Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C413 She Actually Had a Man by Her Side!

C413 She Actually Had a Man by Her Side!

0Or the little kitten that looks like it's only two or three months old!    


Hee Wanshuang walked over and the kitten just opened its eyes. When it saw her, it softly called out to her, "Meow -"    


Hee Wanshuang felt a burst of softness in her heart and said with heartache, "You are sleeping here. What if you fall asleep and fall down?"    


Going down from the balcony was a river dam that was a few meters away.    


She picked it up and it did not hide. It seemed to be hungry and kept licking Hee Wanshuang's hands.    


She could not help but laugh and lowered her head to coax it. "I have biscuits. Do you want to eat them?"    


After saying that, she took the biscuits and fed them to the kitten.    


However, the little fellow seemed to be uninterested in the biscuits. After eating two bites, it ignored him.    


Hee Wanshuang was helpless. "Then wait for me for a while. I will go and buy cat food for you."    


She went back to her room to change her clothes. When she thought about how the mall probably did not allow cats to enter, she said a few more words to the cat. She did not care whether it understood or not, so she locked the door and left.    


Next door, Lieh Yuanchen walked to the balcony and saw the little kitten on Hee Wanshuang's balcony, pouncing on butterflies.    


He took out the beef jerky he bought at the supermarket last night and beckoned to the little kitten, "Come here."    


The kitten's sense of smell was very sensitive, and a distance of three meters was not difficult for it.    


With a borrowed strength from the side, it had already reached Lieh Yuanchen's balcony.    


The beef jerky was very fragrant, and the little guy ate it very satisfactorily. In the end, it even licked Lieh Yuanchen's hand.    


Lieh Yuanchen had never liked any pets. He felt a little awkward, but he still did not dodge.    


However, it was said that cats could not be raised well. When it was full, it immediately abandoned him and ran off to who knows where.    


Hee Wanshuang bought cat food and came back but did not see the little guy.    


She could not help but laugh at herself but still prepared cat's nest, water and cat food on the balcony. She thought that if the little guy came over, it could be counted as having a home.    


The task she gave herself today was to understand this city once.    


So, Hee Wanshuang ate the local snacks, millet congee, barley, and the pickled vegetables that the Lady Boss made herself.    


After breakfast, she took the camera and started to record things in the city.    


The office worker hurriedly walked past her. After sending the child away, the parents continued to work for the whole day.    


She looked like a tourist in the city, but not really. Because she took more pictures of people and not the scenery.    


After lunch, Hee Wanshuang was a little tired. She was about to go back and rest when she saw a trembling old lady crossing the road at the crossroad.    


She walked very slowly, so when she was halfway there, the green light started to flicker.    


Hee Wanshuang quickly walked over and helped the old lady up and quickly brought her to the side of the green belt.    


At this time, the lights had changed and the traffic on both sides kept passing by. She could only wait for the green light before crossing the road with the old lady.    


The old lady pulled her. "Thank you, little girl! I came out alone to buy some noodles. I didn't expect that my leg would suddenly hurt and I almost couldn't cross the road. "    


Hee Wanshuang said, "Your home is not far. Do you want me to help you get a taxi?"    


No need. It's in the teahouse in front! My son drove it." The old lady said and held Hee Wanshuang's hand. "Little girl, thank you so much today! You must go to my house to drink tea. My house's tea is freshly picked from the mountain. The villagers love it! "    


The other party's hospitality was difficult to reject, so Hee Wanshuang could only follow.    


"Grandma, where did you go? I was just about to go out to find you?" A young man who looked to be in his early twenties quickly walked over. When he saw Hee Wanshuang, he could not help but be stunned.    


Hee Wanshuang lifted her eyes and was also a little surprised.    


The young man in front of her was tall and thin. He wore a very inconspicuous t-shirt. The pattern on it was already somewhat worn out, but his face seemed very clean.    


His facial features were three-dimensional, and his temperament was inconsistent with this small teahouse. He looked arrogant and arrogant, but at the same time, he gave off the pure sunlight of a young man.    


"This is - -" His voice was unexpectedly pleasant to the ear.    


"I almost got hit by a car when I crossed the road. It was this little girl who helped me cross the road. Chengzi, hurry up and make me a cup of tea!" The old lady said.    


"Thank you!" Xiao Cheng nodded at Hee Wanshuang, then turned around to pour tea.    


Hee Wanshuang sat down in the shop. Because it was noon, there were not many people drinking tea at this time. There were only her and two middle-aged men.    


Xiao Cheng brought the brewed tea over but did not leave. He held two tickets in his hands. After hesitating for a moment, he said to Hee Wanshuang, "Miss, can you do me another favor?"    


Hee Wanshuang looked up and met his clear eyes.    


"It's like this..." He quickly said. "My friend and I have formed a band, and tonight at 8: 00, we will be performing for the first time at the HPP bar, wanting to earn some extra money. But at the same time, we will compete. "There are a few other bands that we need to attract popularity, so..."    


Hee Wanshuang immediately understood what Xiao Cheng meant.    


She sized up his somewhat old jeans and took a ticket from his hand. "I will go alone."    


"Thank you so much!" Xiao Cheng smiled, his eyes full of confidence. "We are actually not weaker than the other bands, but this is the first time..."    


"I understand." Hee Wanshuang nodded and took a sip of tea. Unexpectedly, her lips and teeth smelled good.    


She could not help but smile. "I will go on time."    


She had done her homework before, and the Hip Bar was a very famous place in Yi City.    


This place was not as foul as some bars, but a place to relax one's mood.    


Every day, there were bands singing and performing here, and the customers were also very cultured. Usually, they would quietly chat with their friends here and not make a big fuss.    



In the evening, Hee Wanshuang ate some medicine and was about to go out when she heard movement on the balcony.    


She walked over and found that the little kitten had come again.    


It enjoyed some of the water and cat food that she had put in. Then, after eating and drinking enough, it jumped into the cat's nest to sleep.    


She smiled, looked at the orange cat's nest, and said to the kitten: "From now on, I'll call you Little Orange!"    


It whimpered, not knowing if it understood.    


After Hee Wanshuang left the room, Lieh Yuanchen also followed her out.    


He looked at the twilight that had already descended and frowned slightly.    


It was already so late, why was she still running around?    


This city was not big and Hee Wanshuang came out early, so she did not take a taxi. Instead, she walked casually on the GPS and walked towards the HPP.    


About ten meters behind her, Lieh Yuanchen saw that Hee Wanshuang actually went to the bar and felt uncomfortable.    


When he walked in, his little sister at the door told him that today was the bar's activity day. There would be several bands performing, and everyone present would be given a cocktail. However, the tickets had already been sold out.    


Lieh Yuanchen glanced at Hee Wanshuang, who had entered the bar without knowing how, and patted the shoulder of a young man who had just checked in.    


Two minutes later, Lieh Yuanchen successfully used five times the price of the ticket in exchange for a chance to enter the room.    


However, just as he entered, he saw that there were several young men beside Hee Wanshuang.    


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