Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C467 Insane Behavior

C467 Insane Behavior

0And that's not all. The explosion quickly fermented, and so, on Weibo, Some people started to question the management of Heavenly Palace Group.    


After all, an explosion had occurred in a precision manufacturing base like the airplane. Then, did it mean that there was chaos in the management?    


The Heavenly Palace Group had never spoken or explained this matter in half a year. Did it mean that they had something on their mind?    


Moreover, if the base could explode, then what else could happen?    


If he thought about it carefully, he would be terrified. Someone had already thought about whether the aircraft produced by Heavenly Palace Group would have any problems.    


Because Gong Mochen was at the scene of the road test that day, after the video of the explosion appeared, the reporter immediately aimed the camera at him.    


"Mr. Gong, it was just posted on Weibo that there was an explosion at Country F Airport half a year ago. At that time, there was a media report that you were injured. Is this true?"    


"Mr. Gong, were you really injured back then? Why did the Heavenly Palace Group suppress this matter? " What's the inside story? "    


"Mr. Gong, you were in charge of Country F at that time. Did the explosion of the base mean that the management was lax?"    


"Mr. Gong, if the management was lax, would there be a problem with the quality of the Heavenly Palace Group's planes?"    


Questions kept coming at Gong Mochen. He took a deep breath and said: "Everyone, there was an explosion at that time, and I was the only one who was injured in the explosion."    


The reporter was shocked and immediately put the microphone closer to him.    


"But the explosion had nothing to do with the management of the base. It's just that one of my robots is short circuit and I happen to have a flammable explosive item by my side." Gong Mochen said again.    


"Your robot?" The reporter asked doubtfully.    


Gong Mochen nodded. "Yes, my robot was given to me by a friend, but because robots love to talk, I learned how to modify them. But perhaps my skills weren't good enough, so there was an explosion. "This matter has nothing to do with the management of Heavenly Palace Group. "Therefore, don't jump to conclusions just because of a video."    


Gong Mochen's words seemed to be reasonable and reasonable, but the reporters who thought they were reporters opened their mouths. "But Mr. Gong, we saw in the video that the first thing to explode was not the robot in your hands, but..."    


Before he could finish, someone suddenly opened his mouth: "We just received news that a plane from Heavenly Palace Group was lost on the way from America to J Country!"    


Gong Mochen felt his brain explode, and his heart felt as if it had been hit by a huge force!    


Unfortunately, it was not a book.    


The explosion happened half a year ago. Why was it only mentioned now?    


And why was it that the car test in Heavenly Palace Group was about to explode?    


And was it done by someone with ulterior motives that the plane lost contact?    


Thousands of thoughts flew through Gong Mochen's mind.    


At this moment, the Heavenly Palace Group's car had completed all the extreme weather tests, showing that there were no problems.    


However, no one cared about this anymore.    


The plane lost contact. This was international news. Almost at the same time, all the media around the world focused their attention on it.    


Gong Lingye was in his office at the moment. When he heard the news, his hands instantly tightened around the earpiece.    


Almost without thinking, why did the plane fly from America to J country and lose contact? And not from America to Hua Country without contact?    


Because the flight route to J country was easier for Shangguan Xun to plant people there!    


He had thought of many things that Shangguan Xun might do, but he had never thought that in order to get the position of family head, this person could publicly sacrifice everyone on the flight!    


Usually, the number of passengers on the Heavenly Palace Group's plane was 100 to 400. According to the current market situation, there were about 300 passengers and crew members on the plane.    


Therefore, Shangguan Xun treated human lives like grass and sacrificed all of them!    


Gong Lingye could not describe the feeling in his heart. He felt that the opponent in front of him was not a person, but a crazy beast!    


However, if there was a problem, he could only analyze the situation and think of a way to make up for it.    


Therefore, Gong Lingye immediately called Country F and asked the team there to immediately notarize the research and production technology data of the plane to the international authorities.    


At this moment, the media was flooded with reports about that flight.    


The flight had been lost for five hours. In these five hours, many of the family members of the passengers had already rushed to the airport. Hence, the airport was in a temporary state of chaos.    


On the Internet, many people were already spontaneously praying for the return of the flight. However, everyone knew that once the flight was out of contact, the possibility of a safe return would be very low.    


Time passed bit by bit, until the flight had been lost for more than 15 hours.    


At this time, the spare fuel on the plane should have already been used up. In other words, if there were no explosions or other accidents, just because of the fuel consumption, the people on the plane might have encountered the catastrophe in their lives.    


All the media in the world continued to follow the report, and on the Internet, there were voices of doubt -    


"The explosion in Heavenly Palace Group's base half a year ago has already shown that their management is lax. So, the plane loss is likely a technical or production problem. Can Heavenly Palace Group give an official answer on this matter? "    


"The Heavenly Palace Group's planes have only started to develop and produce in recent years. It is very likely that there are safety hazards just like cars. " It's just that the safety hazard is only a matter of a small probability, so it didn't show up before. "    


"Aircraft safety hazard, even if it's only one in ten thousand. "However, once it happens, hundreds of lives will be lost. This kind of thing, no family can bear it! Therefore, we suggest that the International Airlines Organization issue a no-fly order to the Heavenly Palace Group's planes! "    


I'm a family member of the lost party. My child will be attending an academic exchange in J Country. Our whole family is very happy and feels that our child has made a name for himself. " However, we cannot accept such bad news! "Although we are ordinary people and are very small in the face of a large company, we still want the Heavenly Palace Group to return my son! We want an explanation! "    


We didn't pull the bow and didn't turn back. The Heavenly Palace Group's car design has a problem, so we can make up for it. After all, we haven't officially entered the market yet. " But what about the planes? "Over a thousand airplanes of the same model have already entered the various major airlines. Now, there's a problem with one of them. What if there's something else? "    


"Who will pay for the lives of ordinary citizens?"    


"Two presidents of Heavenly Palace Group, shouldn't you come out and give us an explanation?"    


"I think the second president of the Heavenly Palace Group drives all kinds of luxury cars every day. I heard that his favorite thing is to collect luxury cars. He is so wealthy that he doesn't care about the lives of you people."    


"Why? Their lives are their lives, and our lives are cheap. How can we be ruined by others?!"    


"Everyone, take a look. This is the car of Gong Mochen from Heavenly Palace Group. What brand is it? What I see are basically all from Laiyue!"    



"The cars of the Vice President of the Heavenly Palace Group are all from the Laiyue, not from the Heavenly Palace. What does that mean? " Will everyone continue to foolishly buy the cars from the Heavenly Palace? "    


"Also, this is Gong Lingye's car from the Heavenly Palace Group. It's an imported XH-K. Hehe. Although it's not the Laiyue, it's still a foreign car! "    


"The two presidents of the Heavenly Palace Group don't drive their own car. Isn't this the biggest joke of the year?"    


"Hahaha, that's true... But aren't we talking about the plane losing contact? Be serious! " Now is the time for everyone to grieve! "    


The comments on the Internet exploded, and Gong Lingye's phone kept ringing. However, it brought bad news.    


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