Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C241 The Person Who Was Hunting Sabrina It Was Him!

C241 The Person Who Was Hunting Sabrina It Was Him!

0Xuanyuan Che was stunned. He rarely heard Gong Lingye say which girl he liked.    


He couldn't help but ask, "What happened to her in the past?"    


"Her best friend died. All the clues pointed to the girl's death as an accident." Gong Lingye thought that if he had investigated like Beiming Mo back then, Soong Yiren would have suffered a lot less.    


He continued. "But Sabrina found some clues later on. She went to investigate alone, but because of this, she was in danger and was chased to jump into the sea."    


Xuanyuan Che held his breath. His hands, which were placed beside him, could not help but tighten.    


Gong Lingye continued, "Later, she was rescued, but because she jumped into the sea, she was blind. She only recovered after a year. During the year she went blind, because she couldn't see, she learned how to make incense sticks and became the current incense maker. "    


Xuanyuan Che remembered what Beiming Mo said to Wei Qianran that day. She had died once, so she was fearless.    


She also said that she had been blind for a year.    


So that was how it all happened!    


And that day, when he asked her why she chased him, she said that because her friend died, she felt uncomfortable and wanted to find something to do to divert her attention.    


He remembered that three years ago, when she took the initiative to look for him, there was always a smile on her face, and she would often appear in his world tirelessly. It made him feel that this girl was somewhat heartless.    


And now that he knew the truth, he was actually somewhat envious of her friend.    


He had always been unable to differentiate between where she was real and where she was faking it. But now, he understood that if it really entered her heart, she would be willing to sacrifice her life for the people beside her!    


Gong Lingye said beside Xuanyuan Che: "Che, in short, it's the same thing. If you like it, then don't hesitate. If you don't like it, then let go of it as soon as possible."    


"Ye, thank you." Xuanyuan Che nodded.    


Coincidentally, they were already close to the Heavenly River Square. The two of them got off at the corner of the square. TG-01 would park his own car in the parking lot. There was no need for them to worry.    


Because Gong Lingye had an invitation card, the two of them directly walked through the special passageway and went straight to the scene.    


Because there was an air conditioner inside, Gong Lingye took off his jacket. When his hand reached into the pocket of the down jacket, he took out Ares.    


This morning, Soong Yiren took away Zahara and then gave him Ares. She said that they would meet later and let the two robots have a secret signal signal to perform a reunion after a long separation.    


That was the scene in the idol drama that Soong Yiren watched last night. The male and female characters were separated for a few years and then they met with the love token from before.    


At that time, Gong Lingye only felt that no matter how independent a girl was, she was still a little girl with a romantic heart in her bones. Although he felt helpless and funny, he still did it.    


Holding Ares, he was about to enter the guest area with Xuanyuan Che when the Ares in his hand vibrated.    


Gong Lingye was puzzled. He picked up Ares and placed it in front of him.    


The synthesized male voice said, "First level alert target discovered, Chu Mingyao, located..."    


Gong Lingye's footsteps paused, and the color in his eyes instantly froze.    


He ordered Ares: "Take a picture of him and send it to my phone."    


Very quickly, he turned on the corresponding software on his phone and saw the photo at the scene.    


In the photo, Chu Mingyao stood in the crowd and looked in the direction of the stage.    


On the stage, Soong Yiren was interacting with the guest. Beiming Mo also came out to make perfume for the lucky fans on the scene.    


Gong Lingye thought quickly and pulled Xuanyuan Che who was beside him. "Che, we can't go."    


Xuanyuan Che had just heard Ares talking, but he did not hear it clearly. When he saw Gong Lingye's serious expression, he could not help but be confused. "Is there a problem with the project?"    


Gong Lingye shook his head and passed the photo of the phone to Xuanyuan Che. "This is the president of Haisheng, Chu Mingyao. He was the one who hunted Sabrina."    


Xuanyuan Che's pupils constricted. He looked at the screen, then looked up at the stage. He was shocked. "He saw Momo now?"    


"Yes, but Sabrina's name is Lee Xiaozi now." Gong Lingye picked up his phone and called Luo Tianqi.    


Luo Tianqi was in the office. He picked up the phone and asked, "Mr Ye, are you calling me at this time to treat me to dinner?"    


Unexpectedly, Gong Lingye said in a serious tone, "Tianqi, come to the Heavenly River Square immediately. The person who wanted to kill Sabrina appeared. You have to pretend that she is Lee Xiaozi and put on a show."    


Luo Tianqi stood up immediately when he heard that. "Who is that person?"    


"Chu Mingyao." Gong Lingye said," The president of Haisheng, he is now at the venue of the fan interaction meeting at the Sky River Square. "    


"Alright, I'll be there right away." Luo Tianqi said.    


Xuanyuan Che looked at Beiming Mo on the stage and became more and more worried. He turned to Gong Lingye and said, "Ye, Chu Mingyao does not know me. I should be..."    


"Chu Mingyao will not attack in public. If you appear, it will make him doubt you. After all, Lee Xiaozi is Tianqi's wife." Gong Lingye patted Xuanyuan Che's shoulder. "She will be fine."    


What Gong Lingye did not say was that when Chu Mingyao saw Beiming Mo, he would also suspect Yu Ruonuan on the stage. Nuan was also in danger.    


He endured the pressure and ordered Arres, "Immediately inform Zara to let it know that Chu Mingyao appeared, and I will let Tianqi go and save the scene to tell warm Sabrina."    


Robots had the fastest communication speed. Therefore, almost in the blink of an eye, Ares told all the information to ZAhara.    


At this moment, Hara was filming the scene of Chu Mingyao in the corner of the stage. After receiving the message, it began to analyze the data. Finally, it turned all the signals into words and sent them to Soong Yiren and Beiming Mo's mobile phones.    


On the stage, Soong Yiren completed her interaction and was the first to walk backstage.    


Hara immediately went over and told her that there was a message in her phone and that she needed to see it immediately.    


Soong Yiren was curious and opened it to take a look. The corners of her lips curled up.    


Luo Tianqi came over. Of course it was the best method!    


Very quickly, in front of the stage, Beiming Mo gave the prepared perfume scene to that lucky fan. Then, she also walked to the backstage.    


Soong Yiren immediately went over and informed her of the matter. Beiming Mo nodded, "Alright. Yiyi, don't worry. I will not make him suspect."    



Below the stage, the interaction activity was nearing its end. Finally, everyone took a photo together. Soong Yiren and Beiming Mo went up again to take a photo with the celebrities.    


The promotional event ended perfectly. Beiming Mo thanked the venue and then returned to the backstage.    


Some fans started to leave the stage one after another, while some were reluctant to part.    


The backstage was a little messy and the crowd was scattered. The celebrities had already left through the special passageway, while Soong Yiren went to the locker room at the back to change her clothes.    


Chu Mingyao quietly waited for the people around him to leave. He followed the crowd to a quiet place, but he was waiting for an opportunity to face Beiming Mo!    


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