Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C162 Ziheng I'll Go and Save You Right Away!

C162 Ziheng I'll Go and Save You Right Away!

0Soong Yiren held back the disgust in her heart and pretended to look at the document curiously.    


As expected, when Chu Mingyao saw her curious expression, the trace of probing in his heart disappeared.    


He took a knife, fork, and plate from the side and cut a cake for Soong Yiren. "Let's eat the cake first and look at the contract later."    


Soong Yiren saw that the cake was full of mango.    


Hehe, Chu Mingyao really noticed what she liked to eat now!    


The cake was delicious, but eating it in her mouth was like swallowing poison.    


"Director Chu, you just said that this car is different from the ones on the market. What are the main aspects?" Soong Yiren ate a mango with a fork.    


"The radar system is more advanced." Chu Mingyao was relaxed at the moment, so he did not hide anything. "Our company just hired a top expert in this field this year. It can be said that he is also famous worldwide."    


Soong Yiren could not help but praise, "Then the safety of this car will definitely increase!"    


Chu Mingyao nodded, "Yes. For example, even if it is at night on the highway, if a stray cat suddenly runs in front of the car, it will be able to use the radar to detect 360 degrees of the surrounding 100 meters and slow down in advance and avoid in time."    


"Didn't you see any cars in the past?" Soong Yiren asked in confusion.    


"The previous cars had a smaller range of monitoring, and the reaction of the logical algorithm was not as fast." Chu Mingyao explained.    


The two of them ate half of the cake as they chatted.    


Soong Yiren looked out the window and suddenly realized that the car had driven into a shady road.    


The car was still filled with piano and hallucinatory shadows. Outside was a large patch of mottled sunlight and tall trees. If it was not for the enemy sitting in front of her, it could really be said to be a romantic scene.    


Chu Mingyao took out the contract and said, "Little classmate, I sincerely invite you to our Haisheng!"    


Soong Yiren took the contract and looked at it carefully. It was indeed a standard spokesperson contract.    


She pretended to be a little distressed and said: "But I'm currently doing my internship in Heavenly Palace Group, and it just so happens that I'm in the AI technical department. If I become your unmanned car spokesperson, then when you guys release a new car later, I'm afraid..."    


Chu Mingyao immediately understood and could not help but laugh. "Miss Yu, I believe you. Furthermore, we only need endorsements because our cars have already been completed. The spokesperson can't get in touch with the core technology information, so you don't have to worry about it at all."    


Seemingly afraid that Soong Yiren would refuse, he continued," And on the Heavenly Palace Group's side, I will see Director Gong tomorrow. I can also explain to him and tell him not to worry. When you endorse our cars, you will not provide us with any technical secrets. "    


Since he had already said so much, Soong Yiren naturally would not reject him anymore.    


Furthermore, she was actually a little happy now.    


Because when she was eating with Gong Lingye previously, she had also tested his words. She had only said that if she went overseas to work in the future, how would it be? When Gong Lingye heard that, he directly opposed it.    




If it was an endorsement, Gong Lingye would not interfere. Although she was only an endorsement, it did not seem like she had no opportunity to take advantage of it.    


Soong Yiren looked up at Chu Mingyao and said seriously, "Thank you, Director Chu! Actually, to tell you the truth, my father is still in prison because of some financial matters. My family owes me some debts. So, I will thank you for helping me this much! "    


Chu Mingyao said immediately. "If you have any other difficulties, you can look for me at any time. You have my contact details. "    


Soong Yiren nodded and lowered her eyes. "Thank you, Director Chu."    


"I admire your ability. Chu Mingyao paused and said, "You and Mr. Gong..."    


Soong Yiren was silent for a moment and said, "We broke up."    


That day, Soong Yiren acted as the 'tour guide' and brought Chu Mingyao to visit many places in Imperial City. She left because of a phone call.    


The next day, the AI exchange event began. As the organizer staff, Soong Yiren naturally appeared at the scene.    


She was beautiful, and coupled with fluent English, she was a frequent visitor under the reporters' spotlight.    


However, no one knew that after Soong Yiren changed into her work attire, she put on her neutral clothes and directly boarded the flight to Ningcheng.    


Gong Lingye knew that when Soong Yiren left, she had already boarded the plane to Ningcheng.    


After ending the gathering with a few company bosses, Gong Lingye went straight to the airport. "Buy the nearest flight!"    


However, just as his flight took off, Soong Yiren's flight had already landed in Ningcheng.    


She called Aa Mian directly. "Aa Mian, I'm at the airport in Ningcheng. Send a car to take me there."    


Aa Mian was a little confused, but he thought it was Gong Lingye's arrangement, so he immediately arranged for the people at the airport to pick up Soong Yiren and drive to the Soong Family villa.    


They had already entered the familiar location, and Soong Yiren's mind was almost completely stirred up.    


Just as they were about to reach the nearby area, Soong Yiren picked up her phone and dialed a string of numbers.    


In the Soong Family villa, Soong Ziheng was reading a book in his room when he suddenly heard a very special ringtone on his phone.    


He turned his head abruptly and looked at the screen in disbelief.    


There was a string of numbers without names on it, but the numbers were already memorized in his heart.    


He picked up the phone, and his heartbeat was so intense that it almost broke his chest. He slid to answer the call and trembled as he raised the phone to his ear.    


The surroundings were very quiet. Only the sound of breathing could be clearly heard by his ears.    


Soong Yiren's breathing was tight as she said to the other side of the phone, "Excuse me, is this Santos? I like your work..."    


On Soong Ziheng's side, the clear sound of tapping on the table could be heard. The beat was long and short.    


This was their secret signal, proving that there was no one else beside Soong Ziheng.    


Soong Yiren's eyes were burning. "Ziheng, I will go and save you immediately! In five minutes, your side will have a power outage. Before the power outage, go to the grass of the villa and exercise. Once the power outage is over, run out in the chaos!"    


Soong Ziheng had never thought that one day, he would really be able to escape from the shackles of this cage.    



In these three years, he had experienced the most painful and torturous time of his life. He almost thought that this was the end. However, one day, an unfamiliar girl came before him and gave him a chance to live.    


He believed in her. Although he didn't know why she knew the secret between him and his sister, he still believed her for no reason.    


Either be free or die.    


He knocked on the table, two long and one short.    


Soong Yiren reminded, "Be careful."    


After hanging up the phone, the car made a turn and arrived at the villa area. Aa Mian's men had already slowed down the car.    


At the same time, Soong Ziheng changed into a set of sportswear and walked to the living room on the first floor.    


When the maid saw that he was about to leave, she hurriedly stopped him and said, "Young Master, are you going out? Sir isn't here, it's not safe at night. "    


Soong Ziheng shook his head and gestured for him to move.    


Seeing this, one of the maids followed him out.    


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