Reborn Girl: Prince Charming's Hot Wife

C43 The Man You Kissed

C43 The Man You Kissed

0Soon after breakfast, Soong Yiren realized that the helicopter was really fast. In less than ten minutes, it seemed like they were about to reach the school because Aa Mian was preparing to land.    


At this moment, Gong Lingye handed a big bag of things that he had carried when he got into the car to Soong Yiren.    


She opened it and saw that it was bags of liquid packaging, which looked a little like herbal medicine. She could not help but be puzzled. "What is this?"    


"You are not a uterus cold. Does your stomach hurt during the holidays?" Gong Lingye said, "I asked Tingxue to prescribe a prescription for your Palace Warm. Her family is a family of medicine, so the prescription is very useful. Many of the medicine outside are not effective. It was because medicinal plants were planted on a large scale. So I followed the prescription she gave you and got people to find natural herbs. "After boiling the medicinal soup, I'll give it to you."    


He picked up a bag and said, "Take a bag every day after breakfast for half an hour. This is the amount for four days. One treatment course is 21 days. In order to keep it fresh, I'll get people to send it to you every three days."    


Soong Yiren definitely did not expect Gong Lingye to give her this and even more did not expect that the medicinal formula was prepared by Gu Tingxue.    


She was shocked by Gong Lingye's good means. A female friend was actually willing to write uterus colds for another woman he knew so nimbly. A prescription for feeling.    


Seeing that Soong Yiren did not speak, Gong Lingye pinched her face. "Don't worry. The medicine is fine. I won't poison it. What should I do to you? There is no need to go through so much trouble. Tingxue said that you should take a course of treatment. The next time you come for your period, there will be obvious improvement. After that, you can take it at your discretion."    


Soong Yiren took it and felt that her hand was heavy. She looked up at him," Thank you. "    


This time's thanks seem to be more sincere than before. " Gong Lingye seemed to have thought of something. He moved closer to Soong Yiren's ear and whispered, "Even if you are cured, you will not not be unable to differentiate between the period and the first time."    


Soong Yiren thought of the embarrassment from that day and a heat rose on her face. But just as she was about to say something, the plane started to land.    


This seemed to be a square opposite the school. Aa Mian stopped the plane, and Soong Yiren and Gong Lingye jumped down.    


"I'll send you there." Gong Lingye said and took the bag of medicine from Soong Yiren. Then he held her hand naturally with his other hand.    


Walking here for a few more minutes, they would reach the school's entrance. Soong Yiren felt uncomfortable and wanted to pull her hand out but could not move it.    


She had no choice but to follow him across the road and reach the entrance of Imperial City University.    


"I'm here. You should go to work." Soong Yiren could not wait to see this god off.    


He was too eye-catching and her face was also attracted to the eyes. There were already people who were looking over.    


"I will cross the river and break the bridge after I use it?" Gong Lingye narrowed his eyes. "Nuan, I am not satisfied with your attitude."    


She was even more anxious. It was rare for her to show the innocent look of a little girl on her face. "Then what do you want?"    


Gong Lingye turned his face sideways and leaned forward. Obviously, he was asking for a kiss.    


Soong Yiren only felt that he was a f * cking dog. This man was indeed abnormal. He clearly wanted something, but he did not let go of her, who did not like him.    


Early in the morning, he blocked her from going to school, for the sake of a parting kiss.    


She didn't move, bypassing him and was about to walk inside. However, her wrist was pulled by the man.    


He pulled her over. She lost her balance and fell into his arms. She met his dangerous gaze.    


"Nuan, if you don't take the initiative, I will kiss you directly at the entrance of your school!" His tone was full of arrogance and threats.    


Soong Yiren was angry. Seeing that someone seemed to be looking at her again, she thought of the horror of the school forum and had no choice but to stand on her tiptoes and quickly kiss the corner of Gong Lingye's mouth.    


She turned around and ran. He caught up to her again and stuffed the medicine bag into her hands. "Remember, drink it after it's warm."    


Soong Yiren first returned to the dormitory and put down the medicine. Seeing that there were still about ten minutes to go to class, she used hot water to warm the medicine bag and drank a bag first.    


When her roommate Zhang Qianqian saw that she was taking medicine, she asked, "Ruonuan, you haven't recovered from your cold yet? Do you want to take a seat for you?"    


"Let's go together!" Soong Yiren quickly cleaned her mouth, picked up her handbag, and went to the classroom with Zhang Qianqian.    


In the classroom, the class secretary came over with a promotional page and said to everyone, "Students, our school's 90th school anniversary is coming. For this school anniversary, everyone must be enthusiastic about registering! "    


They were AI majors, and there were very few girls. With just one sentence from the team secretary, the classroom instantly became completely silent.    


She didn't feel awkward either, and said to the crowd with a smile: "Why is it that every time I say that I'm going to participate in some sort of performance, you guys stop talking? When I say where there are beauties, why are you guys so enthusiastic?"    


Someone added: "You say where there are beautiful girls, but we aren't enthusiastic either. After all, the most beautiful girl in our school is in our class. We are used to looking at bird's nest and shark fins, so how can we be in the mood to look at vegetables and radishes?"    


When he said this, everyone's gaze immediately fell on Soong Yiren's face.    


When the group secretary saw Soong Yiren, it was as if he saw a treasure. He immediately came over and said, "Ruonuan, I will report the program this time to you! Do you sing, dance, or..."    


Who would have thought that before she could finish speaking, a boy would respond.    


Even if we, Ruonuan, were to stand on the stage, we wouldn't need to perform anything. That would still be beautiful! "    


"Why don't we perform on stage T?"    


"Or a mute!"    


"Ruonuan's voice is so pleasant to listen to. It's all thanks to the dumb show! I think we should sing!"    


Everyone was talking at once, and Soong Yiren had a headache. It was indeed Yu Ruonuan's face that was beautiful and not aggressive. Everyone was overly enthusiastic.    


And she really did not know how to reject this kind of enthusiasm.    


She remembered her life in the ivory tower at the university in her previous life. At that time, she only cared about the various experiments and seemed to rarely participate in these activities.    


"I'll play the piano." "Okay," Soong Yiren said.    


"Wow, Ruonuan, you're still a talented girl!" The students' eyes lit up. "We'll go and present flowers to you when the time comes!"    


The class was bustling with noise and excitement. When Soong Yiren returned to the dormitory, she received an unfamiliar call.    


The caller ID showed that it was from Ning Country. Her heart moved and she picked up the call.    


Yu Ruonuan's Second Elder Sister and Yu Ruoxin's voice came from the receiver, "Nuan -"    


Soong Yiren's hand that was holding the phone suddenly tightened, "Second Elder Sister, how are you over there?"    


Ever since the divorce, Yu Ruoxin went to Ning Country under Soong Yiren's introduction.    



At that time, Yu Ruoxin was still worried because after she graduated from a third-rate university, she married that violent man. When she was 27 years old, she had never attended any classes and did not know what to do when she went overseas.    


However, Soong Yiren's words made her want to get fresh blood for the first time.    


At that time, Wang Kai knew that the Yu family was connected to the Gong Family, so he asked Yu Ruoxin to remarry.    


Yu Ruoxin understood that after remarriage, what awaited her was still the fate of domestic violence. But if she did not remarry, who was her father, Yu Chengzhi? She had no choice.    


But at that time, Soong Yiren said that. "Either you die, or you die after trying, or you live. Second Elder Sister, your life shouldn't be so short. You are only 27 years old. You should have a brighter future. "    


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