Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C202 She Climbed onto His Bed

C202 She Climbed onto His Bed

0Le Haisheng's face stiffened but she quickly recovered her usual dignified and ladylike appearance and said, "Oh, that should be because the time difference hasn't reversed yet. Mr Mochen, do you still need to go to Country F?"    


Gong Mochen nodded. "I will leave the day after tomorrow."    


"So soon?" Le Haisheng felt anxious.    


She had heard that Gong Mochen and Soong Yiren had separated. Now should be the best opportunity.    


"Yes, the project over there is urgent." Gong Mochen's attitude was cold.    


Although Le Haisheng felt uncomfortable in her heart, However, because the people present were all influential people in Imperial City, she was standing beside someone else. Presumably, after today, everyone would know her identity and status.    


Although Gong Mochen had pulled his arm away, he didn't stop Le Haisheng from being by his side. Therefore, Le Haisheng maintained a proper smile throughout the whole process, as if she was half a mistress.    


In addition, Yue Wenqing's warm attitude towards her was almost equivalent to admitting Le Haisheng as her daughter-in-law.    


In the lounge area, Lieh Yuanchen turned his head and said to Lieh Xiaoruan, "Ah Rou, if you say that you like Gong Mochen, I will not object and will help you instead."    


"Brother, I am not interested in him." Lieh Xiaoruan raised the corners of her lips. "Do you think Gong Mochen can control me?"    


"Ah Rou, find a man. You should find someone who loves you. Gong Lingye is indeed outstanding, but a man like him is too difficult to control." Lieh Yuanchen seemed to have thought of something. His expression became a little far-reaching. "Do you want to experience a marriage like our parents'? Mr. Volte likes you very much. Although his personal ability is not enough, he is sincere to you... "    


"Brother, don't say anymore." Lieh Xiaoruan said, "If you know me well enough, you should know that the more you say, the more I must be Gong Lingye!"    


While the two were talking, Gong Mochen and Le Haisheng were performing an opening dance on the stage.    


After the song ended, Gong Mochen did not have any thoughts of dealing with it. He walked to the side and poured himself a glass of strong liquor.    


The strong liquor slid down his throat. The burning sensation went from his throat to his stomach. He picked up his phone and called the special assistant Zhang Mingyu. "I'll go to the company tomorrow. Help me sort out all the things I need to sign. We won't be back for the next half a year."    


"Okay, Director Young Master Gong." Zhang Mingyu replied.    


On the dance floor, Qi Lihuo, who was dancing with Gong Lingye, asked. "uncle, why didn't you bring your aunt?"    


"Our matter cannot be made public for the time being." Gong Lingye said, "By the way, don't mention my mother either."    


"Wow, playing underground love?" Li Huo laughed. "This is even more exciting!"    


"What kind of excitement does a child know?" After Gong Lingye finished dancing with her and was about to leave the dance floor, a tall figure appeared in front of them.    


It had to be said that Lieh Xiaoruan really had a model figure. She was 1.72 meters tall, her facial features were three-dimensional, and she had light brown hair. She only put on light makeup, but only her lips were thick. She was bright but also had a cold feeling that could only be seen from afar.    


"Mr. Gong, can I have the honor of dancing with you?" She asked.    


Gong Lingye nodded. "Please."    


The two of them stepped onto the dance floor. Due to Gong Lingye's identity and Lieh Xiaoruan's unfamiliar face, they immediately attracted the attention of most of the people present.    


"Miss Lieh just came to China?" Gong Lingye asked.    


"Yes, she just came last weekend." Lieh Xiaoruan looked at Gong Lingye and said, "After coming here, I found out that this is really a good place. I did not come in the wrong place. I am very happy."    


"Hua Country is indeed a good place. Otherwise, Brother Ling wouldn't have specially come here to open up a market." Gong Lingye seemed to be in a daze. "Did Mochen invite you here today?"    


"No, it's Mrs. Gong. She knows my mother." "It's the first time I've seen you and Young Master Gong since I came here," Lieh Xiaoruan said.    


Gong Lingye did not seem to notice the deliberate pause in her tone and asked, "I wonder how long Miss Lieh will stay here this time?"    


"If I come this time, I should not leave! I think Hua Country is very good. It is very suitable to find a man I like to marry and have children." Lieh Xiaoruan said and raised her head. Her cold eyes locked onto Gong Lingye.    


"It seems like Miss Lieh already has a goal." Gong Lingye said meaningfully. "However, it is better to be happy with each other when it comes to marriage."    


"We will do it sooner or later." Lieh Xiaoruan was full of confidence.    


The two of them did not say anything else after that. Until the end of the song.    


Gong Lingye's phone rang. He walked to the dance floor and picked up the call.    


Behind him, Lieh Xiaoruan kept staring in his direction.    


She knew that he had just made her back off, but it was a pity that she was never someone who would back off!    


The banquet lasted until 11 pm. Gong Lingye sent his mother back to rest because his mother was tired. Gong Mochen waited until the banquet ended.    


He had drunk a lot of wine today. After sending off the guests, he seemed to have lost all his strength.    


It was said that drinking wine could make him forget some things. However, he realized that drinking wine would only make some memories even deeper.    


The banquet was in the front yard of Gong's Mansion. Gong Mochen was about to go to the backyard to rest when he heard someone call out to him. "Mr Mochen."    


"You haven't left yet?" He looked at Le Haisheng, who was walking towards him.    


"My mother felt a little dizzy after drinking so Auntie let her rest here." Le Haisheng smiled and said. "Let's go to the backyard together!"    


Gong Mochen did not comment and took the lead to walk forward.    


Le Haisheng walked behind him and looked at his staggering steps. There was a glimmer in her eyes.    


Back in the bedroom, Gong Mochen pulled the door open and went to the bathroom.    


It was the first time he drank and vomited. His stomach was rolling and uncomfortable. Wave after wave rushed into his throat. He hugged the toilet in pain until there was nothing to vomit.    


When he straightened his body, he swayed a little and walked to the washing table. He rinsed his mouth and washed his face before stumbling back to the bedroom and lying on the bed.    


The night was already thick. Until midnight, the shadows of the trees outside the window became even more blurred by the night.    


The sound of a light button suddenly rang out in Gong Mochen's room, and it was very soft.    


However, Gong Mochen had already fallen asleep and could not hear anything.    


Soon, the door of the room was opened and a figure walked in.    



Le Haisheng walked step by step to Gong Mochen's bedside and lightly called out to him. After making sure that he was asleep, she let out a sigh of relief and also climbed onto the bed.    


Her heartbeat was very fast. She sat on the bed and hesitated for a while.    


However, before leaving today, Her mother's words rang in her ears, "Haisheng, it's rare for Mochen to come back. You have to seize this opportunity today! Your father is now obsessed with that vixen. I heard that he even wrote his will. He wants to give all his property to that vixen's son! However, your brother has been missing for a month and can't be found no matter what. We don't know if something has happened, but we don't dare to say it to the public. We can only block the news. If you still don't settle with Mochen, our lives will be very difficult in the future! "    


When Le Haisheng thought of this, she made up her mind and bent down to take off Gong Mochen's clothes.    


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