Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C67 It's All Wet

C67 It's All Wet

0After the flight, everything went well and there was no more danger.    


After leaving the airport, Soong Yiren went straight back to school. In the next few days, almost every day, the laboratory and MSRA ran on both sides until it was the weekend.    


On Saturday morning, Soong Yiren received a call from Gong Lingye. "Nuan, I will ask Aa Mian to pick you up. He will be at your school in twenty minutes."    


Soong Yiren knew that she had to go even if she did not want to, so she could only change her clothes and eat breakfast before walking to the school gate.    


Aa Mian had already arrived. He helped Soong Yiren open the backseat door and spoke very lightly. "Prince asked me to take you to the fitness center. He will be there shortly."    


"The fitness centre?" Soong Yiren remembered that Gong Lingye had said that her physical strength was too weak and that he wanted to take her to the fitness centre. It seemed that he had come for real.    


"Yes." Aa Mian was wearing sunglasses. His wheat colored skin seemed to have been plated with gold in the morning sun. His jaw line was taut and he looked like a person who should not be entered. Clearly, he did not like to talk to Soong Yiren.    


However, ten minutes later, he suddenly opened his mouth. "Yesterday was Miss Gu's 23rd birthday. Young Master Di accompanied her very late and delayed a lot of work. He might be late to the fitness center today."    


Soong Yiren immediately understood. Aa Mian's explanation was a lie. In reality, he was simply telling her that Gong Lingye only treated her as a relationship. Humans, Gu Tingxue and others were the true love!    


However, Aa Mian had really miscalculated. She did not like Gong Lingye at all. Not only was she not sad when she heard these words, but she also wished that Gong Lingye and Gu Tingxue could live forever!    


Aa Mian saw that Soong Yiren did not show any signs of sadness on her face. He frowned even more tightly. He did not know why, but his mood became even worse.    


After that, there was no word on the way until Soong Yiren arrived at the fitness centre.    


The person in charge had already received the notice, so when Soong Yiren arrived, he brought her to the practice room upstairs.    


"Hello, Miss Yu. I am Zhang He, your mixed martial arts coach. From today onwards, I will teach you the most basic defensive technique... The man was wearing a vest and sports pants. His body was strong, but it was not an exaggeration.    


Soong Yiren did not expect Gong Lingye to say that fitness training was to learn these practical skills and was immediately delighted. After all, these things might come in handy at any time.    


Thus, when Gong Lingye arrived at the fitness centre, he saw through the transparent glass wall that Soong Yiren was learning all kinds of skills inside.    


Her hair was tied into a ponytail and tied up high above her head. She wore a short-sleeved sports shirt on her upper body and a pair of exercise pants on her lower body.    


Because she was exercising, a thin layer of sweat appeared on her full forehead. Her cheeks were red, and she looked energetic and young.    


She learned seriously and only found him after he stood there for a while. Then, she smiled at him.    


Gong Lingye curled his lips. It seemed like she had taken the initiative to smile at him once or twice.    


He did not disturb her. Instead, he went downstairs and communicated with the person in charge of the fitness center. He looked at the series of fitness plans that the other party had formulated before going to his private gym.    


Soong Yiren's physical strength was indeed somewhat weak. After forty minutes of training, she was somewhat unable to bear it.    


Zhang He let her go and rest for a while. She drank some water and heard from the staff here that Gong Lingye was waiting for her in another room.    


She walked over and saw him playing football.    


The wall ball was a sport that consumed a lot of stamina. Because the speed of the ball was too fast, if one were to play it alone, they would need to run all over the field.    


His hair is already wet from sweat, and his vest is also soaked with sweat, outlining the obvious outline of his muscles. In addition, every time he exerted force, the muscles on his arms and chest bulged up, filled with a sense of strength. It was completely different from when he usually wore a suit to abstinate his desire.    


At this moment, he was filled with an invasive aura of hormones, but it was also inexplicably eye-catching.    


After saving a ball, Gong Lingye saw Soong Yiren from the corner of his eye.    


He turned around and elegantly hooked the ball onto the racket. He turned around and walked towards her. "Nuan, have you finished training?"    


"The coach told me to rest for a while." Soong Yiren said.    


Gong Lingye took a racket from the cabinet outside and gave it to Soong Yiren. "Let's play together."    


Soong Yiren shook her head. "I don't know how to play." She really didn't know how to. In the past, she actually didn't like sports. At most, she just swam. There was nothing else.    


Gong Lingye, however, placed the beat into her hands without saying anything. "It's okay. I can learn this very quickly."    


He pulled her into the wall room. She watched him start to wave the ball and then the ball flew towards her.    


Soong Yiren was shocked and quickly swung the ball, but the ball had already flown far away from her.    


Behind him, Gong Lingye quickly saved the ball and the ball flew towards the wall again.    


After that, almost every time Soong Yiren could not catch the ball, Gong Lingye beside her would catch it, so the ball rarely fell to the ground.    


Although Soong Yiren did not catch a few balls, she was also tired to the point of gasping for breath. In less than ten minutes, her clothes were already wet. It was even more tiring than practicing the foundation for half an hour.    


Gong Lingye saw this and put away the racket. He took a towel and gave it to her. "Good boy, go and change your clothes."    


Gong Lingye's gym had an independent locker room. Soong Yiren went in and found Gong Lingye's clothes neatly hung inside. However, there were a few sets of women's clothing next to him. None of them had been removed. Clearly, they had been put in these two days.    


She wiped off the sweat on her body and took a set to change into. When she changed her clothes, she felt weak all over.    


After changing, she walked out and felt a little annoyed: "Coach Zhang said to rest for half an hour just now, but I'm even more tired than before."    


Gong Lingye walked behind her. "Very tired?"    


Soong Yiren shrunk her neck vigilantly. "What do you want to do?"    


He laughed in a low voice. "If I really want to do something to you, you can still be a virgin now. A woman? "    


Soong Yiren did not expect Gong Lingye to suddenly say this. The good impression she had of him when he asked her to hire a rogue coach suddenly disappeared. She jumped away from him and said to him, "Can you not be so perverted at any time?"    


Gong Lingye pulled her over and his hand landed on her shoulder. The strength in his hand was moderate. "I just helped you relax a little."    


The place where he massaged was exactly where her sore spot was. After pinching it a few times, it really relaxed her tight muscles a lot. However, before Soong Yiren could say thank you, she heard Gong Lingye say. "Or, do you want me to be perverted towards you?"    


Soong Yiren,... "" As expected, men are all big pig trotters!    


At this moment, Soong Yiren's phone rang. It was an unfamiliar phone number, but she still answered it.    


"Miss Yu, I am the housekeeper of Gong Family, Gao Lin." The voice of the executive came from the receiver, "Madam said that the flowers at the back mountain manor of Gong Family have been blooming quite well recently, and she invited you to go and enjoy the flowers. I wonder if you have time tomorrow afternoon? "    



Soong Yiren was shocked. This was the first time Gong Mochen's mother took the initiative to contact her.    


She had gone to the Gong Family more than once. Gong Mochen's mother had always been indifferent to her, but why did she take the initiative to invite her? It should be a Hongmen Banquet, right?    


"I have time tomorrow. What time should I go tomorrow afternoon?" Soong Yiren thought that even if it was a Hongmen Banquet, she would have to try it. At least she knew what the other party meant before she could make the next step of the plan.    


"At three o'clock in the afternoon, I will send a chauffeur to your school to pick you up." The executive said.    


After hanging up the phone, Soong Yiren met Gong Lingye's questioning gaze and explained, "Your sister-in-law invited me to go and admire the flowers."    


Gong Lingye took a look at Soong Yiren's phone display. It was the seat of Gong Family. He narrowed his eyes and then curled his lips, "Nuan, it seems that my sister-in-law wants to be your sister-in-law, not your mother-in-law!"    


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