Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C492 Don't Tell Me You like Me?

C492 Don't Tell Me You like Me?

0Lieh Xiaoruan suddenly stopped and turned her head.    


Under the light, Luo Tianqi looked at her with a smile that was not a smile. His eyes were still the same lazy look.    


She did not move, but he walked towards her, squatted down, and looked at her already worn heels.    


At this moment, the air became stagnant. It was unknown if it was because the density suddenly increased. Lieh Xiaoruan felt that the feeling of breathing into her lungs was different from usual.    


Furthermore, her body also became somewhat stiff. She should have continued forward proudly and ignored him. At this moment, she was unable to take a step.    


In the next second, Luo Tianqi had already walked in front of her. He squatted down again and said:    


"Alright, come up!"    


Lieh Xiaoruan was stunned and looked at the back of the man in front of her.    


He pointed at his back. "Xiaoruan, come up."    


She was still a little hesitant. "I just ground my feet. It is often easy for girls to wear high heels..."    


"I heard a girl say that it's very painful to continue walking after my feet are ground." Luo Tianqi's eyes were a little dazed.    


Lieh Xiaoruan did not understand what he meant. She hesitated for a moment and still lied on his back.    


He lifted her up and was a little surprised. "You are quite heavy!"    


Lieh Xiaoruan immediately came back to her senses. "I am not considered heavy at all. My height is only 115 pounds. It is considered very light! No matter how thin you are, there is no breast or fart. Share! "    


Luo Tianqi was surprised by her words, but for the first time today, he laughed from the bottom of his heart. "Xiaoruan, you mean, you have a chest, so what? Share?"    


Only now did Lieh Xiaoruan realize that she had just been questioned by him about her figure. In a moment of desperation, she said such embarrassing words and her face immediately became hot.    


In addition, she was currently lying on his back, and her chest was pressing down on his back.    


His hand held her back and his palm almost touched her butt. On top of her.    


Although she was wearing long pants today, However, for some reason, ever since he asked her a question, she felt that both places seemed to be on fire.    


Luo Tianqi saw that Lieh Xiaoruan did not speak and felt that it was funny. "What, you are still shy?"    


Lieh Xiaoruan snorted. "I just feel that you just asked a very stupid question. I have such a good figure, how could I not have a chest and not a fart? "Share?!"    


Luo Tianqi smiled again, but after a moment, he seemed to have thought of something and did not continue.    


He carried her to the intersection and planned to take a taxi.    


However, he did not know. Almost all the taxis that passed by today had people. Those who didn't have people said that they couldn't take people away when they handed in their shifts. They stood there for ten minutes, but they didn't get a taxi.    


Lieh Xiaoruan suggested, "Mr Tianqi, put me down. Why don't we call a taxi online?"    


Luo Tianqi nodded and carefully put Lieh Xiaoruan down. He then reached out to touch his phone.    


Only then did he realize that his phone had been left in the karaoke room. He only took out his wallet.    


Lieh Xiaoruan saw this and took her phone. However, just as she opened the call app, the phone screen turned black.    


She looked up gloomily. "There's no electricity left. It's turned off."    


Luo Tianqi did not seem to be disappointed. His mood today had always been very light.    


He squatted down in front of her again and said, "There's a bridge in front of us, so it's not easy to take a taxi here. Let's go over and call first."    


Lieh Xiaoruan then lied on his back and walked forward step by step with him along with the streetlights in the middle of the night.    


After walking for a while, Lieh Xiaoruan suddenly saw a park next to her. She asked, "Mr Tianqi, have you been to this park?"    


Luo Tianqi heard her and turned his head. His eyes suddenly paused.    


He had been to this park with Lee Xiaozi before.    


After she found out that she had stomach cancer, he took her to many places.    


But in the last few days, she could no longer take a car to a faraway place.    


She remembered that day when they passed by this park, they walked in.    


"It's the park." Luo Tianqi said, "I want to go in and take a look."    


Lieh Xiaoruan did not understand why Luo Tianqi suddenly wanted to go to the park so late at night, but she still said, "Okay."    


He carried her in. Even though his vision was very dark, he could still clearly remember every scene.    


At that time, she couldn't walk very far, so they rested on a bench near the entrance.    


At that moment, Luo Tianqi carried Lieh Xiaoruan to the bench and put her down. He said, "Sit for a while!"    


She nodded and saw him sitting beside her. Then, he leaned against the back of the chair and closed his eyes.    


Lieh Xiaoruan could even hear Luo Tianqi's breathing when she was very close to him.    


However, he did not open his eyes. He just looked up and leaned against the chair. He stretched his neck with his chin and his Adam's apple was obvious.    


Lieh Xiaoruan felt that the man beside her was very close and also very far away.    


She did not speak and just sat with him. For a moment, she did not know why she did not party with everyone in the KTV but chose to accompany a man who was in a bad mood in the woods.    


After a long time, when she thought he was about to fall asleep, the person beside her suddenly let out a breath.    


Lieh Xiaoruan did not know why, but she suddenly felt depressed and uncomfortable.    


She turned her head and wanted to say something, but Luo Tianqi had already opened his eyes.    



Under the dim light, the man's face faced the faint light above his head. It was so dazzling that it made her involuntarily breathe softly.    


Luo Tianqi opened his mouth and said, "Xiaoruan, today is my wife's birthday."    


Lieh Xiaoruan was stunned. At this moment, her heart felt like it had been hit by something. She asked in shock, "Mr Tianqi, you are married?"    


Luo Tianqi did not look at her and continued, "I have known her for many years, but it will be a long time before I know that today is her birthday, her real birthday."    


In the past, he had accompanied Lee Xiaozi on her birthday too. However, that day was not the real birthday. It was the one that was the same day as Beiming Mo.    


Lieh Xiaoruan did not speak and only felt that her heart was stifled.    


"Unfortunately, she is not here anymore." Luo Tianqi said again.    


A thought flashed across Lieh Xiaoruan's mind and she understood almost instantly.    


That day, in that bamboo forest, he kissed her crazily. Was he treating her as his wife?    


Furthermore, the reason why he cried like that was because his wife was no longer alive?    


It was hard to tell what he was feeling. At this moment, Lieh Xiaoruan even wanted to run away immediately.    


But she still turned her head and looked at Luo Tianqi in a daze.    


She looked at him, who clearly looked relaxed, but his entire body was covered with that kind of depressing aura.    


She felt that her heart also seemed to be sad because of his current sadness. As a result, her eyes unconsciously revealed some crystal clear.    


She didn't know, but he saw the light in her eyes.    


Luo Tianqi's eyes immediately narrowed and looked at Lieh Xiaoruan with a bit of scrutiny.    


He looked at her and made her panic. She almost did not dare to look at him.    


She did not know why she was panicking.    


She heard him open his mouth and his tone was not certain or doubtful. He just calmly asked, "Xiaoruan, you don't fall in love with me, right?"    


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