Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C246 The Furious Gong Lingye

C246 The Furious Gong Lingye

0At the same time, Chu Mingyao had already reached the door. He jumped into a car and could only see Soong Yiren's figure through the window.    


At this time, two little boys ran out of nowhere. One of them looked a little bigger and had a toy gun in his hand. It was a little old.    


Behind him, a little boy chased after him and said, "Brother, let me play with it!"    


The two of them were obviously children who had demolished the nearby houses. They did not know why they ran over.    


The smaller boy was anxious and tripped over a protruding stone on the ground. Immediately, he knocked down. Because he ran very fast, his lips hit the stone and blood immediately gushed out.    


Soong Yiren was running out when she saw this scene, so she stopped in her tracks.    


She seemed to hesitate for a moment but still immediately ran to the front of the small boy and helped him up to look at the wound on his lips.    


Seeing that the wound was not deep, she took out a tissue from her pocket and held it down for him, coaxing him: "Little brother, don't cry. The brave child will not bleed!"    


The little boy cried twice. He looked at Soong Yiren's face and found that there was blood on her neck. He immediately forgot to cry and hurriedly said, "Elder sister also don't cry!"    


"Yes, we were all brave and did not cry!" Soong Yiren remembered that there was still the candy from the dessert shop that day in her pocket, so she handed it to the boy. "This is the reward for the brave child!"    


The boy happily took it and wiped away his tears. "Thank you, sister!"    


Soong Yiren touched his head. "It's almost dark. It's dangerous here. You and brother should go home quickly!"    


Apparently, that big brother also knew that he brought his little brother out and got into trouble. Hence, he stuffed the toy in his hand into his little brother's hand and pulled him away quickly.    


On the other side, Chu Mingyao's car turned around the corner. He sat in the car and watched Soong Yiren's figure gradually shrink until she finally disappeared.    


In front of his eyes, he kept replaying the scene just now.    


An emotion that he had never felt before suddenly filled his entire chest. He only felt that in these 30 years of his life, for the first time in his life, he felt it. What was the feeling of being moved by someone?    


It was different from his original possessive desire. This was a scene that even if you looked at it from afar, you would still be moved by it.    


He remembered that when he was young, there were many times when he fell down. No matter how injured he was, no one would try to help him up like this.    


The redemption he needed had never come.    


But today, she let him see light.    


Even though she had just experienced life and death, even if she was afraid, she had given her goodwill to a little boy she had never met before!    


There was no scheme or benefit. Chu Mingyao only felt that the girl at that moment was so beautiful that it made his heart palpitate.    


If at this moment, he let her choose again, he would definitely not use her life to test anything!    


He discovered that he had a weakness. However, because of this weakness, he felt that he had truly and fully lived in this world.    


The excitement and joy in his heart made him want to cry.    


His car passed through the dusk and completely disappeared...    


At this moment, another car was speeding over. Accompanied by the sharp sound of a tire rubbing against the ground, the car suddenly stopped beside the factory yard. Gong Lingye pushed open the door and quickly walked out.    


He seemed to have a gust of wind, but when he saw Soong Yiren, he suddenly stopped.    


Soong Yiren raised her eyes and met Gong Lingye's eyes filled with killing intent.    


His entire body was bathed in a bloodthirsty aura, as if he was a god of slaughter from hell!    


But she was not afraid. Realising what had happened, she hurriedly ran in front of him.    


The moment she stood in front of him, she reached out to grab him. She found that the temperature of his palm was colder than usual, and there was a thin layer of sweat on his palm.    


Was it because he was worried about her that he was nervous?    


Soong Yiren held Gong Lingye's hand and was about to speak when she saw his cold and sharp eyes lock onto her injured neck.    


In an instant, the aura around his body became even colder. That kind of oppressive feeling spread out, making her unable to help but raise her eyes and explain to him, "It's nothing, just a little cut on the skin."    


In the next second, he narrowed his eyes and stared fixedly at the wound. Just when Soong Yiren thought that Gong Lingye was going to help her treat the wound, he suddenly shook off her hand and left her a back view.    


Soong Yiren was stunned. Her mouth moved and she could not make a sound.    


At this time, Aa Mian and a few people walked over and said, "Prince!"    


"You all don't listen to my orders?!" Gong Lingye's body was overflowing with killing intent.    


Aa Mian lowered his head. "I'm sorry."    


Soong Yiren quickly explained, "Aa Mian saw my actions just now. I told him not to do anything."    


Gong Lingye ignored her and directly said to Aa Mian, "I arranged a task for you to protect her at all times. Why is she still kidnapped?"    


Aa Mian lowered his eyes and said nothing.    


Soong Yiren continued to explain, "I avoided it myself..."    


Gong Lingye suddenly turned his head and said sharply to her, "Shut up!"    


Soong Yiren was stunned by the roar and took half a step back. She looked at him blankly.    


Gong Lingye continued to tell Aa Mian, "You and them, run back to your residence from here. You are not allowed to take the transportation!"    


Aa Mian said, "Yes!"    


Soong Yiren, who was standing at the side, saw that he really wanted to run. She quickly stretched out her hand to pull him, then said to Gong Lingye, "It was I who made Zara design the route to avoid Aa Mian and the others. It has nothing to do with them -"    


Gong Lingye said, "Run twice!"    


Soong Yiren was speechless.    



She did not dare to say it again. She was afraid that Gong Lingye would say it three times, and Aa Mian and the others had already gone to receive their punishment.    


After Gong Lingye finished giving his instructions, he turned around and walked into the car.    


Soong Yiren was left behind by him and quickly chased after him.    


He opened the car door and she followed him into the car.    


Before she could fasten her seatbelt, he had already stepped on the accelerator and ran far away.    


Soong Yiren was shocked and hurriedly grabbed the handle of the car beside her to stabilize her body and fasten her seatbelt. Only then did she turn around to look at the man beside her.    


His eyes had been staring at the front. His jaw line was taut and his Adam's apple was protruding out. His entire body was filled with dense low pressure.    


He was angry.    


Soong Yiren could clearly feel that Gong Lingye was angry with her.    


She did not even need to think or ask him. She knew that he was angry at her for making such a decision.    


He was angry that she used him as bait to take the risk. She didn't ask for his permission beforehand, nor did she inform him in advance.    


Soong Yiren felt a little guilty and a little perturbed. However, if she had to choose again, she still had to do so.    


She knew that he could protect her very well, even if she had deliberately left those people behind. It was only after she was taken away that she had gotten Zara to send the signal.    


However, swords and swords had no eyes. She also knew that no matter how secure it was, there would still be risks.    


However, she was worried that after Chu Mingyao found out that there was a problem with her, he would think of a way to completely destroy the evidence in Su Yunfei's hands. Then, even if she could have gotten her revenge in the end, she could not resolve the unjust case from before!    


Soong Yiren bit her lips, reached out, and slowly touched Gong Lingye's big leg.    


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