Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C453 Maintaining the Novelty of Marriage

C453 Maintaining the Novelty of Marriage

0The two of them sat down on the sofa. Gong Moyan did not call the maid. Instead, she took the cotton ball and started to treat Xiao Pei's wound bit by bit.    


Her movements were very light. Her eyelashes trembled slightly and her hands trembled even more violently. It was as if he was a fragile person and she could not even touch him.    


Xiao Pei found it funny. "Kid, I'm afraid you can't be a doctor like this."    


Gong Moyan held her breath and waited until she carefully cleaned the grass and dirt on Xiao Pei's right hand before she looked up. "Brother, I said I want to take the same exam as you. Did you forget?"    


"My profession also needs to do a lot of experiments. Even children with unstable hands can't do it." He purposely teased her.    


Gong Moyan shook her head. "I was only afraid of hurting you."    


She added in her heart: I don't usually tremble.    


He smiled: "Let's go, children grow up and eat more meat. I'm afraid they have already started a fire! "    


Gong Moyan put away the medical kit and also stood up. She followed Xiao Pei out.    


But not far away, she suddenly called out to him, "Brother, can you not call me child?"    


She felt a little wronged. "I have a name. My name is Gong Moyan. I told you."    


Under the sunlight, Gong Moyan stood there charmingly. Her big and bright eyes were filled with grievance, as if he had bullied her.    


So many years later, Xiao Pei still remembered that the little girl was behind him, accusing him of not remembering her name.    


He smiled and patted her on the head. "I remember, Moyan. Let's go."    


She felt her heart skip a beat. That kind of indescribable joy was like a overturned jar of honey. It filled her entire heart and even her mouth felt like she was eating sugar.    


When she was young, it was always so easy to be satisfied. He only called her by her name, and everyone else also called her by that name. However, she could still hear the indulgence in his mouth.    


She happily followed Xiao Pei over. Sure enough, Gong Lingye had already become angry over there.    


On the side, Luo Tianqi took out a water bottle to control the size of the charcoal fire. Chi Jingyu smiled and said that he could dedicate his career to selling mutton skewers under the heavenly bridge.    


Luo Tianqi smiled and proudly said that he wanted to sell mutton skewers, which was also a popular lamb skewer in Imperial City. After all, with such good looks, no matter where he stood, the girls would always rush to buy them.    


Beiming Mo could not bear to see Luo Tianqi's smug look and poured cold water on him. "Tianqi, are you sure you can maintain your appearance every day under the sun and rain? Besides, I'm afraid you will smell like sheep when the time comes. " Do you want me to specially make a perfume for you to neutralize the smell? "    


Everyone laughed loudly. Luo Tianqi shrugged his shoulders and saw that there was another person beside him. Regardless of whether it was a girl or not, he put his arm on Lieh Xiaoruan's shoulder and hugged her. He laughed recklessly. "Tsk, even if there is the smell of sheep, it is still the most sexual. Feeling like a meat skewer brother! Do you think it is... Xiaoruan?"    


Lieh Xiaoruan was stunned for a moment, then she struggled free from Luo Tianqi." Much worse than my brother! "    


Luo Tianqi blinked and saw that Gong Lingye had already started to roast meat skewers.    


Gong Lingye and Soong Yiren wore a couple outfit today. He was wearing a white T-shirt and black pants, while Soong Yiren was the opposite, a black T-shirt and white pants.    


It was a very monotonous color. It could not be described as harmonious when worn by the two of them.    


Under the sunlight, Gong Lingye was flipping the mutton skewers. His movements were familiar and his expression was focused. From time to time, he would sprinkle some cumin on the mutton skewers.    


He stood there, forming a world of his own.    


Even if it was a mutton skewer, it still had the taste of an elite and domineering combination.    


Luo Tianqi was silent for a moment. "Mr Ye," he said. You're no longer a single dog, you don't need to concave shape to attract females anymore! "    


Gong Lingye slightly raised his eyes and spoke in a light tone. "I am attracting my wife. Even if she marries, she must maintain the novelty of marriage!"    


Luo Tianqi was drenched in water. He turned to Chi Jingyu and said, "You can't imagine that your boss is such a person, right?"    


Chi Jingyu seemed to have really thought about it for a while, and then said, "Why don't you take a look at who my boss's wife is? That's nothing to be surprised about. "    


"F * ck, now that you have joined the new project of Starry Night, you have started to hug the Lady Boss. Your legs? " Luo Tianqi looked at his brother in front of him, who no longer had any moral integrity.    


"It's not the Lady Boss, it's my boss." Chi Jingyu smiled and raised his eyebrows at Soong Yiren. "The real Boss Yu."    


Luo Tianqi raised his leg to kick Chi Jingyu, but he dodged it. The two of them chased and fought.    


Gong Lingye said to Lieh Xiaoruan, "Seeing Tianqi like this is also pretty good."    


Lieh Xiaoruan thought of that day again, so she did not say anything. She just took the chili noodles and said, "Brother, do you want to put it now?"    


"Yes, but don't do that. It will be spicy to your hands." Gong Lingye said and let Gong Mochen come.    


A warm feeling suddenly flowed through Lieh Xiaoruan's heart. Her brother... He treated her quite well. He usually did not seem to pay much attention to her, but when it came to these details, there was a hint of concern.    


She had nothing to do now, so she ran to Soong Yiren's side and peeled the fruit skin together with her to make fruit salad.    


"Sister-in-law, does it feel good to get married?" Lieh Xiaoruan asked.    


Soong Yiren thought for a while and said, "It depends on who it is with."    


"Then what about you and my brother?" After Lieh Xiaoruan asked, she immediately explained, "Sister-in-law, I did not mean that..."    


Soong Yiren saw that she was anxious to explain and smiled. "No, I didn't misunderstand."    


After she said that, she thought for a while and said, "No, I did not." I feel very good with your brother. Moreover, I feel that no matter who I am with, I won't be so good. I'm glad that I met him. "    


Lieh Xiaoruan heard him and slowly leaned back against the back of the chair of the pavilion.    


It seemed that she had never encountered such feelings before.    


"Sister-in-law, I am quite envious of you. I wonder if I'll be able to..." She sighed. "I don't have a good personality. I have a bad temper. In the past, I would ask for whatever I want at home, but no one said it wasn't good. We're here too. When no one spoiled me like this, I realized... "I might not have been right before."    


Soong Yiren saw Lieh Xiaoruan's confused look and her heart suddenly softened. "Xiaoruan, actually everyone has a process of growing up. As long as they are aware of the problem and are willing to change, it is not too late."    


"But I realized that no one likes me." She looked at Soong Yiren in distress. "I am obviously quite pretty, my figure is good, and my studies are not bad either. " Why doesn't anyone really like me? "    


"Maybe fate hasn't arrived yet!" Soong Yiren used a toothpick to give Lieh Xiaoruan a pickle. "Also, it might be because there are few boys in your circle. Or, you want to change jobs?"    



Lieh Xiaoruan's eyes lit up when she heard this. Yeah, why didn't I think of that? "    


There was some anticipation in her eyes. "I want to be single this year!"    


Her voice was a little loud, causing the surrounding people to look over.    


When Luo Tianqi heard her, he laughed until he choked on his saliva. "Hey, Mr Ye, your sister hates marrying so much, do you know that?"    


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