Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C348 He Sincerely and Frankly Confessed

C348 He Sincerely and Frankly Confessed

0While Gong Lingye was talking, Gong Mochen had already walked up to Soong Yiren.    


In the past, he had also thought about how she would look in a wedding dress, but today, when the door opened, he was still stunned.    


Unfortunately, her wedding dress wasn't for him.    


He reached out to her: "Ruonuan, can I ask you to dance?"    


He slightly bent his body and the etiquette was just right. His completely gentlemanly appearance made Soong Yiren feel that if she rejected him, it would not be polite enough.    


She nodded. "Okay, thank you!"    


The music was melodious and his steps were not fast because he was afraid that she would step on the dress of the wedding dress.    


She should have washed her hair in the morning. There was the fragrance of the conditioner that seemed to penetrate his senses.    


He looked down at her, and suddenly regretted it. If he had known that he would fall in love with her one day, he would not have missed the first dance between them again and again.    


Yesterday, after knowing the past between her and Gong Lingye, he knew that he had never lost the initiative when compared to Gong Lingye. Instead, he had pushed the opportunity to others time and time again.    


The time of the dance seemed to be very fast, but also seemed to be very slow. When it ended, he used all his strength to let go of her. He looked at the diamond on her neck and spoke in a very gentle voice. "Yesterday, uncle told me everything about you."    


Soong Yiren nodded. "Yes, he told me."    


Gong Mochen paused and said, "But do you know? I am grateful to her, and I like you 100%."    


Soong Yiren's breath paused.    


This was the first time Gong Mochen had confessed so seriously and straightforwardly.    


"Soong Yiren." He suddenly leaned over slightly and whispered into her ear, "I wish you happiness!"    


After he finished speaking, he suddenly stretched out his arm and carried her into his embrace.    


Soong Yiren did not have time to do anything else and felt that she was hugged tightly.    


He tightened his arms as if he wanted to embed her into his bones and blood.    


And in the next second, he suddenly loosened his arms again, as if everything that happened just now was just a greeting and blessing between good friends.    


After Gong Mochen finished doing all this, he rushed towards Soong Yiren. He nodded, then turned around and left the stage.    


Soong Yiren was looking in the direction that he left when a low and magnetic male voice entered her ears, "Nuan, I saw it all."    


Soong Yiren came back to her senses and hurriedly explained to Gong Lingye. "No, I just danced with him..."    


Gong Lingye narrowed his eyes, "That hand was held by him?"    


Soong Yiren bit her lips and her eyes were wandering. She looked like she had done something wrong. "I think he is your nephew, and he is also considered to be my relative. It is not good to reject him..."    


Gong Lingye's lips curled up but pretended to be angry. He raised one of Soong Yiren's hands. "This one? You have to wash it at least three times, and your waist too. Don't touch me unless you wash it three times."    


"There is no tap here. If there is, I will definitely wash it!" Soong Yiren was pitiful. "If you don't want me to touch you, then you can touch me."    


Gong Lingye was completely amused by her until he lost his temper. His tone carried some profound meaning. "Wife, I didn't know that you are so good at coaxing jealous men."    


Soong Yiren also knew that he was not angry, so she blinked. "I learned it from Prince."    


After Gong Lingye smiled, he thought about how Gong Mochen hugged Soong Yiren just now and was still a little unhappy. He pinched her face. "Since my nephew likes to use his hands and feet, you should not see him alone in the future. If you have something to say, ask Pei Jun to send a message. If you have nothing to do, don't answer the phone. Do you understand?"    


Soong Yiren shook Gong Lingye's arm. "Why are you so jealous when you are married?"    


He sighed and gritted his teeth. "It's all my fault. My wife is too delicious. I have to go to the research institute tomorrow. I can't be by your side. I'm afraid you will be coveted."    


Soong Yiren smiled and held his arm. "Don't worry. Your wife is stubborn. No one can take her away!"    


She really did not know how charming he was when she looked at him. He only felt that his soul had been sucked away by her. He really wanted to punish her on the spot!    


On the other side, Beiming Mo had just started dancing with Luo Tianqi when she saw Soong Yiren and Gong Lingye showing off their affection at any time.    


She got closer and kissed Soong Yiren's face. She raised her eyebrows at Gong Lingye and said, "Young Master Ye, I kissed your wife!"    


Gong Lingye only smiled. "It's okay. At most, you can only kiss her. " After all, you can't do anything that I can do to her. "    


Beiming Mo,... ""    


She looked at Gong Lingye in shock, seeing that he had already gone to greet the guests. She then turned her head and said to Soong Yiren, "Your husband actually hinted that I don't have hardware! He, he, he is excited about getting married. So he lost his integrity like this?! Furthermore, I am a woman, so good. Why is he jealous of a woman, and his combat strength is so explosive?"    


Soong Yiren shrugged her shoulders." He has long lost his moral integrity. If he did not lose his moral integrity, would he be able to catch up to me? "    


At that time, a certain someone's dirty jokes were very eloquent!    


Beiming Mo sighed emotionally, "So my Yiyi likes to lose her moral integrity!"    


Soong Yiren was happy today and was infected by Gong Lingye, so she spoke more casually, "It does not matter if you do not lose your moral integrity or not, good use is the most important!"    


"Yiyi, you..." Beiming Mo pretended to calm the anger in her chest and went to scratch Soong Yiren's itchy flesh. "Okay, you are getting worse and worse!"    


The two of them were playing and joking and their eyes lit up.    


On the other side, Xuanyuan Che, who had not found a suitable opportunity to talk to Beiming Mo, walked over.    


He first greeted Soong Yiren, then turned to Beiming Mo and said: "Momo, let's dance!"    


Soong Yiren raised her eyebrows. She really wanted to know if Beiming Mo, with her hot temper, would directly reject Xuanyuan Che.    


After all, Beiming Mo had just set up a false flag. When she said her name was with him, she would recite it backwards!    


"I..." Beiming Mo opened her mouth while Xuanyuan Che was waiting. Just as she uttered a syllable, a female voice sounded, "Momo, so you are here!"    


Beiming Mo turned her eyes and found that it was her mother and Pei Jun's mother who came over.    



Then, her mother pulled her son over, "Ah Jun, you child. I asked you to invite Momo to dance just now, but you only cared about greeting the guests..."    


Soong Yiren felt that at this moment, she needed a melon and a small stool.    


"Mom, I am considered a family member of the groom's side. I also need to greet the guests." Pei Jun helplessly explained and smiled at Beiming Mo, "Miss Darknorth, can we dance together?"    


Before Beiming Mo could say anything, her own mother had already hinted at her to quickly go.    


She smiled and elegantly stretched out her hand, placing it in Pei Jun's palm, "Thank you, Mr. Pei."    


Then, the two old mothers looked very satisfied as their children jumped onto the stage together, and finally revealed a gratified smile.    


On the side, Xuanyuan Che, who had been completely ignored, looked at the stage and pursed his lips.    


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