Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C108 The Truth of the past

C108 The Truth of the past

0Time passed very quickly, and it was already the day of Lee Xiaozi's wedding.    


Early in the morning, Soong Yiren went to Lee Xiaozi's hotel room.    


The three makeup artists also arrived and gave Soong Yiren, Hee Wanshuang, and Lee Xiaozi makeup respectively.    


After not seeing each other for a few days, Lee Xiaozi was really so thin that she could not be looked anymore. She was 1.6 meters tall and was almost less than 70 kg. The wedding dress that originally fit her seemed to have become loose at this moment.    


Soong Yiren looked at her thin face and felt an indescribable sadness in her heart.    


She still had not received a call from Beiming Mo. It was a pity that these twin sisters did not have the chance to meet in the end.    


Back then, Soong Yiren and Beiming Mo had agreed that as long as the other party married, she would be the other party's bridesmaid. Now, Soong Yiren stood by Lee Xiaozi's side and looked at the girl beside her. In a trance, she seemed to have seen Beiming Mo again.    


At this moment, Lee Xiaozi received a call. Then, a smile appeared on the corner of her lips. She said to Soong Yiren, "Ruonuan, do you still remember that auntie you saw in the hospital ward that day? She and I don't know why. We both have a kind and intimate feeling towards each other, so she later accepted me as her goddaughter! She also wants to attend my wedding!"    


In an instant, Soong Yiren's throat seemed to be blocked and her eyes also became somewhat hot.    


She slowed down and then smiled and said: "That's great. That auntie looks nice too. She must miss her daughter very much. " Your mother is also gone. Why don't you just treat her as your biological mother! "    


I think so too. " Lee Xiaozi smiled and looked at Soong Yiren. Her eyes were filled with envy and affection, "Ruonuan, I feel that health is really very good!"    


Soong Yiren did not know what to say. She stretched out her arm and hugged Lee Xiaozi. "Xiaozi, you will be the most beautiful and happiest bride today!"    


Time passed very quickly. Until 9: 30 in the morning, Hee Wanshuang looked down from the hotel's floor-to-ceiling window and saw a luxurious motorcade.    


"They are here!" Hee Wanshuang stood up and tidied her long dress. Then, she helped Lee Xiaozi to the bedside.    


Not long after, the groom and groomsman outside also arrived.    


Originally, the best man was Gong Lingye and Xuanyuan Che's, but because Xuanyuan Che had some matters to attend to, he could not come from Ning Country, so Gong Mochen replaced him.    


The moment the hotel door opened, Soong Yiren looked up and saw Gong Lingye walking behind Luo Tianqi.    


He was wearing a formal suit today. The well-cut suit wrapped his body up and made him look tall and fit. He had neat short hair and a sharp chin line. He looked handsome, but he was also cold to the point that no one could look at him.    


He did not look at her, but Gong Mochen's eyes fell on her. The moment he saw Soong Yiren, he seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then he quickly looked away.    


On the other side, Luo Tianqi had already carried Lee Xiaozi and walked out of the hotel.    


He was wearing a black suit today. His tie was red and there was a red rose on his chest. He had a smile on his lips and looked handsome and sunny.    


He brought Lee Xiaozi into the car. Behind them, Soong Yiren and Gong Lingye also got into the car and drove towards the Luo clan's hotel.    


It was unknown if it was deliberately arranged, but Soong Yiren and Gong Lingye got into the same car. Both of them sat in the back row, and Soong Yiren wore a pink bridesmaid's dress. In the convertible sports car, the wind blew, and the skirt flew to Gong Lingye's legs.    


She quickly reached out to pull it and quickly and awkwardly said, "Sorry."    


He replied, "It's okay."    


Not sure if it was because the atmosphere was particularly awkward, Soong Yiren felt that the journey was exceptionally long.    


Her skirt was always blown away. Because she turned a few times faster, her body also involuntarily leaned towards Gong Lingye.    


She was extremely vexed. Soong Yiren even wanted to thank him for the information he gave her, but she could not say it even after rolling her lips a few times.    


Finally, they reached the wedding venue just like that. Soong Yiren finally let out a sigh of relief.    


Gong Lingye got out of the car and walked to her side to help her open the car door.    


When she bowed and came out, she looked up and saw the sharp lines on his neck.    


She said, "Thank you."    


He said lightly. "You're welcome."    


As he spoke, his Adam's apple rolled gently. The sharp protrusion on his Adam's apple was like the tip of a sharp blade on an ice mountain in the North Pole.    


At that moment, Soong Yiren realized that Gong Lingye's coldness was engraved in his bones, unlike Gong Mochen's. At first glance, it seemed cold, but it only existed on the surface.    


The best man and bridesmaids entered the venue one after another. Because the wedding was not yet scheduled, everyone was greeting the guests.    


There weren't many people invited today. They were all Luo Tianqi's best friends.    


Luo Tianqi had a rather friendly personality. Although he had spent a lot of time in Ning Country in the past few years, he still had many friends.    


He took Lee Xiaozi to the lounge to rest first, while he chatted with his uncle and friends outside.    


At this moment, a man was pushed over by a couple. His face was a little unfamiliar.    


"Mr. Luo, I'm Zhang Ai Hui. I wonder if I can delay your time?" The man in the wheelchair said.    


Luo Tianqi paused for a second and then said, "Okay, let's talk over there."    


The two of them came to a quiet place, and Luo Tianqi opened his mouth first. "Xiaozi is not in a good condition right now. Mr. Zhang, your identity is awkward. Don't get involved in the matter between me and her!"    


"Mr. Luo, you misunderstood." Zhang Aihui had just finished the surgery a few days ago. She looked very pale and spoke very slowly. "I don't know if Mr. Luo would like to hear a story."    


After he finished speaking, he started to tell the story. "Xiaozi and I are classmates in university. Her family background is average. She had a boyfriend with an even poorer family background. That person was you. I knew about it a long time ago."    


"You two have been together for three years. Originally, everything was fine. As long as you graduate and find a job, in fact, no matter how difficult it is, it can still pass. " However, at that time, Xiaozi's mother was sick and urgently needed a large sum of money to pay for her medical expenses. "    


"Xiaozi had already thought of all sorts of ways, but she still could not gather that money. Her mother's surgery was imminent, so she had no choice but to go out and borrow from a loan shark."    


"The money from the loan sharks was used to perform surgery on her mother, but before her mother could wake up, the loan sharks found her."    


"She didn't dare to say that to you. The only thing she could do was break up."    


"Coincidentally, I was forced to marry by my family during that period of time. I am a gay. Xiaozi always knew that I like men. "I heard that she is in need of money. My family's business is doing well and my family's financial situation is not bad. "That's why I proposed to fake a marriage with her. I'll give her a loan, and she'll help me deal with my parents."    


"This is the origin of our marriage"    



Zhang Ai Hui then looked up and said: "You already know what happened next. She has been in love with you for so many years, "She has never betrayed you. I came today to say that it wasn't easy for her. I hope you cherish her well in her last moments. "    


"I wish you happiness."    


After he finished speaking, he turned his wheelchair around and left.    


Luo Tianqi's eyes instantly turned red.    


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