Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C39 Call Her Wife

C39 Call Her Wife

0Soong Yiren followed Gong Lingye upstairs and saw a man in his thirties sitting in the private room. He had a beard on his face, and he was holding a beautiful woman in his arms. Behind him were three subordinates.    


When he saw Gong Lingye, he stood up and shook hands with a smile. "Young Master Ye, long time no see!"    


Gong Lingye shook hands with him. "Brother Wan, long time no see!"    


Wan Chengrui smiled and sat down with Gong Lingye. His eyes fell on Soong Yiren. "This is Miss Gu?"    


At this moment, Soong Yiren really understood how well Gu Tingxue was protected by Gong Lingye.    


At least, she had searched Gong Lingye's information on the Internet before and it did not mention that he had a girlfriend. She searched for Gu Tingxue of the Gu family, but she did not even find a picture of Gu Tingxue.    


No wonder these people only knew that Gong Lingye had Gu Tingxue, but no one had seen her before.    


Perhaps some of the enemies had seen Gu Tingxue before, but they were all dead.    


Gong Lingye pulled Soong Yiren over and let her sit beside him. His arm landed on her shoulder, half hugging her, and he smiled at Wan Chengrui. "Brother Wan, you know a lot about me."    


He did not directly answer Soong Yiren's identity. He neither denied nor admitted it. He just used his finger to hook Soong Yiren's hair and said to Wan Chengrui, "Can we start now?"    


"Why are you in such a hurry to go back and play with Miss Gu?" Wan Chengrui joked and made a gesture to his subordinate.    


His subordinate immediately went to buy chips, and the waiter in the casino started to prepare to give out cards.    


"Two rounds?" Gong Lingye leaned back in the chair, his fingers lightly tapping on the table. "The first round, I bet all the shares of Heavenly Palace Group in my hands."    


His tone was casual, but what he said shocked Soong Yiren.    


She did not expect Gong Lingye to place such a big bet in the first round.    


"Do you dare to bet with me?" Gong Lingye raised his eyes, his eyes deep.    


On the opposite side, Wan Chengrui's expression changed, then he gritted his teeth and said, "I can bet with you, but I'm afraid you will lose too badly. After all, your mother is already old. Besides you, there is only Gong Mochen in Gong Family. "    


Gong Lingye smiled. "You don't have to worry about that."    


The waiter started to hand out the cards. Gong Lingye looked at the cards, then looked away. He gently knocked on the table and said, "Brother Wan, once you open the cards, you won't have the chance to regret it."    


Wan Chengrui touched the cards. He hesitated for a moment, then said, "Open."    


So, his subordinate took out Wan Chengrui's shares and seal in Jiujiang Society and placed them in the middle.    


Similarly, Gong Lingye pushed the book of shares of Heavenly Palace Group forward.    


The cards were opened one by one. Although Soong Yiren came from a wealthy family, she had never seen a big bet. Therefore, when she saw that Gong Lingye's three poker cards were not connected, but Wan Chengrui's poker cards were connected, her heart sank. Could Gong Lingye have lost?    


However, when Wan Chengrui saw Gong Lingye's cards, his face instantly turned ashen.    


"Sorry, Brother Wan." Gong Lingye smiled. "I won."    


Both sides immediately signed the contract under the witness of the casino lawyer. When both sides signed the contract, the chips were officially in effect.    


"Sorry, I'm going to the bathroom" Gong Lingye said and got up to go to the bathroom in the private room.    


Soon, he came back and loosened his collar a little. He seemed to feel that the tie was a burden. He took off his tie and leaned against the back of the chair. He looked casual and lazy. "Brother Wan, shall we have another round?"    


This was what Wan Chengrui had been waiting for. After all, he had lost everything. He needed to make a comeback.    


"Last time, our bet was money. This time, let's bet our lives. How about it?" Gong Lingye raised his eyes and stared at Wan Chengrui.    


Wan Chengrui took a deep breath of the cigar. He flicked the ashes off the cigarette and touched the woman beside him. He said to Gong Lingye, "Young Master Ye, isn't this too unfair?"    


"How is it unfair?" Gong Lingye asked with interest.    


"Rumor has it that the people of Gong Family do not live past 32 years old. You are also 30 years old this year, right? You only have two years of lifespan. " Doesn't that mean you have the advantage? " Wan Chengrui spat out a smoke ring.    


Gong Lingye smiled and said, "Then what do you want?"    


"Isn't there a woman here?" Wan Chengrui's gaze landed on Soong Yiren and sized her up without hiding anything. "She is so beautiful, so you have always treasured her. I hope that your life and hers will be a bet. "    


Gong Lingye turned his eyes and looked at Soong Yiren beside him. He seemed to think for a few seconds and then said, "We can add her in our bet."    


Soong Yiren suddenly turned her head and looked at the man beside her.    


Under the crystal lamp. His facial features were even more dazzling, but when she saw the smile on his lips, she only wanted to tear him into pieces!    


This pervert actually brought her here to use as a gambling stake. He was betting on her life!    


If she were to leave this place alive today, one day, she would definitely make him pay the price with his life!    


On the opposite side, Wan Chengrui laughed when he heard this. "Young Master Ye, you are really sincere."    


However, before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Gong Lingye.    


Gong Lingye still had the same attitude as before, but his tone suddenly became cold. "I can use a woman as a bet, but my wife cannot be my bet."    


Wan Chengrui's eyes suddenly became serious, and Soong Yiren also looked over with doubt.    


Gong Lingye extended his arm and pulled Soong Yiren into his embrace. He lowered his head and his lips swept across her forehead as if he was whispering, "Your expression just now was like a angry kitten. Do you think I really want to take you as a bet?"    


His breath landed on Soong Yiren's forehead and it was a little itchy.    


She felt uncomfortable all over, especially when she was hugged by him in public. He even used such an intimate tone and it made her want to push him away.    


But Gong Lingye held her tightly and kissed her on the forehead. Then he turned to Wan Chengrui and said, "I can't use my wife as a bet. But if you think my life is worthless, I can bet on the shares of the Heavenly Palace Corporation again. "    


"Young Master Ye, you really love your wife more than money!" Wan Chengrui laughed loudly. Today, he had the confidence to win the second round of gambling, so he readily agreed. "Alright, we'll do as you say!"    


The waiter started to hand out the cards, and Gong Lingye had a casual look on his face.    


Soong Yiren turned her head and looked at the man beside her. She did not know what he was going to do at all.    



Was he tired of living, or did he think that he could only live up to 32 anyway, so it did not matter?    


However, when his palm was sliding on the back of her waist, his hand gently touched the place where she hid the gun.    


In an instant, Soong Yiren immediately understood what Gong Lingye wanted to do. She did not move. In order to hide the feeling of coldness on her back, she even took the initiative to put her chin on Gong Lingye's shoulder.    


He seemed to be very satisfied and slightly tilted his head. He whispered in her ear, "Nuan."    


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