Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C131 Gong Lingye Has Been Completely Ignored

C131 Gong Lingye Has Been Completely Ignored

0After Soong Yiren replied to Gong Lingye's message, she turned off her phone.    


She slept soundly the night before. When she woke up the next morning, she looked at the unfamiliar surroundings around her. She even had a feeling that she did not know what night it was.    


Perhaps because Soong Yiren flipped over and alarmed Beiming Mo beside her, she also opened her eyes.    


Their eyes met and the sleepy eyes of the two were startled. Immediately after, they reached out and hugged each other.    


"I am so afraid that this is a dream!"    


"I'm also worried that everything will be gone after I wake up."    


Fortunately, this was not a dream. They could feel each other's warmth. It was real and fresh.    


The two of them got bored on the bed for a while before stretching and getting up.    


Beiming Mo ordered breakfast delivery online. The two of them wore pajamas and had chicken buns on their heads. They got up and went to brush their teeth and wash their faces.    


Just as they washed their faces, there was the sound of a knock on the door.    


Beiming Mo pouted. She muttered, "The delivery came so quickly!"    


Soong Yiren thought of something, "I'll go and open the door."    


Although Chu Mingyao thought Beiming Mo was dead, Beiming Mo was not like her. After changing her identity and appearance, this was Ning Country. It was better to be careful.    


She walked to the door and looked outside through the gap in the courtyard.    


She saw a man sitting in a wheelchair in the early morning mist. His familiar and deep eyes were looking in her direction.    


Soong Yiren knew that Gong Lingye could not see her. But at that moment, she did not know why, but she felt nervous as if she was looking at someone.    


But immediately after, she suppressed all her feelings and hesitated on how to deal with it.    


Behind her, Beiming Mo had already jumped over, "Yiyi, why aren't you opening the door? Isn't it take-out? I'm so hungry! "    


As she spoke, she had already reached Soong Yiren's side and stuck her head out to look outside.    


Eh... "Before Beiming Mo could see the man's face clearly, Soong Yiren said," Momo, I need to take care of some matters. "    


After she said that, she opened the door.    


Gong Lingye only felt that his eyes lit up in front of him. Immediately, two girls in pajamas and with messy hair ran into his line of sight.    


He was slightly stunned, and then his gaze landed on Soong Yiren and said, "Nuan."    


Soong Yiren lightly said, "Is there something wrong?"    


Beside her, Beiming Mo bit Soong Yiren's ear, "You still say that there is no situation and yet you are still not explaining. Where did this top quality man come from?"    


As she spoke, she sized up Gong Lingye from head to toe and said with regret. "Yiyi, you did not agree because he is handicapped, right? Sigh, why did God give him a perfect face and a unique and noble temperament, but wanted to take away his long legs?"    


Soong Yiren originally did not have a good mood. It was also not bad. But when she heard Beiming Mo's words, she could not help but laugh.    


When Gong Lingye saw her smile, he immediately turned the wheelchair around and approached her. "Nuan, I have been looking for you. Your pain is not painful. Is there any other discomfort?"    


Behind him, Pei Jun, who was pushing his wheelchair, saw Gong Lingye enter the courtyard. He immediately turned around and left, as if he was not worried that his boss would not be in good health. Liang Yuxing, if he didn't have the ability to take care of himself, would there be any problems?    


He even started the car and drove away.    


Soong Yiren looked at the disappearing car in the distance. For the first time in her heart, she scolded Pei Jun a thousand times.    


"If it's not take-out, then ignore it." She turned her head and said to Beiming Mo.    


Seeing that Beiming Mo was still curiously looking at Gong Lingye, she added another sentence. "Momo, you did not comb your hair and did not put on makeup. You are still wearing a nightdress."    




Soong Yiren understood Beiming Mo the most and knew that she had to dress up whenever she saw strangers. So with just one sentence, she really made Eldest Miss turn around and run into the room.    


Soong Yiren was good at her feet and naturally disappeared very quickly just like Beiming Mo.    


Therefore, in less than five seconds, there was only one inconvenient Gong Lingye left in the courtyard.    


At this moment, in the bathroom, Beiming Mo combed her hair and said, "Yiyi, you are still not telling the truth. Who is that man?"    


Soong Yiren knew that she could not escape, so she could only explain the matter between her, Gong Lingye, and Gong Mochen. Then she said, "Anyway, the matter between me and him is over. Momo, I feel that my time and energy are limited and he cannot give me a sense of security and trust. So, I won't have anything to do with him in the future."    


When Beiming Mo heard Soong Yiren say that Gong Lingye always chose Gu Tingxue in life and death situations, her impression of him also fell drastically.    


She nodded, "Alright. Then let's ignore him! Yiyi, we can just accompany each other from now on. "Men are all big pig trotters. When I go back, I will dump my boyfriend!"    


Soong Yiren did not know whether to laugh or cry. "Momo, did that person in your family offend you? Don't be biased!"    


"Alright, we'll see when the time comes! Let's not talk about men anymore!" Beiming Mo's phone rang. She picked it up and answered, "Yes. Yes, it's the courtyard. Come in!"    


"Breakfast is here!" Beiming Mo said and pressed Soong Yiren on the seat. "Wait for me to get breakfast. Don't worry. As for the man who came to snatch you from me, I won't be soft-hearted!"    


In the courtyard, Gong Lingye looked at the tightly shut door and did not move.    


He had arrived in Pingcheng yesterday and almost made Pei Jun investigate all the hotels. Until late at night, there was still no news from the other side.    


It was not until he received a reply from the other side on WeChat, saying that Soong Yiren had paid the fare on WeChat that he tracked her to this small courtyard.    


At that time, because his body had yet to recover, he had already fallen asleep.    


This morning, he had just woken up and found out Soong Yiren's location, so he had Pei Jun send him over.    


When he saw that she was safe and sound, his heart finally calmed down.    


However, he did not expect that he would actually see her little sister.    



He felt somewhat frustrated. So she had such a good friend... He actually knew nothing about it...    


Beiming Mo ran over from Gong Lingye's side and went to the door to get breakfast from the delivery guy. Then, as she walked into the room, she said, "Baby Nuan, breakfast is here."    


Baby Nuan, the name she just gave Soong Yiren. Since she could not use the original form of address, then this also seemed to be not bad!    


When Gong Lingye heard 'Baby Nuan', the corners of his mouth twitched.    


Following which, Soong Yiren's voice sounded from the room. "Okay, my dear, let's eat breakfast!"    


Gong Lingye watched Beiming Mo send breakfast to the room and then the two of them closed the door and started to eat.    


There was a window in the dining hall and the courtyard outside. Because it was summer, the window was open. There was only a window in the middle.    


The faces of the two girls inside became somewhat blurry, but their voices were exceptionally clear.    


Gong Lingye realized that he had never seen Soong Yiren like this before.    


She could laugh, make a fuss, act spoiled, and even say some jokes to make people laugh.    


He suddenly felt a little envious. An indescribable sense of loss welled up in his heart. Along with his empty stomach, he felt inexplicably tormented.    


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