen such a starry sky in the city." Lieh Xiaoruan looked up and did not notice it at all. She raised her head like this, and the back of her head was almost resting on Luo Tianqi's shoulder.    


"It seems to be very close to us." Luo Tianqi said.    


He suddenly remembered a poem, 'Wei Lou is a hundred feet tall, and can pluck stars with one hand.' He didn't dare speak loudly, as he was afraid of startling the people in the sky.    


"Yeah, he looks so close!" When Lieh Xiaoruan raised her hand, Luo Tianqi also happened to raise it. Hence, when their fingertips touched, both of them seemed to have been electrocuted.    


However, in the dark night, all the expressions on their faces were hidden in the darkness.    


"Those few seem to be especially bright." Lieh Xiaoruan sighed, "Unfortunately, I do not know any Constellation, nor do I know if they are some kind of Constellation."    


Luo Tianqi said, "Xiaoruan, actually, what we see now is what they looked like hundreds of millions of years ago."    


Lieh Xiaoruan was stunned and immediately reacted. "Yes, they are hundreds of millions of light years away from us."    


"Yes, the speed of light will take hundreds of millions of years to reach us, but they are actually very far away from us." Luo Tianqi paused for a moment, then said: "Moreover, this is the light they released hundreds of millions of years ago. This also means that it is not the current one. "    


Lieh Xiaoruan blinked her eyes and realized something and said: "In other words, they may have already disappeared and died."    


After all, how many billions of years of history did Earth have?    


And these stars were existences from hundreds of millions of years ago. Who knows, at this moment, they might have already fallen.    


For a moment, the two of them did not speak. It was as if they could read the emotions of sadness from this understanding.    


"I don't know how these few are so bright. How are they now?" Lieh Xiaoruan turned her head and said to Luo Tianqi, who was behind her, "It seems that I feel a little sad to think about it this way."    


However, before she could finish, she suddenly choked on her words.    


Because they were very close, when she turned her head to speak, he just moved his head forward a little to respond to her words.    


And so, her lips... The petal stuck to the corner of his lips just like that.    


In a split second, time was silent. It was as if someone had pressed the pause button, there wasn't even any movement.    


The auras between them easily broke into each other's breathing. They were unfamiliar to each other, but at the same time, they also carried a bit of familiarity that was imprinted into one's soul.    


Luo Tianqi felt that he had used up almost all of his willpower in order to not hold Lieh Xiaoruan and kiss her like that.    


She was so close to him, lips. The softness of the petals was still close to his, and there was a faint sweet scent invading his sense of smell. All the senses in his body exploded.    


He felt his body changing rapidly. There was something shouting in his blood, as if it was telling him not to care about anything. He only needed to obey the deepest thoughts in his heart at this moment.    


His hand that was hugging her was trembling slightly at this moment. Veins surfaced on the back of his hand. It was a feeling of enduring with great force.    



Luo Tianqi knew that if he kissed Lieh Xiaoruan at this moment, or did something else, he would do it. Then, he would really drag her into the water.    


He could even imagine... If they were really going to be together in the future, she would want to go shopping, but his conditions did not allow it, so he could only let her go alone.    


If she was really unhappy, he would accompany her. After walking a few more steps, his crippled leg would no longer be able to hide. The surrounding people would definitely point and point at them.    


Would she not mind?    


Moreover, if she had a child, what would the child think?    


He could not even be like a normal person. How could he promise her a future and shelter her from the wind and rain?    


Luo Tianqi's hair slowly retracted, and suddenly, the touch on the corner of his lips disappeared.    


Her lips. When the petal left him, his heart felt like it had been sucked into a very large piece. It was so empty that it felt uncomfortable.    


Lieh Xiaoruan also seemed to have reacted, and embarrassment appeared on her face. She hurriedly continued the topic, "Maybe after many hundreds of millions of years, looking at the sky from here, it will not look like the current Milky Way anymore."    


Luo Tianqi also put away the strange look from before and said: "But after hundreds of millions of years, I don't know if Earth is still here or not. If it is, this small island might not be around anymore."    


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