Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C628 Don't You Want Me Anymore?

C628 Don't You Want Me Anymore?

0After the waiter left, Lieh Xiaoruan looked at the motionless Luo Tianqi on the bed and did not dare to get too close.    


She could not help but think of that time. That night, his madness, his strength...    


She took a deep breath and suppressed all her emotions. She walked to the foot of the bed and helped Luo Tianqi take off his shoes.    


She then went to the side and took a bottle of mineral water and put it on the bedside table. Lieh Xiaoruan also placed Luo Tianqi's phone wallet and the room ticket on the bedside table.    


After doing all this, she did not leave immediately. Instead, she walked to the sofa and quietly waited for the time.    


After about half an hour, Lieh Xiaoruan took one last look at Luo Tianqi and quietly left the room.    


The next day, when Luo Tianqi woke up, it was already noon of the second day.    


He opened his eyes and felt that his brain still had the pain of hangover. His body was also a little tired.    


Everything that entered his eyes was very unfamiliar, and he was completely stunned for a few seconds. Only then did he realize that this should be an ordinary hotel bed room.    


At least, it wasn't the standard presidential suite he had in the past.    


As if he suddenly thought of something, Luo Tianqi's heart sank, and he quickly sat up.    


There was no one beside him, and no one was flirting with a woman. Luo Tianqi's eyes swept across the surroundings, and only then did he finally heave a sigh of relief.    


However, in his fragmented memories last night, he had clearly seen Lieh Xiaoruan.    


Was she the one who sent him here? Or was that memory actually just a dream?    


Luo Tianqi rubbed his forehead and picked up his phone.    


Realizing that his phone was out of battery, he got up and found a charger to charge it before turning on his phone.    


Suddenly, several messages popped up.    


"Brother, how is it? Is your girlfriend here?"    


"Young Master Luo, were you alright last night? Have you made up?"    


"Young Master Luo, come out and play later. Remember to bring your girlfriend out. We are very curious!"    


Only then did Luo Tianqi remember the conversation from last night's drinking session.    


His memory slowly returned. He remembered hearing what his friend said at that time. He also seemed to want to make himself drunk and see if she would come.    


And now, he had been sent to a hotel instead of his apartment. Was it really her who had sent him?    


Although his stomach was empty, Luo Tianqi did not have time for anything else.    


He took a shower in the bathroom, put on the clothes from before, and went straight to the lobby.    


At the front desk of the lobby on the first floor, the waiter asked him with a smile. "Sir, do you want to check in or check out?"    


"Help me check, who booked my room last night?" Luo Tianqi said and handed the room card over.    


The receptionist quickly looked at the information and compared it with the photo. "Sir, it's with your own ID card."    


Luo Tianqi nodded. "Then can you do me a favor?"    


He told the receptionist what he needed and contacted the higher-ups of the hotel. Only then did the receptionist agree to help him check the surveillance footage from last night.    


"Sir, you registered at 12: 37 last night." The receptionist went to the computer room to retrieve the records of the people coming and going, and set the time to 0: 30.    


After waiting for a while, he saw Luo Tianqi coming to the front desk with the help of a young waiter.    


He looked around, but he did not see Lieh Xiaoruan's shadow on the screen.    


The camera was facing the lobby. So if someone came in, they would definitely be caught.    


However, Luo Tianqi waited until the reception desk was done with the check-in. The waiter helped him out, but he did not see Lieh Xiaoruan.    


His heart sank bit by bit, but he still did not give up. He stood in front of the screen.    


Time passed slowly. Occasionally, there were people coming and going on the screen.    


The receptionist turned to ask Luo Tianqi. "Sir, do you want to continue watching?"    


Luo Tianqi shook his head and smiled at the receptionist. "Thank you." However, smiling was uglier than crying.    


Half an hour later, he took a taxi to the clubhouse last night.    


After looking at the lobby manager's watch, Luo Tianqi successfully found the waiter who helped him last night.    


"Sir, are you alright?" The waiter greeted him first when he saw him.    


Luo Tianqi nodded and did not beat around the bush. Instead, he said directly: "The hotel you sent me to yesterday? Only you?"    


"Yes." The waiter nodded.    


"How did you know I was drunk? Did a girl inform you?" Luo Tianqi did not give up.    


"Oh, it's like this. I came over to see if you need any service. Then I saw that you were drunk." The waiter said very naturally: "But the sofa on our side is not comfortable sleeping. I was worried that you were sick, so I took you to a nearby hotel."    


"From the beginning to the end, it was us" The waiter said.    


Luo Tianqi smiled. "Alright, I got it."    


He did not want to check any more surveillance cameras. He just felt that sometimes the greater the hope, the greater his disappointment. He could not bear such a feeling anymore.    


After coming out of the clubhouse, Luo Tianqi went home to change his clothes and went straight to the company.    


In the following time, Lieh Xiaoruan was also exceptionally busy.    



However, she would occasionally see Luo Tianqi's post on her WeChat Moments.    


She did not quite understand why he would post such a post on his WeChat Moments. For example:    


"I'm going to Sea City Base for a business trip today. I'll probably be back in two days." Then, there was a picture attached to the bottom. It was the airport terminal.    


"I have to go to Ning Country this weekend. This business trip will take a long time. It will probably take a week." The picture was a suitcase.    


"There's a dinner tonight at the revolving restaurant in Galaxy Square." The accompanying picture was taken from upstairs to the bottom of his office.    


When Lieh Xiaoruan saw these movements, a word slowly surfaced in her heart: Report the itinerary.    


It seemed that Luo Tianqi was reporting the itinerary to someone through his WeChat Moments.    


Was it to his wife?    


Lieh Xiaoruan threw away her thoughts and continued to get busy.    


On this day, she was going out to complete a market research project. When she was about to return, she did not expect to meet a former Luo clan colleague.    


"Xiaoruan!" The colleague greeted her warmly, "Long time no see!"    


Lieh Xiaoruan also smiled and said, "Yes, long time no see. I just came over to do something."    


"Me too." The colleague said: "By the way, are you busy? There's a milk tea shop here that tastes really good. I plan to use this opportunity to secretly buy a cup."    


Lieh Xiaoruan also liked to drink milk tea, and since she had finished her work, she also nodded and said: "Okay, let's go together."    


Because it was working hours, the shop did not need to line up. The two girls bought a cup of milk each and sat by the bar to chat.    


"Are you busy at the Heavenly Palace?" The colleague said, "We've been so busy lately."    


"I'm quite busy here," his colleague said. But because the management is more programming, it's fine." Lieh Xiaoruan said, "Why are you suddenly so busy? Did you receive a new project? "    


"No." I nodded my head and said, "Alright, I'll be back in a bit. I'll be back in a bit. I'll be back in a bit. I'll be back in a bit. I'll be back in a bit. I'll be back in a bit. After he came back, he started to work like crazy. I nodded my head and said, "Alright then, let's go!"    


"What do you mean by relaxing?" Lieh Xiaoruan could not help but ask, "Is it a honeymoon?"    


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