Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C420 It Felt so Good to Slap My Face

C420 It Felt so Good to Slap My Face

0"Nuan." Gong Lingye stood in front of Soong Yiren and extended his hand towards her.    


Soong Yiren stood up and walked to his side.    


"Let me introduce you. This is Xuanyuan Yao, the eldest daughter of Xuanyuan Family." After saying that, Gong Lingye put his arm on Soong Yiren's waist and said, "Miss Xuanyuan just said that she wants to get to know you."    


Xuanyuan Yao very generously stretched out her hand, "Miss Yu, hello."    


Soong Yiren also extended her hand, "Miss Xuanyuan, it is very nice to meet you."    


"I just heard from Fourth Young Master that you are an AI and coincidentally I also bought the Heavenly Palace Group's TG-01." Xuanyuan Yao said, "You also participated in the research and development?"    


Soong Yiren smiled. "Yes, TG-01 is the work of our team."    


"Miss Yu has yet to graduate and can join the research and development department of the Heavenly Palace. She is really amazing." Xuanyuan Yao raised her glass. "Let me toast you!"    


However, when her words fell into the ears of others, it became a little different.    


To be able to go to the research and development department of a multinational company before graduation? Hehe, this was clearly hinting to Soong Yiren to rely on her nepotism to get in.    


And looking at Soong Yiren's appearance, it was obvious that she was leaning on a hook. Luring Gong Lingye to take the position. As for her true ability, it was just a bluff!    


Except, Soong Yiren had just clinked a glass with Xuanyuan Yao when the red wine in her hand was pulled away by Gong Lingye.    


His voice was low and mellow. It was as if he was coaxing her lightly. "Nuan, didn't we agree not to drink?" she asked. We need to prepare to have a baby. Drinking is not good for the body."    


Hearing this, the expressions of the surrounding women changed.    


You want a child?    


If Soong Yiren was really carrying a child from the Shangguan Family, especially a boy, then her seat would be stable.    


And what was Gong Lingye hinting at?    


Everyone knew that the Xuanyuan Family was rich and powerful. If Gong Lingye and Soong Yiren divorced and married Xuanyuan Yao, then the business cooperation between the two families would be even closer, and the benefits between them would rise exponentially!    


Gong Lingye was not an idiot. How could he not know about the undercurrents when Shangguan Ao took a fancy to him? So what he said at this moment was true love for this vase in front of him?    


While everyone was confused, Gong Lingye drank some wine and said to Xuanyuan Yao, "Nuan is an engineer I hired with a high salary. If it wasn't for her, there wouldn't be a TG-01. So I have always been her fan. Since Miss Xuanyuan likes unmanned cars, it just so happens that two months later, our Heavenly Palace Group... Also, the release of the TG-03 was also the credit of Nuan's team. When the time comes, I will get someone to book one for you? "    


The awkwardness on Xuanyuan Yao's face disappeared in a flash, and she smiled generously and appropriately. "Okay, then thank you, Fourth Young Master!"    


"Miss Xuanyuan, you are welcome." After Gong Lingye finished speaking, he looked down at Soong Yiren and said gently, "Nuan, how was your conversation with your sister-in-law? There are some desserts over there that you like to eat. Let me bring you to eat some first?"    


"Sure." Soong Yiren smiled. She realized that as long as Gong Lingye was there, she would not need to use any of the moves that she had originally thought of. He would already do everything for her.    


"Miss Xuanyuan, excuse me." Gong Lingye nodded politely at Xuanyuan Yao and wrapped his arm around Soong Yiren's waist before walking away.    


After the two of them left, Xuanyuan Yao clenched and loosened her grip and left.    


The women in the lounge area started to discuss again, "Why do I feel that Fourth Young Master seems to love his wife?"    


"Not really! Look, Miss Xuanyuan's face is about to change from anger!"    


"But from a closer look, Fourth Young Master is really very handsome. Even if it is really a second marriage, I think Xuanyuan Yao will definitely be willing!"    


"This is not whether she is willing or not, okay? Look at how Fourth Young Master treats his wife. If I were Miss Xuanyuan, I would definitely flip out on the spot and leave! This is simply a slap in the face! "    


At this moment, Soong Yiren and Gong Lingye had already arrived at the bar counter.    


Gong Lingye chose a few desserts for Soong Yiren and poured a glass of juice for her. He placed it in front of her. "Nuan," he said. "Did they bully you?"    


"It was nothing more than mocking my family's status." Soong Yiren curled her lips. "I don't care at all."    


He looked at her. "When Starry Night goes on the market, you will let those ignorant women understand that a woman does not need to come from any wealthy family. If she herself is from a wealthy family, then that is the greatest fortune."    


Soong Yiren raised the corner of her lips and her eyes were full of stars. "But you did not give face to Miss Xuanyuan just now. I guess she is going to explode from anger?"    


"Hehe. She's just a secular woman who relies on her family background and status to look down on others. Do I need to give her face?" Gong Lingye sneered. "How many people here want me to die? I'm still standing here perfectly fine, aren't I? "    


Soong Yiren was amused by his arrogant tone. "So, we do not care about their things and do not care about their attitude."    


"Yes." Gong Lingye looked at her, "Here, you can do whatever you want. Just treat this place as our Imperial City's home. You don't have to bear with it. If there's anything, I'll take care of it for you. "    


"It feels good to have someone backing you up!" Soong Yiren was talking when she suddenly turned her head and saw a man in his fifties looking at her.    


She looked over in confusion and was about to ask Gong Lingye who he was when she saw the man walking over.    


"Ye." Xuanyuan Huo walked over and greeted Gong Lingye first. Then, he looked at Soong Yiren. "This is?"    


"Xuanyuan Third Uncle, this is my wife Yu Ruonuan." Gong Lingye introduced her. "Nuan, this is Miss Xuanyuan's Third Uncle. He is also Che's uncle. Uncle Xuan Yuan just said that Che is fine, but his wound has not recovered. He is resting at home."    


"Hello, Xuanyuan Third Uncle." Soong Yiren smiled at him, but for some reason, she felt that he looked familiar.    


After coming here, she heard that the Xuanyuan Family Master had three sons, and the eldest son was the father of Xuanyuan Yao and Xuanyuan Lin.    


The second son was Xuanyuan Che's father, and Xuanyuan Che was the only son.    


The third son should be the man in front of her, and it seemed like he had never gotten married.    


"You are called Yu Ruonuan?" Xuanyuan Huo sized Soong Yiren up. He felt that this girl had no reason to make him feel intimate with her.    


Gong Lingye saw Xuanyuan Huo staring at Soong Yiren and was a little unhappy. Suddenly, he looked at the two of them and was shocked.    


Why did he feel that the two people in front of him were forty to fifty percent similar?    


"En, my name is Yu Ruonuan." Soong Yiren smiled at the other party. "Xuanyuan Third Uncle, have you heard of my name?"    


"No, I just think you look familiar." Xuanyuan Huo also realized that he was being rude. He had changed the topic. "Ye, you don't plan to leave immediately after coming to J Country, do you? Che's injuries are almost healed. But I don't seem to remember what happened in the past. When you are free, you can go to our house to see him. "See if you can help him think of something."    


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