Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C475 Very Well You will Regret It One Day!

C475 Very Well You will Regret It One Day!

0It was the driver who reminded them that they had arrived at Lieh Xiaoruan's house.    


Lieh Xiaoruan opened her eyes and realized that she was leaning on Luo Tianqi's shoulder and he was still unconscious.    


The light in the car was very dark. His head was pressed against her head. His breathing landed on her hair and it was slightly itchy.    


The car was very quiet. Lieh Xiaoruan gently held Luo Tianqi's head and carefully left his shoulder.    


He only sighed softly and actually fell asleep again.    


Lieh Xiaoruan's heart groaned. She gently opened the car door and said goodbye to the driver.    


Just as she returned home, she heard a sound from the door of the room. It was Lieh Yuanchen who had returned.    


Lieh Xiaoruan did not have time to do anything else. She quickly returned to the bedroom. The light was off and there was only a slit left to see Lieh Yuanchen.    


He was drunk. After entering the room, he fell onto the sofa and did not move at all.    


She waited for a while and when she saw that he did not react, she wanted to go over and help him.    


She saw Lieh Yuanchen use his fingerprint to open the phone and enter a series of numbers. After that, he suddenly stopped moving and looked at the screen in a daze.    


Lieh Xiaoruan softly approached and saw the small words written on it: Wife Shuang.    


Her heart sank. She did not know if Lieh Yuanchen had already remembered.    


In the next second, she heard Lieh Yuanchen whispering to himself. "Why did I call her again?"    


He laughed lightly, then deleted the numbers one by one and threw the phone to the side.    


After a few more seconds, Lieh Yuanchen propped himself up and wanted to go back to the bedroom, but he found Lieh Xiaoruan there. He was stunned. "Xiaoruan, why didn't you sleep?"    


Lieh Xiaoruan held back the soreness in her heart and said, "Brother, you drank again?"    


Lieh Yuanchen said lightly. "It's fine."    


Then he said, "I signed a contract today."    


Lieh Xiaoruan tried her best to smile. "That's good. If you have time after work tomorrow, let's go out to eat and celebrate!"    


"Okay." Lieh Yuanchen nodded and stood up. "Xiaoruan, it's too late. You should sleep."    


"Yes, yes. I will sleep now." She nodded and looked at his back as he entered the room. She raised her head and held back the moisture in her eyes.    


At this moment, Lieh Yuanchen returned to his room, turned on his phone, and looked at the message he received during the day.    


Lieh Cheng'an said, "If you know you're wrong, come and admit it to me. You are still the heir of L Group. You don't need to look at anyone's face."    


Lieh Yuanchen said, "No need, thank you."    


Lieh Cheng'an said, "It seems that you did not suffer enough. Very well, you will regret it one day."    


Lieh Yuanchen didn't reply.    


He deleted the message along with Lieh Cheng'an's contact details.    


He did not have the energy to take a shower anymore. He fell directly onto the bed. He did not even take off his clothes before quickly falling asleep.    


The next day.    


In the Starry Night Tower, Shangguan Yan finished drawing the scene design. He got up and turned his neck.    


Beside him, his colleagues did not know his relationship with Soong Yiren at all. They only thought that the two of them were just acquaintances, so there was no sense of burden when talking to him.    


"Brother Yan, you are awesome. This scene of yours is too realistic!"    


Shangguan Yan raised his eyebrows. "I don't care how handsome you are. You can obviously rely on your looks, but you have to rely on your talent!"    


"Next time we advertise, Brother Yan, you go! Your appearance is very suitable for cosplay publicity!" The colleague said, "Damn it, I don't know where this' Bright Moon Dark Disposition 'came from to compete with us for the market! And it's free! What the f * ck! "    


Brother, you have to calm down. I don't believe that whatever 'Moonlit Nightfalls' can be free all the time? " Shangguan Yan said, "I want to see how long he can last! I'm going to exhaust them all!"    


"Right! It's not that we don't know how high the cost is. Sooner or later, they will be finished!" The colleague tempted: "Brother Yan, to be honest, next time we promote cosplay, you go!"    


"If I act as the male lead, Nie Zhulang, I should be able to attract little fangirls?" Shangguan Yan started to think.    


"Nonsense! Of course!" The colleague gave him a thumbs up. "I think highly of you! Tell the marketing department about it later!"    


"I'll go now."    


Shangguan Yan said, got up, and walked out.    


However, he did not go to the Marketing Department, but to Soong Yiren's office.    


She was busy. After he went in, he first looked at her working appearance. When he saw her turn her head, he went over and asked with a smile, "Do I look handsome?"    


"Yes, handsome makes me dizzy." Soong Yiren said casually.    


Shangguan Yan did not think Soong Yiren was being perfunctory, so he walked around in front of her again and said, "That company will promote cosplay in a few days. You can change the male lead that you originally wanted to hire to me. "I'll act as Nie Zhulang!"    


"Okay." Soong Yiren nodded.    


In fact, anyone could act. Shangguan Yan was a part of the company and was familiar with the role. It was not a problem for him to act.    


"It's that easy?" Shangguan Yan felt that it did not take him much effort to get it. He blinked. "So you were also stunned by my handsomeness and decided to be my little fangirl?"    


Soong Yiren's mouth twitched and she showed no mercy. "You think too much. I just feel that if it was you who saved money. I will not give you the appearance fee. At most, if it's too late that day, I'll give you the overtime fee. "    


Shangguan Yan's face was full of grief. "Are you going to hurt this baby's heart like this?"    


"Good baby, let's go out. I have to go to work." Soong Yiren raised her hand to blow him up.    



Shangguan Yan jumped out and walked two steps before coming back. "But to be honest, your husband is like that. Is he alright?"    


Soong Yiren looked up at his eyes and suddenly felt something strange.    


Did Shangguan Yan know that what happened to Gong Lingye was caused by his own brother?    


"It's fine, don't worry." Soong Yiren said.    


"Tsk, who's worried about him?" Shangguan Yan curled his lips and said arrogantly. "Anyway, I just want to say that I have a lot of friends. If he wants to help, just ask me!"    


Soong Yiren's heart warmed. Seeing Shangguan Yan's silkpants appearance, she no longer rejected him.    


He was different from his brothers. Although he sometimes deserved a beating, his heart was much better than those people.    


She nodded. "Okay, then when we need your help later, I will definitely tell you! However, at the moment, the blueprint you made is already very helpful to me."    


Shangguan Yan smiled and left in a carefree manner.    


The situation was temporarily quiet for a few days. Just when Soong Yiren was wondering if the other party still had any backup plans, a piece of news appeared on the Internet.    


There was an accident in the Heavenly Palace Group's TG-03 series car. It was late at night and there was someone in the middle of the road. A homeless man was hit and died after being sent to the hospital.    


This news suddenly exploded on the internet, which was about to go out of heat. In an instant, the Heavenly Palace Group was once again pushed to the top of the wave.    


This time, the arrow was aimed at the top of the global market, which was currently in the limelight of the Heavenly Palace Group - No one was piloting it.    


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