Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C96 First Time Torturing Su Yunfei!

C96 First Time Torturing Su Yunfei!

0"Of course." Chu Mingyao's smile deepened. "I didn't expect to see you in the Ningcheng University that day. I didn't expect you to be so talented! If I knew about this, I would have left you my contact details earlier and invited you to join our Haisheng! I just don't know, isn't it late now? "    


Soong Yiren smiled. "Director Chu, I still have a year before I graduate!"    


"It doesn't matter. I am willing to spend a lot of time waiting and nurturing outstanding talents." Chu Mingyao invited, "I wonder if Miss Yu has time. Shall we go and have a chat?"    


As the two were talking, the sound of high heels came from behind them.    


Soong Yiren knew that Su Yunfei had come. She originally wanted to reject Chu Mingyao, but at this moment, she had an idea.    


The reason Chu Mingyao could treat her like that was not because of his true love for Su Yunfei.    


After all, if a man could use such a cruel method to cherish his sister who had been with him for so many years, then he would be the only one in the world of love.    


He was an extremely selfish person, so how could he possibly like another woman without any reservation?    


Then, he would take advantage of this opportunity and take advantage of the fact that they were all here to test it out!    


Soong Yiren seemed to have considered it for a moment before saying: "Alright, Director Chu. Then I'll tell my classmate."    


Chu Mingyao nodded. At this moment, Su Yunfei had already arrived beside him and announced her authority. She held Chu Mingyao's arm.    


Soong Yiren picked up her phone and sent a message to Xiao Pei, asking him to leave first. Then she put away her phone and smiled at Chu Mingyao, "Sorry."    


A girl in her twenties was the age where water could be seen on her face. Coupled with the fact that she was very beautiful and was wearing a navy dress, she was so pure that it made people sigh.    


Su Yunfei saw that Chu Mingyao's eyes were all on Soong Yiren. The fire of jealousy in her heart was burning.    


She leaned on Chu Mingyao's body as if she was weak and boneless. Her voice was also more charming than any other time. "Hubby, this is?"    


"This is Yu Ruonuan." Chu Mingyao smiled.    


Soong Yiren blinked innocently and asked, "So Director Chu is married? Big sister, are you Director Chu's wife?"    


Su Yunfei's face immediately darkened when she heard that.    


What did he mean by 'Eldest Sister'?    


She was only 28 years old this year. However, all of them had changed their age when they started their career as models. She wrote 24 in her external profile!    


Furthermore, she had been taking care of herself all these years. She was confident in her figure and face. This stinky girl, who had yet to dry her breasts, actually called her 'Big Sister'?!    


However, what made Su Yunfei even angrier was that when Chu Mingyao heard Soong Yiren ask this, he was immediately displeased.    


Chu Mingyao was a person who paid a lot of attention to his reputation, so it was only after Soong Yiren 'died' for three years that he dared to openly date Su Yunfei.    


And they announced to the public that they had just been dating a couple of months ago. They did not even get engaged, so what kind of marriage was there to talk about?    


Thus, he immediately said with a serious expression: This is Su Yunfei. She is the spokesperson of our company and also my girlfriend."    


To Su Yunfei, this was a complete slap in the face!    


Her chest heaved up and down, but since she was outside, there was no way for her to act up. She could only force her face, which had been beaten up quite a bit, to become somewhat distorted.    


Soong Yiren, however, did not seem to notice this kind of atmosphere at all. She naively smiled and said, "Wow, you guys are out for a vacation? So sweet! " Director Chu came to watch the competition and even brought his girlfriend with him. So sweet! "    


These words came out of a little girl's mouth. There was nothing wrong with it, and no one would doubt her motive.    


But, who was Chu Mingyao? He instantly felt a fire burning in his heart, and even his face became somewhat dull.    


He originally did not plan to bring Su Yunfei with him when he came to Hua this time. But this woman kept pestering him. Su Yunfei had followed him for a few years, so she naturally knew what to do with him. So, he could not tolerate her pestering and brought her over.    


However, it would be fine if she did not dress up for this kind of thing. He put on some clothes. It was even pointed out by a student, which made him feel extremely embarrassed.    


After all, which CEO would bring his wife on a business trip? Furthermore, it was not a wife, but a girlfriend?    


This was simply saying that he had been pinched by a woman and that he was a man who did not differentiate between public and private matters!    


On the side, Su Yunfei also realized that Chu Mingyao was angry. She immediately smiled and said, "It's not like that either. I also have a collaboration to discuss. When I heard that Mingyao was coming over, I went with him."    


Soong Yiren finally understood why there were so many women but Su Yunfei had entered Chu Mingyao's eyes.    


This woman would stop when she saw something good. No matter how uncomfortable it was, she could grit her teeth and swallow it into her stomach. It could be said that she and Chu Mingyao were the same kind of people!    


But Soong Yiren did not plan to let her go. "Alright. Director Chu just said that he wanted to talk about entering the Haisheng with me. Eldest Sister, do you want to go together?"    


This time, without waiting for Su Yunfei to speak, Chu Mingyao had already opened his mouth. "Yun Fei, aren't you going to see a friend? You can go over. I'll call you after the discussion. I'll pick you up when the time comes."    


"Alright." Su Yunfei gave Soong Yiren a stab in the eye from an angle that Soong Yiren could not see. She kissed Chu Mingyao on the side of his face before turning around and leaving.    


"Little classmate, are you a native of Imperial City?" Chu Mingyao said, "Why don't you choose the location?"    


Soong Yiren said playfully. "Sure, Director Chu. I can be considered the landlord. I'll treat you!"    


Chu Mingyao smiled. He felt that he had seen his youthful vigor on such a vigorous face. His smile became gentler and gentler. "You don't have to be so polite with me. I am 29 years old this year. I should be ten years older than you. You can just call me big brother!"    


Soong Yiren quickly waved her hand. "Director Chu, you are the big CEO. How can I be embarrassed? "    


Chu Mingyao said, "It's nothing. If I continue to go to school, I will only graduate from the doctorate now. You can also call me senior brother."    


Soong Yiren's heart was so disgusted that she did not know how to describe it. However, there was a hesitant expression on her face. "Then I'll, think about it!"    


Chu Mingyao was amused by her and felt that the little girl beside him was really cute. Compared to Su Yunfei, who was already very familiar with her, she was thousands of times more pleasing to the eye. It made his whole body light up.    


So he connived and said: "Okay, that's up to you. Think about it slowly. I'm not in a hurry."    


The two of them walked forward while joking. Soong Yiren looked at the side profile of the man beside her and felt that it was somewhat unbelievable.    


Hehe, after experiencing that kind of enmity, she was actually still able to act in front of him like this!    


Furthermore, it was so realistic that even someone as meticulous as him was unable to see through it!    



It seemed that ever since she returned from the Ning Country with a restless heart, her mental construction had not been in vain!    


The two of them each had their own thoughts as they walked forward. Soong Yiren walked as she used her phone to check the coffee shop nearby. She turned her head and said, "Director Chu, how's the coffee at this place?"    


"I can do anything." Chu Mingyao said gently, "It is my honor to be able to treat little classmate Yu to a meal!"    


However, as soon as he finished speaking, he heard a male voice coming from the side.    


Gong Lingye and Gong Mochen slowly walked in. Gong Lingye's eyes seemed to inadvertently sweep across Soong Yiren's face. He looked at Chu Mingyao and said, "I wonder if Mochen and I have the honor to be invited by Mr. Chu?"    


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