Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C269 Yi Ren Song's Heart Ached for Gong Ling Ye

C269 Yi Ren Song's Heart Ached for Gong Ling Ye

0The ward was very quiet. Sunlight passed through the window and fell on Soong Yiren's body. She was fixing the Ruwa with her head down. While helping it return to its original position, she spoke to Gong Mochen, "Mr Mochen, the Ruwa complained that you are too cold. Is it because you are too tall?"    


She deliberately said it as a cold joke. "Do you know that our classmates all say that you are the kind that looks difficult to push down? But if you push down, you'll definitely have a lot of love. "    


"Hey, do you think you're like this?"    


"I think you should tell them that they're thinking too much. " You should be the one who pushed down the ice mountain, right? "    


She recalled the way he had confessed to her. He still looked cold and awkward. If she did not know his personality, she would probably be angry.    


"Alright, now I understand what Ruwa said. You can only say a hundred words and you'll only say a 'hmm'!"    


She nagged and connected the Ruwa to her phone. She opened the Ruwa's language library and could not help but smile. "Hey, Mr Mochen, you're too cute, aren't you? You actually told the Ruwa that you are much more handsome than you, uncle?"    


"No wonder I said that little guy knows how to create his own language. I thought the robot was going to rule the earth, but you said it!"    


"Am I right? Do you think that the hat of your cool prince charming is about to fall off?"    


"Alright, alright, I won't laugh at you! Let me say this too. You are more handsome than uncle, and you are the most handsome. You can instantly kill all the prince charming in the world, alright?"    


When Soong Yiren said this, she wanted to laugh and cry again. At the door, Yue Wenqing, who was originally going to enter, stopped. She pulled Old Madame Gong and said, "Forget it. Let them young people talk more! Mochen does not like us to nag. Maybe we should go in. He originally wanted to wake up but he could not."    


Time passed bit by bit. Although the incomplete parts of the Ruwa could not be put together properly, most of the core circuits had already been repaired by Soong Yiren. Although it could not move, at least the indicator light on its eyes would not seem like it was going to go out at any time.    


"Mr Mochen, I will let the Ruwa accompany you for a while. I will go to the washroom and come over immediately." As Soong Yiren spoke, she placed the Ruwa beside Gong Mochen's pillow and stood up.    


The conditions here were indeed tough. The washroom was at the other end of the corridor. Soong Yiren walked in and saw Gong Lingye in front of the public washing table.    


He was bending over and watering his face. His fine hair was covered with water vapor.    


He noticed that someone was coming over. He raised his eyes. There were red lines in his eyes and his eyes were slightly red.    


The moment their eyes met, Soong Yiren's heart suddenly felt a sharp pain.    


Just now, she had vaguely heard their conversation outside. She heard Yue Wenqing's hatred towards Gong Lingye, as well as Gong Lingye's mother's disappointment and heartache.    


Soong Yiren stretched out her hand and held Gong Lingye's hand. "Lingye, don't be sad. They said those words because they were worried about Mochen. Don't take it to heart."    


He nodded. His large hand, which had clear joints, returned to hold her hand. His fingertips were slightly cold.    


Soong Yiren said again, "They are angry. It will be fine when Mochen wakes up. Everyone has seen what you have done for the Gong Family all these years. Also, something happened to Mochen. "We have seen your worries. They will understand in the future."    


Gong Lingye continued to nod. He closed the door, then reached out and held Soong Yiren in his arms.    


He used a lot of strength to completely hold her in his arms. His chin was pressed against her forehead and his voice was a little soft. "Nuan. Many years ago, I saw my brothers passing away one by one but were powerless. Sometimes, I also felt that I was very useless."    


"I thought that I had thought it through, but I didn't expect that they would attack Mochen first!"    


"I felt that sending him over was to let him train and be good to him. I didn't expect that it would give the opponent an opportunity to take advantage of." Gong Lingye tightened his arms as if he was trying to comfort her. His voice became softer. "Nuan, do you think Mochen will wake up?"    


Soong Yiren had never seen such a Gong Lingye. In her impression, he had always stood at the peak, giving everyone a strong sense of security. It was as if as long as he was there, everything would be indestructible.    


But, how could she forget? He was also a human, and he would also have a moment of weakness and helplessness!    


When he was young, he watched as his three brothers passed away one after another. When he heard the rumor of his 32-year-old brother living until now, he had been working hard, and using his own method to protect the Gong Family.    


It was just like the misunderstanding he had about her. He thought that she was trying to get close to Gong Mochen. Therefore, he had to expel her mercilessly.    


He had done a lot of things by himself. He did not need others to know, nor did he need others to be sure.    


She also knew that he had actually considered developing his own company. If he was in danger in the future, he would hand over the entire Heavenly Palace Group to Gong Mochen, and he would leave his company to his wife and children.    


However, what he had to bear was not understood by his family, and he had no way to tell them!    


"Nuan, my mother is old. There are some things that she does not want to worry about." Gong Lingye continued, "If she talks to you, help me knock on the side and remind her to be careful and be careful. After all, the Gong Family is a big tree that attracts wind."    


Soong Yiren immediately nodded, "Okay, I will tell her... you have to be careful too. The man with ten thousand hands is still at the base..."    


"I will." Gong Lingye patted Soong Yiren's back. "Don't worry."    


Soong Yiren nodded. Gong Lingye let go of her. "You should go early. Don't take too long."    


Soong Yiren responded and looked at him again. "I'm sorry. They thought that Mochen and I were together, so they asked me to stay with them..."    


Gong Lingye interrupted her. "It's okay. Mochen kept thinking about you. Try to tell him what he wanted to hear. It might help him wake up."    


Soong Yiren continued to nod. "Okay."    


She got up and went to the bathroom. When she came out, she found that Gong Lingye was gone.    


Soong Yiren washed her hands and walked out. She looked at the empty corridor and remembered Gong Lingye's appearance just now.    


Everyone in the world envied his glorious and illustrious position, but they did not know that when he stood in that position, he had to bear the pressure and misunderstanding.    


She took a deep breath and tried her best to suppress the pain in her heart. She returned to Gong Mochen's ward.    


The dusk outside dyed the entire sky red. The air here was very good, and the beautiful sunset seemed to be the last song of the night.    


In the ward, Soong Yiren felt her heart become heavier and heavier, but she did not dare to stop. She continued to randomly pick a topic to 'chat' with Gong Mochen.    


Until the sky turned from bright to dark and was gradually covered by the black curtain. Finally, it became completely dark.    


In the ward, Old Madame Gong secretly wiped away her tears and Yue Wenqing supported her, "Let's go out for a walk."    


The atmosphere in the room was too oppressive and heavy and she actually did not dare to face it directly. She only said that if she did not face it, the heavens would not take away the person who was most important to her...    


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