Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C163 Young Master Di Instructed

C163 Young Master Di Instructed

0Today's weather is particularly gloomy, especially at around 10 o'clock at night, looking up and not seeing a single star.    


When Soong Yiren drove into the vicinity of the Soong Family, suddenly, all the lights in the surroundings were extinguished without any warning.    


Because of the power outage, the entire road was instantly plunged into complete darkness.    


Here, the distance between them and the Soong Family could not be any closer. Soong Yiren directly opened the car door and rushed towards the main door.    


On the grass of the villa, it suddenly became dark. The servant responsible for keeping an eye on Soong Ziheng could not help but be shocked and shouted, "Young master, the electricity is out. Where are you?"    


However, there was only a slight sound of wind by his ears.    


At the entrance of the Soong Family's villa, Aa Mian's men suddenly appeared. Almost without a sound, they knocked down the guards at the entrance.    


Therefore, when Soong Ziheng ran over, he easily stepped out of the iron fence of the mansion.    


It wasn't the first time he stepped out. However, at this moment, it was as if he was trapped in a prison. He suddenly saw light and freedom.    


Although, in his line of sight, he could only see a dim yellow car lamp.    


He ran towards that place. The people there also ran towards him.    


"Ziheng!" Soong Yiren looked at the young man running towards her and felt her throat tighten.    


She could finally call him that!    


She grabbed him and gave the passport to him. "Take it and fly to Country R immediately! The plane ticket will take off in two hours. Someone will accompany you there! "    


Soong Ziheng held his passport and pursed his lips. His lips trembled, but he could not make a sound.    


"Ziheng, I still need to go and get something important." Soong Yiren stretched out her arms and hugged the young man in front of her. Her voice was choked with sobs. "After I get it, I will go to R Country to find you."    


Soong Ziheng nodded. His eyes were red, but he still did not say anything.    


"There is no time." Soong Yiren didn't know if Chu Mingyao would do anything. Therefore, she could only let go of Soong Ziheng and quickly throw him into the villa.    


Thousands of miles away, Chu Mingyao had just left a dinner party.    


It had only been three hours since he last saw Soong Yiren, and he seemed to want to know what she was doing.    


He picked up his phone, and just as he was hesitating whether sending a text now would be rude, his phone rang.    


Seeing the call, Chu Mingyao had a bad premonition.    


"Sir, someone called Soong Ziheng just now." "The number is strange," the man said. "I can't find it on my side. It must have been done by an expert."    


Chu Mingyao's eyes instantly froze. "Seal the mansion immediately and keep an eye on everyone! Seal the airport and train station immediately. Search with all your might! "    


"Okay." The man responded. When he saw that there was a call coming in from his phone, and it was from his subordinate's phone at the villa, he hurriedly said to Chu Mingyao, "Sir, please wait a moment. There is a call from the villa."    


He switched to the mode and heard his subordinate say, "Boss, it's bad. The power in the entire villa area suddenly went out. The young master is gone!"    


The man's aura changed. He almost immediately guessed that this was a planned hijacking! After all, this was the top wealthy district of Ningcheng. After so many years, when had they ever heard of a power outage?    


"Seal off the villa immediately!" He ordered.    


"Boss, we called the guards, but no one picked up. I don't know if something happened..." The subordinate was clearly panicking.    


"It!" The man cursed: "You, him. Mom didn't know she was going to see it? Lock the door right now. I'll send someone over! "    


He roared. Because he had hung up, he automatically switched to talking to Chu Mingyao. "Sir, just now, the villa said that the electricity suddenly went out. Soong Ziheng is gone."    


Chu Mingyao was stunned for a moment, but after a while, an indescribable gloomy killing intent burst out from his body. "Tell them that if Soong Ziheng can't find him, then let them have a good taste of my skills!"    


At this moment, Soong Yiren had already arrived at the place where she had buried the black card.    


She took out the shovel that she had prepared earlier and began to dig quickly.    


Beside her, there were people who appeared soundlessly, but they were all knocked down by Aa Mian one by one.    


Soong Yiren used almost the fastest speed, and her hands and feet were almost sore. Finally, she dug out a hard box.    


However, just as she took out the thing, the surrounding lights suddenly lit up one after another!    


"They have backup generators!" Aa Mian cursed in a low voice. Almost instantly, he took out a mask from his pocket and covered Soong Yiren's head.    


Then, he picked up the dirt on the ground and wiped his face. He picked up the box that Soong Yiren had just dug up and stuffed it into his arms. He pulled Soong Yiren up and ran out.    


Chu Mingyao's men arrived faster than he had imagined. Soong Yiren had not even reached the iron fence of the villa when the door was already surrounded by dozens of people.    


Almost instantly, Aa Mian's men had already engaged in a close combat with their men.    


However, because the backup generator only supplied electricity to the villa, the street lights were still dark. Everyone was in a chaotic fight. Soong Yiren could not tell who had the upper hand.    


Because Chu Mingyao had too many people. So, very quickly, more than ten people rushed over.    


Soong Yiren was blocked by Aa Mian behind her. Wearing a black mask on her face, she could only use her eyes to look at the outside world.    


She also learned how to fight at random and learned how to fight at Gong Lingye's place. However, at this moment, her opponent had a knife in her hand. She realized that it would be difficult for her not to drag Aa Mian down!    


They were surrounded by a group of people. Aa Mian's arm was bare, and his bronze-colored muscles were exposed. He held two nunchucks in his hands. As soon as his opponent got close, he attacked like lightning, instantly repelling his opponent.    


"Get ready to leave!" He whispered to Soong Yiren, "Listen to my voice and run out together. Use your fastest speed!"    


At this time, the fight at the villa's entrance had already entered into daydreams. Chu Mingyao's subordinates had already turned on the electrical wires on the iron fence.    


That kind of thing that prevented criminals from escaping was used at the entrance of the villa. In the black sky, it flashed with blue light.    


Obviously, Aa Mian also saw it.    


He frowned and said in a low voice, "Let's go!"    



After saying that, he pulled Soong Yiren and held her in his arms. The two sticks in his hands seemed to carry the wind as they flew into the opponent.    


Some people were hit, while others retreated. They slaughtered their way out a bloody path.    


At the same time, someone shouted at the crowd, "Young master has escaped, we all have to die! Brothers, attack!"    


Immediately, some people who were still intimidated by Aa Mian's imposing manner rushed forward.    


Soong Yiren only felt that the movements of the people beside her paused, and their footsteps seemed to have paused for a moment. After that, her line of sight was completely sealed.    


Her ears were filled with the sounds of fighting and pain. However, she knew that she and Aa Mian had been moving quickly towards the outside!    


A fishy smell suddenly came from the tip of her nose. Soong Yiren then touched a patch of viscous liquid.    


She was shocked. "Aa Mian, you are injured!"    


However, he had already opened the car door and stuffed her in. Then, he fell into the car as well.    


The moment the car started moving, Soong Yiren clearly heard the sound of a knife cutting through the car.    


She was shocked. Unsure, but somehow she asked: "Aa Mian, don't you hate me? Why did you save me?"    


Beside him, the man's voice was still filled with dissatisfaction. However, because he was injured, he seemed to be a little short of breath. "Prince instructed."    


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